Money Loving CEO's Detective Lover

Chapter 88: 11:59 (5)

Chapter 88: 11:59 (5)

Minho pulled up in front of the hospital. He had just finished a meeting with the investors when Kanji had sent him a text that he caught Jina snooping around Mina's hospital on her own. After giving an earful to Driver Jang, he hurried towards the hospital as fast as he could.

He rushed towards Mina's office, almost bumping into a young intern on the way. 

"I'm sorry!" the intern apologized.

"It's" Minho read the name tag. "Doctor Shun Dohyun."

Dohyun smiled at him and nodded. "Say, aren't you Doctor Hwang's brother?" she asked. "I saw a picture of her family on her desk and recognized you right away!"

"Yes," Minho replied. "I'm on my way to her office right now."

"I'll go with you!" she volunteered. "I have to hand over some of my paperwork to her."

Minho nodded and they set off towards their destination.

"Doctor Hwang is amazing," Dohyun complimented. "She's so young and yet, she can perform such complicated surgeries so easily! Just yesterday, she performed a heart transplant on a newborn baby. The heart was heavier due to the excess tissues and if there were any mistakes in the composition of the heart, then the baby could have died. But she cut up the heart into the perfect shape and size so that the baby would not suffer. All of us thought it was impossible but she somehow did it."


Minho did not know what else to say. His shopaholic sister was a genius in her own right. She barely touched any of her medical books but her photographic memory, thanks to her experience in memorizing the price tags and calculating complicated discounts, she managed to absorb all the complex information. 

How she got this didactic memory skill, was beyond his comprehension.

"Does she have a boyfriend?" the intern asked. "She's so pretty! Just like a supermodel."

"I don't know," Minho simply stated, not sure where the conversation was going.

"Are you guys very close?" Dohyun probed. 

Minho frowned a little at that question. Why was this intern so curious about his sister's personal life?

Does she have a crush on my sister or something? He wondered but did not voice it out.

"We're family," he said slowly. "Of course we're close."

"Family is such an important thing," Dohyun sighed. "My parents always wanted the best for me. They always made sure that we had dinner together as a family. When I got into medical school, my father had bought the largest turkey he could find and we had a big feast that night!"

Minho was now feeling a little uncomfortable. Something in his mind was telling him not to talk anymore and simply get rid of this pesky woman. And he always went with his instincts.

"I'll take those papers for you," he declared. Before Dohyun could say anything more, he took the papers from her hands.

"But, Doctor Hwang needs to read these papers urgently and I have to explain to her the diagnosis of the patient in room number 501-" Dohyun was saying but Minho cut across her words.

"I'll take them," he said firmly. "My sisted is smart. She'll know what to do even without your explanation."

He glared at her with a strict gaze, making the intern cower a little.

"Understood," Dohyun said, lowering her head. Minho was about to leave but paused and added one lat thing.

"Oh, Doctor Shun," he began. "Do remember that my sister is your supervisor not your friend. Don't go around snooping about her personal life like you just did. Understood?"

His steely gaze was causing a shiver to run down her spine. She timidly nodded as he walked away, leaving her behind.

Unbeknownst to him, she was secretly smiling.

"Looks like I can still scare you, little boy," she giggled. Her menacing eyes were staring at his back while her mind calculated the next move. This body was not going to survive long and he must complete his revenge before discarding this useless girl. She only kept on whining and pleading with him to let her go.

"It's a pity I can't carve her heart out and eat it," she sighed. "Dohyun would have made an excellent meal."

She smacked her lips in anticipation. But whom to choose? The detective he loved or the sister he would die for?

"It is such a tough choice," she sighed.


Minho entered Mina's room to find Kanji, Jina and to his surprise, Gayoon was also there. 

"What are you doing here?" he asked in astonishment.

"I was here to investigate a doctor who has been in a coma for almost twenty years," she replied. 

"Which doctor is this?" Minho demanded.

"I'm sorry but I can't tell," Gayoon apologized. "We're not supposed to share the details of this case with anyone outside the investigation team. If any information is leaked, our jobs could be on stake."

Minho rolled his eyes but there was nothing he could do. Police officers were not allowed to share information with people outside the force because it was forbidden. After spending years with Junwan to find his father, he learnt a few insights on how the police really worked.

He turned on Jina, who was cowering behind Gayoon.

"Why did you come here alone?" he asked in a stern voice. 

Gayoon looked at Jina, surprised by her actions. "Jina," she began. "Did you come here on your own? Why?"

Both of them were frowning at her, looking disappointed in her actions. She looked down, guiltily avoiding their eyes. Kanji looked from Gayoon to Minho who were towering over the little girl. 

They're really acting like parents now, he mused.

"I'm sorry," Jina mumbled. But it was not enough. Minho knew that his daughter needed to be disciplined otherwise she would keep on endangering herself.

"You're grounded for a month," he said flatly. "No TV, no cell phone after school and you are to return home at 2 PM everyday on the dot."

"Dad!" Jina protested. "I only wanted to surprise aunt!"

Tears began to flow from her eyes. It was not fair! She only wanted to help the ghost and now she was being punished. Nothing even happened to her.

"Lady Cop!" she turned to Gayoon. "I really am sorry."

She looked at her with wide eyes, trying to appeal to Gayoon with her cuteness. Unfortunately, it did not work.

"I'm with your dad on this one," Gayoon replied. "It may seem unfair, Jina. But what you did was reckless. Especially with a killer on the loose!"

Jina's shoulders fell in disappointment. Even the Lady Cop was not siding with her on this one. She was inwardly cursing that killer, hoping it would be caught soon. Until then, she was stuck home.

"Fine," she agreed. "I'll accept the punishment."

Kanji felt a little sorry for the girl. 

"I think I'll take her home after she gets to meet Mina," he suggested. "Minho, why don't you drop Detective Jeon off at the station?"

Minho was about to reply that he had an investor's meeting when Gayoon piped up.

"That's okay," she said. "Taejoon is nearby. He can pick me up. I'm going home from here anyway-"

"I'll drop you off," Minho said loudly. 

"But-" Gayoon began to protest but Minho simply grabbed her wrist. Despite her misery, Jina snickered at her father's petty jealousy.

"Hey!" Gayoon exclaimed as Minho pulled her away.

"Kanji make sure Jina gets home within an hour otherwise I'll make sure you're grounded for the rest of your life!" Minho threatened as he pulled Gayoon out through the door.

Kanji and Jina simply stared as the weird couple left the room.

"Jina, I think your father is starting to like Gayoon a tad bit more than he loves money," Kanji said.

"By how much?" Jina asked.

"I'd say...0.05 percent."


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