Money Loving CEO's Detective Lover

Chapter 89: 11:59 (6)

Chapter 89: 11:59 (6)

Gayoon was pouting as Minho drove on. He noticed that she was quiet and was probably grumbling inwardly about how he dragged her with him. But for some reason, his temper flared up when he heard that her partner was going to drop her off home and he acted on an impulse.

There was no way he would let her go anywhere with that guy!

"Hey, this is not the way to my house!" Gayoon frowned as Minho took a right turn away from the route to her neighborhood.

"I know," he simply shrugged. "Since you're free, you can just accompany me."

"Accompany you where?" Gayoon demanded.

"My investor's meeting," he replied. "Jongin took the day off and I need a stand in secretary to take the meeting minutes."

It was a lie though. He did not really need Jongin at the meeting but he was not going to tell her that. Gayoon was shocked.

"What?" she exclaimed. "You expect me to pretend to be your secretary? I can't do that! I don't even know what to do."

"Smile, nod and write everything you hear," he stated with a little smirk.

Gayoon gaped at him. Was he serious?

"I might end up making a mistake!" she claimed. "And cause your company to lose money."

"I doubt I'll lose any money," he said with confidence. "Besides, cops like you are fast with writing since you guys take testimonies from witnesses everyday."

Gayoon was now getting more irritated. What was going on with the money lover? Did he finally lose his screws?

Minho, on the other hand, hid his amusement behind his impassiveness. For some reason, he was happy to get some free moments with Gayoon. After that disastrous date, they were barely able to spend time together and after the CCK's reappearance, things became even more complicated. 

None of them were sure where they stood in their relationship but he knew that they needed to figure things out. Quickly.

"I can't go like this!" Gayoon said in a last attempt to ditch. She pointed at her uniform, secretly glad that she decided not to dress up in her civilian clothes for that day. "Your business partner might get intimidated."

Minho briefly glanced at her. "You do have a point," he said slowly. 

Gayoon smiled, feeling triumphant. There was no way the money lover would take her to an important business meeting in this attire. It would make him lose a lot of money and cause embarrassment.


"What is this?" Gayoon asked in dismay. "Please tell me you are not serious!"

"I am, " Minho smirked.

He had pulled up in front of an exclusive boutique which was owned by Alexandra Riori, the only foreign designer in Country K. He was the best and most expensive designer in the country. Gayoon gaped at the small shop, her mouth hanging in awe. 

"I am not buying any clothes from there!" Gayoon protested. "Nuh uh! One dress from here is equal to my three months' salary!"

"Don't worry, I get free stuff from him," Minho shrugged. 


"This is my property," Minho explained. "He simply rents it. I'll just cut the money from his rent. He shares his profits with my company anyway so a little less money for one month won't really affect me in any way."

Gayoon could only bemoan and curse her fate for this. Rich people sure had it easy. I'll not take it for free, she decided. Maybe I'll ask if I can rent it for cheap.

The posh boutique was neatly lined with clothes which were a cross between bright and sophisticated. Mannequins were dressed in the sleek and chic styles ranging from formal wear to casual dresses. Gayoon stared at all of them with a mix of shock and admiration. 

There was one suit in particular which caught her eye. The peach colored jacket seemed perfect for her slender figure. The cloth was slit across the wrists till a little before the arms while the shirt inside was designed in a skewed manner. The pants were long and straight cut while the waist was wrapped by a peach belt made of cloth. 

The simple and stylish suit was perfect for her but unfortunately it was not for rent. Minho noticed that Gayoon was ogling at the suit.

"Do you like it?" he asked.

"N-no!" she lied, not wanting to take that expensive suit for free. It made her uncomfortable to even think about it. She was feeling out of place inside the expensive shop which clearly catered to the elites. The store keepers were also giving her an odd look and they were also somewhat fearful thanks to the uniform she was wearing. 

Minho sensed her discomfort and clear infatuation with the suit but did not say anything. Gayoon simply looked around, trying to find the cheapest dress she could find. It was only for one afternoon so she did not need a fancy dress. 

She picked out a random black suit which was put up for rent. It was oversized but who cared? She was only doing it for one afternoon.

"This one!" she said. Minho eyed her choice which was obviously one of the spare suits the store kept to rent out.

"It's for a guy," he pointed out. 

"So?" she asked. "I can wear it for a few hours and return it."

Minho shook his head and strode over to snatch the suti from her hand.

"Hey!" she frowned but he was not listening. Instead, he handed her the pink suit she was eyeing.

"Go and change," he ordered.

"I can't take this!" she hissed. "It's not for rent!"

"I told you, I can get stuff for free here," he said warily. But Gayoon was not going to bend.

"I am not taking these things for free!" she snapped. "It's not right."

"Fine, I'll buy it for you," Minho finally said. "Just think of it as a payment for being my temporary secretary."

"What? No!" she objected. "I can't let you buy this pricey thing-"

But the rest of her words were shut out as he put his palm on her lips. Stepping closer, he looked directly into her eyes with a strange intensity which made her heart flutter.

"Jeon Gayoon," he whispered. "Just ease up and enjoy your boyfriend's gift like a normal girlfriend does. Alright?"

Gayoon's eyes widened at his words while her heart beat so loudly that she was afraid he could hear it. Her cheeks turned as red as a tomato as his words circled around her head. Boyfriend? Girlfriend?

"Now go and get changed," he said. He removed his palm from her lips, leaving her dazed for a few seconds. Gayoon quickly composed herself and rushed towards the changing room, shutting the door behind her.

Slumping against the door, her heart was wildly racing. Calm down, she told herself. Just calm down! But her traitorous feelings were all over the place, spinning out of control. She felt like a giddy school girl who was experiencing her first love.


Her mind snapped at the sudden word which popped into it. Love?

A new feeling began to eclipse the earlier elation she felt: fear.


Was she falling in love with him? Her thoughts were now conflicted between the budding feelings between them and her past. What would his reaction be if he found out she had given birth to a child for very selfish reasons?

"Oh no"

She held her knees close and buried her head in them, torn between the tough choice which lay before her.


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