Money Loving CEO's Detective Lover

Chapter 83: CCK (26)-Conclusion of Part One

Chapter 83: CCK (26)-Conclusion of Part One

"Are you two alright?" she asked. "I was so worried! I had to come and check-"

She leapt forward to help Kanji who was injured. Relief dawned on her face as she was feeling very guilty to have left the two boys on their own. 

She berated herself for her cowardice and had debated for hours with her own conscience before finally deciding to look for them on her own. The thought of the killer attacking her again plagued her mind but she would not have been able to live with herself if she was unable to find the two boys and the little girl safe and sound.

They all got into her truck and silently drove off. Mimi did not ask what happened in that den but their expressions gave them away. They must have seen the monster which dwelled within it.

"What happened to him?" she finally asked. ""

Even remembering that cold laugh made her shiver in fear. Minho knew that it took a lot of courage to go back there and he was grateful for her help.

"I shot him," he admitted. Kanji drew a sharp breath while Mimi was shocked. Mina was unconscious again, sleeping on Minho's lap, so she did not hear what her elder brother did.

"You killed him?" Mimi asked.

"I don't know," Minho stated. "I shot him twice but I don't know if he died"

A new feeling was building inside him: guilt. Did he really shoot another person? What if he was dead? Even if that man was a killer, Minho was more stunned by his own actions. Where did he get the guts to shoot a man?

Suddenly, he was scared of himself. He stared at his hands which had possibly taken a life. They were shaking uncontrollably and he was unsure of what to think of himself. The gun was still in his pocket. It felt heavier than before because of the deed it had carried out. His insides went cold while his brain was going wild with ominous thoughts.

I killed someone, he thought. I killed someone. I-

Mimi gently patted his cheek with her left hand. "You did nothing wrong," she firmly stated. "Even if he's dead, don't even for a second think that you were wrong in shooting him. You were protecting your sister from a predator who had killed innocent women and turned them into his"

She could not finish the sentence. Even thinking about it made her stomach churn and all she wanted to do was to forget about it. 

"We must tell the police," Kanji suggested. "They need to know about this-"

"No!" Mimi said sharply. "Don't!"

The two boys stared at her. Was she mad?

"Why not?" Kanji frowned. "We should tell them."

"I" Mimi began but she was hesitating. "There's another reason why I didn't go to the police."

"What is it?" Minho asked.

"Well, on the night I was kidnapped," Mimi narrated. "Just before I lost consciousness, I saw something. I didn't see it clearly but there was a badge around his neck. It had the seal of Country K's police force."

"Wait, the CCK is perceived to be a medical expert!" Kanji opined. "After all, his victims' hearts were surgically removed."

But Minho was thinking hard. "He might be a forensic doctor," Minho guessed. "They can carry their own badges."

"Or one of those doctors assigned to the police department for their mandatory conscription," Kanji suggested. "After all, every male in our country must be conscripted into either one of the defense sectors for a year. Maybe he is one of those?"

"Yes," Mimi agreed. "He is working on some level with the police. If I went to the police, they would try to cover it up. You know how the officials in this country are! What if they dismissed my complaints to save their face? They would not readily believe that there is a killer amongst them."

"Besides, if he had gotten wind of my complaint through grapevine, he would have attacked me again," she went on. "I couldn't take the risk. Also, your case will be more complicated. If he really works for the police, they'll put criminal charges against you. Moreover, if he's dead, then you'll be in even more trouble."

When Minho looked troubled, Mimi consoled him by saying, "You did the right thing. Don't beat yourself up over it."

"What if he kills again?" Minho retorted.

But Mimi gave him a pitiful look. "If he had survived, then he wouldn't be able to kill for a while," she said. "You can go to the police if you want but there is a chance he will play it all against you. Besides, you have your sister to worry about. What will happen to her if you are thrown in jail?"

She was right. Minho's already complicated history with the police coupled with the fact that he was the son of a killer would end up being a disaster for him and Mina. He looked at his sister who was sleeping soundly. Mimi was right. What would happen to Mina if he was jailed?

"We'll talk to dad and have him look for the guy," Kanji said. "He's going to deal with it. So you can relax."

"He's right," Mimi added. "Let the grown ups deal with that man. As long as he's incapable of killing anyone, we'll be able to put this nightmare behind us and move on. Although"

She glanced at Mina, who was sleeping like a log. 

"I'm more afraid of what is going to happen to this little girl," she said in a sad tone. "She's going to be scarred for life. That monster must have told her that story as well. Moreover, the way he drugged her, the rehab process will be long."

"Our Mina is made of stronger stuff," Kanji said. "And she has us. We'll never let her be scared. Ever."

"And if he returns again" Minho stated. "I'll make sure he never gets to kill another person ever again."

Mimi smiled at them. The two boys were shaken but determined to forget the events of that night and they would make sure the little girl does not think about it as well. She wished she was as strong as them.

"I hope my sons will grow up to be like you two," she sighed. 

"They can be like me," Minho said. "But if they're like Kanji then you'll be regretting your words."

"Hey!" Kanji protested. "Who was the one who knocked sense into you back in the cave?"

"Yes, your only accomplishment in life," Minho snickered.

"You'd have died without me!"

"Lucky save."

Mimi sighed as the duo bickered on. She continued to drive, the burden of guilt finally lifting from her heart. 


"What happened after that?" Gayoon asked. "To CCK? Did you ever find out if he was alive or not?"

"Uncle Jason had his men scavenge the area," Minho recalled. "They couldn't find his body anywhere. Uncle Jason guessed that the man was still alive so he looked into all the forensic experts and police doctors in the country. They didn't find anyone suspicious at all."

Gayoon let out a frustrated sigh. There was a killer on the loose and she was still at a dead end! 

"Is Mina alright though?" she asked. "I mean, the incident must have scarred her."

"She was traumatized to the point that she freaked out whenever she saw a doctor in scrubs," Minho recalled. "For years, she didn't want to take shots so we had to give her alternative medicines. But then"

"Then what happened?"

"Well, she kind of decided that enough was enough and finally faced her fear," he said. "You see she-"

Suddenly the door burst open.

"Brooootherrrr!" Mina exclaimed, running towards him to give him a tight hug. Minho, however, held a hand up to stop his overly excited sister. Gayoon stared at Mina in shock.

What in the world? She thought. That is a...

"I am not reactivating any of your cards," he said sharply.

"Heol! Can't a sister come to visit her one and only brother?" she whined. "Besides, I ran Kanji's bank accounts dry."

She held up a victory sign and smiled widely. Then her gaze fell on the detective behind him.


She ran towards Gayoon like an overly excited puppy. Before Gayoon could respond, Mina threw her arms around her new friend, almost squeezing the life out of her.

"You two know each other?" Minho frowned. 

"Yes!" Mina said. "I met her after Jina told me that you two were dating! We even went shopping. Gayoon showed me a bargain market where I managed to buy all the furniture for my new apartment at loads of discounts! I like her, bro."

She glanced at Gayoon who was still gaping at her.

"What happened?" Mina asked. "Is there something on my face?"

"N-no," Gayoon replied. "It's just"

She pointed at Mina's outfit. It was a doctor's lab coat.

"Oh this?" Mina giggled. "Didn't I mention it before?"

Gayoon shook her head. Mina took out a nametag and clipped it on her chest. The detective read the writing on it.

"Doctor Hwang Mina," she read out loud.

"Yep!" Mina said, beaming with pride. "Doctor Hwang Mina, the youngest and most successful Cardiologist at Country K's National Hospital!"


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