Money Loving CEO's Detective Lover

Chapter 63: CCK (6)

Chapter 63: CCK (6)

It was probably the most disturbing sight Minho had ever seen. The girl's limbs were hacked to pieces while her head was severed off her neck. There were signs of torture on her body as well and some of the bruises were very fresh. Her hair was also roughly chopped off, while her skin was decaying as the stench was getting worse.

But Minho was unaffected by the smell. He was more affected by the brutality of how the girl was killed. The killer did not give her an easy death.

Gayoon watched him as he stared at the girl's corpse, unaware that the said girl's spirit was also beside him, silently begging him for help.

"The CCK did not simply kill her," Gayoon said quietly. "He butchered her. Until the very end, the girl was tortured and very scared. The last thing she must have asked for was death but even that was not given to her in kindness. A kidnapped teenager who was begging her tormentor to let her go home. What was her fault? Did she really deserve a cruel death for being at the wrong place at the wrong time?"

Minho seemed as if he did not hear her but he did. Every word she spoke was like a slap to his face. His past was now taunting him for not speaking up sooner. This girl was dead. 

And it was his fault.

"The CCK does not discriminate between his victim's ages," Gayoon stated. Her voice was cold and distant but firm. "It's this girl today. Tomorrow, it could be someone you know."

It could even be Jina, she added in her mind. The very thought of Jina being targeted by the CCK scared her. If anything happened to that little girl, she would not spare the serial killer. She would hunt him down and empty her bullets on him. And she knew that Minho would do the same.

Minho simply stared at the lifeless remains of the girl who was killed. Something within him snapped upon seeing the body and a strange, burning desire was lit in his heart which was about to devour him.

"If that is all," he said in a deadpan tone. "I'll be going now."

Gayoon and Jaein were startled by his supposed indifference. The sight of the dead body had no effect on him?

"But-" Gayoon began but Minho ignored her and turned away. He was not going to talk even after all her efforts.

Her lips quivered in anger. How could someone be so heartless? Did he really not care about the victim at all?

"Are you gonna be a coward?" she demanded. "You know you can save another life! Are you really gonna turn away?"

Minho did not reply but simply exited the room, leaving her stunned. Jaein also gaped at the strange guy who was completely unaffected by the gruesome sight he had just witnessed.

"Is he even real?" she winced in disgust. "Even the coldest of hearts would melt by seeing the state of this girl! And yet he-"

She turned to glance at Gayoon only to be more shocked. There were tears in her eyes!


But the detective shrugged and wiped her eyes. Turning away from Jaein to hide her face, Gayoon said, "When will we receive the post mortem report?"

"Uhh...tomorrow," Jaein replied, feeling uncertain. "By afternoon. But are you alright-"

Gayoon was not listening to her and instead walked out of the room, hiding her emotions. There was no time for her to cry over a man. All she knew was that a serial killer was on the loose and she must find him at all cost. 

I must arrest CCK! She swore. But her heart was in tatters after Minho's cold rejection of her offer. Fighting back her tears, she put on a stoic front to address the police team who would be helping her with the case.

Outside the precinct, Minho took out his phone to dial Kanji's number. The latter picked up on the first ring.

"Minho!" he exclaimed. "The news-"

"It's the CCK," Minho revealed. "The killer is CCK."

"So he is back," Kanji said nervously. "Minho, is he going to exact his revenge on us? After what we did to him?"

He will," Minho stated. "He even sent me a threat."

"He what?" Kanji yelled. "A threat? A direct threat?"

"But that is not my concern," Minho shrugged. "My concern is"

The image of the young girl's severed body parts flashed in his head. The picture would not leave his mind and he was sure it would haunt him forever no matter how much he tried to act indifferent.

"Firstly," Minho said. "Find out the details about the girl who died today. I want to create a scholarship fund in her name at her school which would be given to all the exemplary female students."

Kanji's brows frowned a little at his friend's words but he did not question him any further.

"Secondly," Minho went on. "I want to know every little detail about this case. I'll get Junwan to keep supplying me the reports. It must be highly confidential."

"And what else?" Kanji asked.

"Lastly," Minho said. "I must go back to that spot where we had left him. I know that he is probably using another place for his twisted desires but his old hideout will also give us plenty of clues."

"Minho, you know that this is very dangerous, right?" Kanji asked, feeling skeptical. "Especially for Mina! You don't want her to remember what happened that night! It will traumatize her!"

"My sister is made of stronger stuff," Minho stated. "She won't be affected by memories but rather by the fact that the CCK managed to kill more victims because of us. No. It's high time we face him."

"Alright," Kanji nodded. "But be careful Minho. You have a daughter and a sister who will become his next target. I'm sure he's been keeping tabs on us."

Kanji's words resonated in his ears. Yes, the CCK was keeping tabs on him. The killer was probably already targeting Jina or Mina. But Minho was no longer the sixteen year old teenager who was scared of a sinister adult. He was now more sinister than the CCK ever could be. 

This time, he would not fail.


That night, Minho checked up on Jina who was fast asleep. He pulled the blanket over her and gently kissed her forehead. She stirred a little in her sleep but was unperturbed. Minho watched over his daughter, patting her head. Seeing her sleep so peacefully, he was more determined to find the CCK and protect Jina from that mad man.

"Your dad will always be with you, Jina," he promised, clutching her tiny palm. Leaving his daughter to her dreams, he got up and left the room.

The cool air gushed in through an open window. Jina pouted in her sleep and tossed in her sleep. She turned to her side, about to wrap her arm around a teddy bear. Instead, her hand touched an icy cold object.

"Mmm?" she mumbled. It was getting colder and colder in her room. She pulled the blanket atop of her but the coldness would not subside. Soon, she was shivering to her bone. Getting up from the bed, Jina looked around.


Her eyes gaped in shock. The whole room was foggy! Outside, it was a warm summer night but inside her room, a thick cold fog had appeared!

"What in the-"

But she trailed off. Amidst the fog, a silhouette was approaching her. Instinctively, Jina curled her fingers and squinted her eyes to make out the figure coming her way. Its hands were stretched ahead, as if summoning her.

The pale white face of a young girl in her teens appeared. Her limbs were loose looking as if they were about to fall apart while her head was nearly decapitated. The girl's head was hanging by a small skin on the neck while her eyes were fixed on Jina. 

Unconsciously, Jina leaned back as the girl reached out for her.

"" she whispered.

Unable to speak, Jina was rooted to her spot. The coldness was engulfing her while the ghostly girl's fingers were reaching for her neck. The cool fingers touched her skin, giving her goosebumps.

The girl's eyes were now directly looking at hers. A grin formed on her face, realizing that the little kid could see her.



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