Money Loving CEO's Detective Lover

Chapter 122: 5 Days-Day Two

Chapter 122: 5 Days-Day Two



The freezing temperature was making her shiver. No matter where her eyes went, it was only ice and ice all around her. Her body was kept paralyzed but she was being slowly frozen. Mina was trying to think calmly about the whole situation.

She was kept awake this time because the CCK wants to make her suffer as much as possible. It was hard to guess whether the person talking to her was Dohyun or CCK. Her rationality said that it was a copycat killer who idolized CCK but Mina's heart was screaming that it was the real killer. It was hard to explain but she felt the same fear from years ago when she first encountered him. All she knew was that Dohyun was not in control of her actions.

I have to get out of here! She told herself but her wretched body would not move.

Suddenly, the door to the storage opened again and Dohyun came in. She stared at Mina's still figure and put her palm on the latter's forehead. Mina wanted to squirm and kick her but was unable to do so. Dohyun's cold finger traced to her abdomen, making Mina disgusted. 

"You have grown to be a fine woman," CCK commented. "More refined and pure."

She slapped her stomach and wheezed in glee. It was going to be a good meal, she thought happily. Only three more days.

The CCK could not wait to see the look on Hwang Minho's face once his sister's corpse was found. It would be a treat to watch his agony. After what that man had done, the killer was relishing the fact that justice was about to be served.

"We'll have a very good time together," Dohyun whispered. "I'm sure you're wondering how this happened?"

She pointed at herself, indicating the connection between CCK and Dohyun. "You see, little one, I'm neither here nor there," she whispered. "You and your brother had left me in a state of nothingness. I can't go back to my body nor die. I wander here and there while the living humans pass me by, oblivious to my existence"

The bitter memories of being ignored were rushing back to the CCK. He had cried and screamed, demanding for the people to look at him. But they kept on living and moving on while he was in a limbo, stuck in an unending maze with no one to turn to. 

He had watched his wife visit the hospital once with their baby daughter whom he could not even hold in his arms. Would she remember him? Did she know who her father was?

"All of you had ignored me in my state," he continued in a bitter tone. "I was lost and lonely, desperate to meet my family. What did I even do to you? All I was doing was to eat and survive."

Mina could feel the bile coming up her throat by listening to his story. The person in front of her really was an evil entity from hell itself. Now she was certain that it was not Dohyun but someone else talking through her lips. The poor girl probably had no idea of what was going on with her.

"But you and your brother had taken away the chance from me to meet my little girl," he hissed. "You have destroyed my family."

"When I saw that you had arrived to work in the hospital where my still body lay, my thirst for vengeance filled me again," he revealed. "I kept an eye on you, observing you. Even after the fear I instilled in you, you dared to rise out of it! You dared to become a doctor and took my place!"

HIs voice was now shriller and manic. "So I took over this girl's body," he revealed. "I mustered all my energy and began to control this clueless idiot who had no idea what was happening to her. She thought she was going mad but it was me! I made her kidnap those girls. I did it exactly how I used to do it all those years ago. I kidnapped them and made a feast out of them!"

His manic grin was getting wider and wider with every word. Through Dohyun's eyes, he was emitting his psychotic aura, overwhelming Mina. She tried not to be scared but like her body, her mind had also gone into shock of what she had just heard. This was controlling Dohyun? How was this even possible?

"Three more days, little one," he promised. "Three more days and all of this would be finally over. Maybe, I'll be awake from my coma and see my own daughter while you will rot away in a cold grave. But don't worry, a part of you will always live...inside me."

He let out another wheezing laughter and began to walk away, leaving Mina in a state of shock and denial. 

The CCK was back.


Jina had snuck out of the house with Yumi and Casper after everyone at home had gone to sleep. Minho and Gayoon were out solving the case and would not be back for a while. The staff had tucked her to bed and finally retired to their rooms so Jina took her chance to escape through her window and easily climbed down the pipe. With Casper and Yumi by her side, she was not really afraid of any danger.

"Are you sure this will work?" Yumi frowned. "I'm still a new ghost. I don't know anyone else who is like me other than this weirdo."

Casper frowned at her before making hand gestures at Jina.

"You're right," Jina agreed. "We should look around that spot from where my aunt was kidnapped. You said there was a water spirit living at the park nearest to that place?"

Casper nodded.

"Then let's go and ask that thing," Jina decided. "It might know where the spirit took my aunt."

Together, they marched off towards the spot in question. Since Jina was seemingly alone, it would take them longer to get there. They took a public bus to Dohyun's area and after half an hour, the bus dropped her off there. Casper and Yumi led her to the apartment complex where Dohyun lived.

"So this is where my aunt was kidnapped from," Jina said thoughtfully. She glanced around but there were no spirits in sight. 

"Let's go to the park then," Yumi suggested. "I've seen that doctor roam around there quite a lot when I was alive. Maybe that spirit will know."

Her words made Jina and Casper turn to her in surprise.

"Wait a minute," Jina frowned. "You've seen that doctor roam around in the park when you were alive?"

"Yeah," Yumi shrugged. "I don't know her so I didn't realize it before but now that I think about it, that doctor used to frequent the park a lot to jog or feed the pigeons or something. Anyways, my house isn't far from here so I used to frequent the park as well. We never talked but I caught glimpses of her from time to time. Which is why she looked so familiar when I saw her at the hospital. I just realized it later."

Then she realized something. "The other victim!" she exclaimed. "The one killed after me also used to visit this park!"

Jina and Casper looked at each other in shock. "The missing link!" Jina gasped. "It's the park! That's how he's getting his victims!"


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