Money Loving CEO's Detective Lover

Chapter 121: 5 Days-Hired Help

Chapter 121: 5 Days-Hired Help




Taejoon presided over the case briefing with the CCK team. While the others were surprised that Gayoon was taken off the case, they did not dare to voice out their displeasure. Junwan was also present there, overseeing the preparations.

"All we know is that this is a copycat killer," Taejoon said. "He's connected to the original CCK in some way. Probably a fan or someone who had insights on the serial killer. He knew that the real CCK was Doctor Nam and also that he was put into a coma after his confrontation with Hwang Minho. And now he's out for revenge."

"Have you talked to the latest victim's parents?" Junwan asked.

"We did sir," Taejoon replied. "We checked the CCTV footage as well but it was damaged. What we don't understand is why the copycat killer targeted the CCK's own daughter. And how he managed to kidnap Hwang Mina from the hospital-"

"That's coz she was not kidnapped from the hospital."

The voice made everyone turn and gasp in shock as Gayoon entered the room followed by Minho and Kanji.

"Jeon Gayoon!" Junwan yelled at her. "You were taken off the case. What are you doing here?"

Gayoon felt a little guilty for disobeying orders but that did not deter her. She stood tall, looking at her supervisor in the eye.

"I'm here to solve the case assigned to me," she said boldly. 

"You are no longer in charge of the CCK case," Taejoon pointed out. "I am the new leader."

"Not the CCK case," Minho spoke up. "I have hired Detective Jeon to investigate my sister's kidnapping. As an elder brother, I'm very much concerned about her disappearance and I want Detective Jeon to independently handle this case."

Before Taejoon could argue back, Kanji piped in. "And given that the CCK might possibly be behind Mina's kidnapping, the two cases merely coincided," he added. "There isn't any proof that the fake CCK kidnapped Mina. But it's a possibility so our highly talented Gayoon will take care of it."

"She can't meddle with this case anymore!" Junwan said hotly. "She's personally connected to the victim-"

"As a citizen of this country, I do believe I have the right to choose which officer could look into my sister's case," Minho said loudly. "And I've hired Detective Jeon for it. After all, she will put more passion into finding my sister since she's personally connected to us. If you want, I can put in a few calls to the commissioner and see what he has to say about the fact that you decided to remove your best detective from the CCK case at a time when her expertise is needed the most. Don't forget that if she hadn't persuaded me to testify, you guys would've never found out about Doctor Nam."

HIs steely voice was calm yet made everyone nervous. The cold and icy glare chilled Junwan's spine, making him more uncomfortable. Hwang Minho had a way with words which made people bend to his will. He did not need to use his money; his wits were enough.

"Fine," Junwan finally conceded. "The CCK team will cooperate with Detective Jeon to find Mina. However, if Mina's kidnapping turns out to be unrelated to the CCK case, the officers will not provide anymore information to Jeon."

"Deal!" Gayoon exclaimed. "Now, if you'll excuse me, I have something important to share."

She walked towards the front and turned to face all of them. Holding up the letter she said, "This morning, someone had sent me this."

She handed the letter to Junwan who frowned. "This is" he began.

"An anonymous tip from a witness," Gayoon said. "Or maybe a sadistic play from the CCK himself. We don't know. However, before being kidnapped, Mina was last seen in the hospital. A nurse told us that she was looking for Doctor Dohyun and upon learning that Dohyun was not at the hospital, she rushed towards the latter's house."

"What does this have got to do with the case?" Taejoon asked.

"Doctor Dohyun was admitted into the hospital last night," Minho supplied. "She had food poisoning and a sudden heart attack which was at first thought to have occurred due to stress."

"But it turns out, Doctor Dohyun was having memory gaps," Kanji added. "In Mina's notes, she wrote that Dohyun complained of forgetfulness and that she had been eating things which she did not recall consuming."

He handed the file to Junwan. Glancing through it, Junwan was reluctantly impressed by the three vigilant sleuths who had been snooping around. 

"The contents found in Dohyun's stomach matched the chemical composition of the human heart," Gayoon revealed. "Our coroner, Jaein, confirmed it herself. Mina found out about it as well and rushed to find Dohyun."

"Human heart?" Hobin gasped from his seat. Beside him, Rui looked as if she was about to throw up while Jiang also looked visibly distrubed by the revelations. The case was not only barbaric but very sickening. The young rookies had little chance of tolerating the CCK's barbarity. 

"So Mina must have gone to find Dohyun at her apartment," Gayoon continued, hiding her own disdain. "And that's when she was kidnapped."

"Have you checked the CCTV footage near Dohyun's apartment?" Junwan demanded.

"Like all the other kidnappings, the CCTV was damaged here as well," Gayoon admitted. "However, the hospital's CCTV and the roadside cameras caught Mina's car along the route which led to Dohyun's house. And as per the note, Dohyun drove a black van which is big enough to store a large cold storage."

"This also goes with our theory that the CCK was storing his victims inside a cold temperature for five days before he finally kills them. Today is day one and we have only four days to save Mina."

"How do we know this note is legit?" Junwan questioned her. "We get fake tips all the time."

"Whoever wrote this note knows that the CCK is a cannibal," Minho pointed out. "This was not public information."

"Which means that the writer of the note is a witness or the CCK himself," Kanji concluded. "The latter is unlikely because the CCK is in a coma. Plus, the copycat is imitating the CCK to the T so he would not send the note either. This was a genuine witness. All we gotta do is find him or her."

"But first, we need to find Mina," Gayoon pressed. "We'll have to hunt down every black van which is big enough to hide a cold storage in the back. Once we get the van, we can find the CCK."

Junwan leaned back, glancing at the troublesome trio. He was reluctant to let Gayoon back on the case because of her connection to Hwang Minho but the latter turned out to be even more tenacious to keep Gayoon with the case. 

Hwang Minho went through all this trouble for her! Junwan thought in astonishment. Either they're very serious about each other or there's something more to them than meets the eye.

"Fine," he caved in. "I'll give the order to search all the black vans. And the CCK team will work with you to find Hwang Mina. But my earlier statement still stands. If the kidnapper is not the second CCK, then this team will not help you any further."

"Done," Gayoon agreed. She knew very well that the kidnapper was the fake CCK and the last warning was useless. But there was no time to dwell on that. They had a murderer to catch.


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