Money Loving CEO's Detective Lover

Chapter 100: 11:59 (17)

Chapter 100: 11:59 (17)

Gayoon was glancing around Jina's room. She could not sense the spirits anymore but there was a strange disturbance in that room. In her many years as a ghost seer, she knew that spirits frequent certain places a lot and if they mark an area, a faint trace is left behind. They used that trace to return to the spot and Gayoon was sure that the spirits of that house would also return.

"Lady Cop!" Jina called out Gayoon who was startled.

"Can you help me with my homework?" she asked, widening her large eyes. 

"Which subject?" Gayoon asked.



"Come on!" Jina said, tugging her wrist. Gayoon was in a fix. She sucked at maths!

But it's elementary level, she told herself. I'm sure I can handle that much at least. 

Jina led her to the study desk and took out her books. Pointing at a chapter, she said, "This one! I can't figure out this problem."

Gayoon stared at the question. "If worker A takes 15 days to do a work then how much would he complete in 5 days?"

She gaped at the question while Jina looked at her expectantly. Her head was spinning as she tried to make head or tail of the question. 

"Jina," she began. "Are you really in kindergarten?"

"Yes!" Jina replied. "I get all A's in my classes. Except Maths. I'm terrible at it!"

Seeing Gayoon's helpless look, it seemed that she was also bad at it. But the detective rolled up her sleeves and took the pen in her hand.

"I'm sure we can figure it out!" she declared. "We'll use both our heads!"

"Aye!" Jina proclaimed and both of them got to solving the problem. After two hours, Gayoon stretched her limbs.

"Is the answer 300.55 days?" she asked in dismay. Jina hung her head low.

"No," she sighed. "It's not."

"How many more problems do we have to solve?" Gayoon asked helplessly.

"Ten," Jina replied. Both of them glanced at the math book and were on the verge to cry. This was going to take them all week!

"You know, my dad is pretty good at Math," Jina began. "It's the only subject he worked hard for at school according to Uncle Kanji."

"Eh?" Gayoon gaped. "What about the other subjects?"

"Uncle Kanji said he didn't study them at all but somehow ended up getting the highest marks in all of them," Jina sighed. "Instead of studying, he used to sleep during his free time. My dad is an alien. He's got a photographic memory."

"Some people are just damn lucky!" Gayoon complained. And I used to be chased around by ghosts during my free time! She cursed her luck and her ancestor who was kind to that weird shaman. Why couldn't she mind her own goddamn business?

"Let me go and call him," Jina said, sliding off her chair. Gayoon watched her leave the room and sighed. She glanced at some of Jina's books on the table and frowned a little. The girl was highly interested in thriller books which was unusual. Girls her age liked to read fairy tales or light novels. 

But on Jina's desk there were mystery books by Enid Blyton and Agatha Christie. Gayoon took one out and flipped through the pages. The books were a little too advanced for a girl of her age. She paused at one page where there was a bookmark. There was a paragraph marked with a highlighter.

"As the darkness of the night dawned on the sleepy town," she read. "The people were blissfully asleep, oblivious to the happenings outside. It was nothing special and yet, the domineering presence driving through the sleepy town could not be ignored. Had the townsfolk were awake, they would have been cautious of the stranger who was passing by."

"The hooded man's face was not visible through the dark window pane as he drove on. He was driving a cold storage van, almost as black as the night itself. There seemed nothing to be out of the ordinary about the vehicle but it was quiet. In fact, it was too quiet. The headlights were turned off and the man drove so silently, that no one could hear the van speeding by. It was almost invisible."

Gayoon frowned at the passage. Why did Jina mark this passage? She wondered. She was about to flip the page and read more but the window burst open and a sudden wind gushed in through the room. Startled by the sound, she got up to close the window.

She was about to close the window when something made her freeze. Her heart thumped loudly as the cold figure stood behind her. She could not see it but it knew that she could feel it. The figure was watching her with a strange curiosity but she did not dare to turn around. The chill ran down her spine as the figure approached closer.


The cold whisper of the deceased girl hit her ears, making her shiver in fear. Yumi studied the woman in front of her. She knew that it was the same cop who was in charge of her case but there was something odd about that woman. It was as if she knew that Yumi was standing near her but the detective simply stood in her spot, unmoving.

Slowly, Gayoon closed the windows and locked them. She turned around, brushing past the cold figure and went back to her seat, pretending not to have heard anything. If the ghost knew she could feel its presence, then there was no telling what it would do. Especially to Jina. 

I'll have to handle her in my way, Gayoon decided. She did not move her neck but from the corner of her eye, she glanced at the spot where Yumi stood. The ghost was a little confused and lingered around to see if Gayoon would react. 

When she did not do anything, Yumi sighed and disappeared. Jina had asked her and Casper to chill elsewhere for the next few nights since Gayoon would be staying with them. So Yumi went back to stalking that doctor she had seen at the hospital.

Gayoon was relieved when the cold figure left. Her hands were clammy with sweat and she was shaking out of fear. 

"What's going on?" She whispered.


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