Money Loving CEO's Detective Lover

Chapter 62: CCK (5)

Chapter 62: CCK (5)

The entire precinct froze as they witnessed Gayoon glaring at Minho. Taejoon was looking at them in shock while Jaein also sensed the tension. Minho's face was unreadable as he took the letter from Gayoon's hand.

"Long time no see," he read out loud. "Hwang Minho."

He kept his calm as Gayoon threw him questioning gaze. What was he hiding?

"Do you know the CCK?" she demanded. "Hwang Minho?"

"No," he replied. "I do not know the CCK."

Even though he kept his poker face, Gayoon was not buying it. Hwang Minho was hiding something and she was determined to find out.

"Is there anything else you wanted to ask?" he questioned her.

"Where were you these past five days?" she asked. "We want all the details."

"You can check the footage from the CCTV of my office and home," he said coolly. "The day before yesterday, I was attending an auction at Gilmore Hotel to obtain a highly valuable piece of art. I was there until ten o'clock in the night and then went back home. You can check with my household staff and my employees. They'll tell you."

He was giving her all the records because in his mind, he had nothing to hide. Gayoon frowned at him.

"So you're saying this letter means nothing," she stated.

"No," Minho lied smoothly. "It means nothing."

The other officers were staring at them in shock. One of the officers, Officer Jang, came up to Jaein.

"Doctor, what's going on?" Jang whispered. "Why is there a strange tension between them? Are they exes or something?"

"Or soon to be," Jaein muttered.


"Nothing!" Jaein assured him. "Gayoon is just trying to get information out of him. But it'll be tough. He's the most influential man in the country and challenging him is like courting trouble for yourself"

She was suddenly worried for Gayoon. If Hwang Minho was offended by her accusations then she would find it difficult to live in this country. He may not exert his influence much but whenever he did, no one was safe.

"We will call you in again for questioning," Gayoon said.

"Email your questions to me," he shot back. "I'll reply if I get the time."

Both of them glared at each other. For Gayoon, personal feelings should never come in the way of her professional work. In her eyes, a girl was murdered and she must get to the bottom of this. If Hwang Minho was hiding anything

"I'll get going," he announced, brushing past Gayoon, leaving her dejected. The other cops murmured and went back to their work while Taejoon strode up to her.

"I'll return to my office upstairs," Jaein informed Gayoon. The latter did not seem to have heard her as she was too stunned by Minho's indifference.

"Are you alright?" Taejoon asked, feeling concerned.

"I'm fine," she assured him. 


Gayoon walked away, deep in thought as she bit her nail. She must act fast and make Hwang Minho spill the beans. Then an idea struck her.

Minho was almost nearing his car when someone called him from behind.

"Hwang Minho!" Gayoon yelled his name. He spun around to see her running towards him.

"I already told you," he began. "I don't know any-"

"I want to show you something," she said abruptly. He frowned at her.

"Follow me," she ordered. She led him back into the precinct but instead of taking him towards the homicide section where she was situated, she took him upstairs.

"Where are we going?" he asked.

"You'll see," she grimaced. Minho shook his head and followed her until she stopped in front of a large metal door. For some reason, she looked extremely nervous.

"What is it?" Minho frowned.

"Nothing!" she claimed. "I just want you to see something."

She pushed the heavy door. They entered a brightly lit room but the air was very cold as if they had entered a refrigerator. All around them were forensic equipment and charts of the human body. A large row of lockers were arranged at one side while on the other side was a shelf full of jars containing

"Animal remains," Minho stated as he looked at them. "This is the forensic room, I suppose?"

"Yes," Gayoon winced. Minho noted that she looked very...scared. Why would a cop be scared of the forensic room?

"Gayoon is that you?" 

Jaein came out from a smaller room within the forensic chamber. She was wearing a full length scrub and her hair was tied up in a hairnet. 

"You know that outsiders are not allowed to enter here!" Jaein hissed, noticing Minho.

"I know!" Gayoon said. "But I must show him something. Please Jaein! I need to show it to him."

"Show him what?" Jaein asked. Gayoon stepped forward to whisper in her ears. Jaein' eyes widened in shock and she was mortified at the request.

"Hell no!" Jaein exclaimed. "You can't!"

"I'll take all responsibility for this!" Gayoon insisted. "But if this makes him realize his mistake and give us the truth, then it'll be worth it!"

"This will get all of us into trouble if the higher ups find out!" Jaein protested.

"But this is the CCK!" Gayoon insisted. "We have to try every means to find him this time! Otherwise more lives will be lost!"

Jaein bit her lip as Gayoon pleaded with her silently. "Please Jaein," she begged. "Just this one time!"

"I'll...bring it out," Jaein finally said. "If it wasn't a special case, I wouldn't have done it. I'm only doing it for you. But you can't touch it!"

"We won't!" Gayoon swore. "Just one glimpse."

Jaein sighed and went back into the smaller room while Gayoon picked up a plastic bag from one of the desks. She held it up for Minho to see. Inside it was an uniform.

"The girl who was killed," she said. "Was a high school senior. She was last seen happily chatting with her friends before she was kidnapped right in front of her house."

Something in Minho's heart snapped at her words. For some reason, he could not bear to look at the uniform. 

"Five days ago," Gayoon pressed. "A girl who was barely a decade older than Jina was wearing this uniform. And now, she's no more."

"I don't wanna know," Minho lied, turning away. "I'm leaving."

He was about to head for the exit when Jaein came back, wheeling in a large stretcher. Till this day, Minho could not explain what was it that made him turn around. Was it the thought of a girl who was snatched away by a cold blooded killer? Or was it his own guilt.

A strange cold wind brushed by his palm. Slowly, he turned around to face his worst fear.

On the stretcher were the severed body parts of a girl who was happy and alive only a few days back. The girl who was wearing that school uniform.

As Gayoon watched Minho's face lose color, she felt the familiar gush of coldness. It was hovering near Minho, as if begging him. There was no doubt in her mind.

The young girl's spirit was with them, desperate to get their attention.


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