Money Loving CEO's Detective Lover

Chapter 82: CCK (25)

Chapter 82: CCK (25)

His words made Minho's insides boil in a cold fury. A game. That is all human lives were to him. The man thought of them as his own puppet. He was a monster just like his father, uncaring and sadistic towards others.

The flashes of that night were running in his mind like an old black and white film. The dead body of his mother lay in front of him while his father stood above her corpse with a cold expression. His father looked directly at him and flashed an evil smile.

Suddenly, Minho was no longer afraid. There was no need to be. All he felt was a pot boiling vengeance which was about to erupt. Survival was on the top of his list and he would do everything he could to live. They were not going to die in the hands of a shitty cannibal.

"Kanji, take Mina and go," he ordered. 

"But what about you?" Kanji asked in shock.

"Just go!" Minho insisted but Kanji would not budge. Was Minho mad? He thought. The footsteps were drawing closer and Kanji could also hear the sound of something metallic being dragged on the stony ground.

"I'm not leaving without you!" he hissed. But Minho gently took Mina off his back and placed her in Kanji's arms. There was a hard determination on his face which greatly confused Kanji. What was he about to do?

"I'll be fine," he assured his friend. "I know you'll be able to take her out safely. I'll follow you!"


"Just go!" Minho ordered. "I'll join you in a while."

His face hardened as he stood straight to face the monster approaching their way. "I won't let him kill me," Minho declared. "After all, I have yet to become the richest person in this country."

Kanji was worried but there was no time. The man was now almost upon them and Mina was in a critical state.

"I better see you emerging from the end of this tunnel," he threatened. "Alive."

They exchanged a look of understanding before Kanji limped off with the unconscious girl while Minho prepared himself for his showdown with the cold blooded killer. The sixteen year old threw away all his fears, focused only on protecting his sister. 

Even if it cost him his soul.

"Here I come!" the monster cackled as he turned a corner. The sixteen year old boy stood in front of him. The CCK stopped in his tracks. The teenager was not scared nor was he begging for life. Instead, he looked at the man with nothing but pure disgust as a blazing fire burnt in his eyes. The man paused in his steps. What was this kid doing?

"Dinnertime is over," Minho declared. The killer snarled and raised the saw in his hand. Minho did not flinch as the CCK lunged forward with it, ready to kill him. The saw was only an inch away from him about to pierce his body...

The sound of the gunshot echoed through the hollow den. The CCK stumbled backwards in fear as Minho shot his arm.

"GAH!" the killer cried, rolling over in agony as blood rushed out of his arm. Minho stood there with the gun in his hand. He kicked the saw away from the killer's reach but it had grazed his torso. His injury was not heavy but it was also bleeding. But his gaze was on the killer who was snarling at him.

"Give it up and surrender yourself," Minho quietly ordered. The killer let out a wheezing laughter. His face was masked and he showed no signs of stopping. The man was unhinged and lived in a world created by his own chaotic madness.

"You have my eyes," he giggled. "The eyes of a killer. You want to kill too, am I right?"

Minho froze in his stance as the man fed on his fears. 

"You want to kill someone so badly," he went on. "I want to as well. I want to kill every woman I see. Old or young. Fat or thin. I want to kill them too...Just like you want to kill someone."

The killer grinned behind his mask. "Is it your mother you want to kill?" he wondered out loud. "Or is it your father?"

The mention of the latter made something in Minho's face wince. The killer noticed it and pounced on the weakness.

"Ah...your father," he guessed. "You want to kill him. Which is why you have this gun in your hands, kid. What did he do kid? Did he abandon you? Did he also kill someone close to you? Was he also"


Another gunshot echoed through the dungeon. The killer looked down to see blood flowing out of the side of his stomach. The boy had hit a critical area and the blood flow was increasing and he would faint any minute.

Minho stepped on the killer's injured arm. The CCK screamed out loud as the pain soared through his arm.

"You will never be able to operate again," Minho muttered, pressing harder. "Your hand will be useless. It will shake every time you would try to cut open someone."

The CCK growled at him but there was a crack sound; his arm was broken. The man had lost too much blood and was on the verge of fainting. Soon, the man went still. 

Minho stared at him for a minute before turning around. He did not care if the man was alive or dead. All he could think about was to live and erase the stain from his family name. He was not the monster his father was but when it came to his family's survival, he would not hesitate to kill. 

Walking away from the unconscious killer, he set off towards the exit, now more determined than ever.


"Kanji...I'm scared!" Mina whimpered. She had woken up when Kanji emerged out of the den with them and they were waiting for Minho. She was alarmed to see Kanji's injured state. His foot was bleeding and he was slumped against a wall.

"Kanji!" she sobbed, holding his foot to try and stop the bleeding. She was crying hard, unsure of what to do and her older brother was nowhere around.

"Don't be," he stated. "We won't let him harm you."

"Where's my brother?" she asked. "I want my brother!"

She was scared and confused by the turn of events. All she wanted was to run into her brother's arms and cry. What was going on? Where was he?

Suddenly, footsteps began to approach their way. Kanji weakly stood up, wincing in pain as he limped forward.

"Kanji, your foot!" Mina cried but he shielded her behind him. It was difficult to tell who was coming out of the den. Was it Minho? Was it the CCK?

Mina clutched the helm of Kanji's torn jacket as they waited for the person to emerge from the den. Kanji clenched his fists, ignoring his foot as he readied himself to face the demon from hell.

"Come out you bastard!" he yelled. "I'm not afraid of you!"

"You better not be."

Kanji nearly yelped as the familiar voice came out of the cave. Minho emerged from it, his hand bleeding. He was heavily injured with bruises on his face and body but was flashing a victorious grin.

"Because very soon, we'll become business rivals and I'll take away all your money!" he declared. 

He held up a thumbs up to his friend. Kanji was on the verge of crying, seeing his friend coming out of that hell alive. 

"And I'll marry your sister!" he promised, as tears flowed down his cheeks, unable to hold in his relief and happiness. "You'll see!"

"Pedophile!" Mina scowled. "I'm only six years old!"

Kanji limped forward to aid Minho. Both of them staggered slowly towards the highway with Mina in tow. Minho cast one last glance at the den behind them.

It was there, ominously hiding their secret which would come back to haunt them someday. It was goading him for being weak and useless.

"What happened to him?" Kanji asked. "The killer?"

"I don't know," Minho admitted. "I shot him twice but he was still alive when I left. We should call the police as soon as we get out of here."

I will be back, it whispered in his ears. And he knew that this incident would come back to wreak their lives again.

Bring it on, Minho silently declared. 

"But how do we get out of here?" Mina asked nervously. The forest was so dark and creepy. Her little mind was concocting all sorts of monsters hiding in the forest and she yelped at every little sound. Minho and Kanji were also worried how they would get out of that place alive since they were heavily injured.


A familiar voice called them out. A pair of headlights flashed at them as a mini truck stopped in front of them. The door opened and Mimi came out of it.


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