Mob Yandere

Chapter 132.2

Chapter 132.2

[Part 2/4]

"D*mn, can't be helped. Let's finish this!"

A shout came from nearby. When I turned, Kuchinasi emerged from the thicket. As if on cue, blades from axes and swords flew out from left and right at the deer's legs. The blades were aimed to hook into the rear legs of the charging deer. And... the blades that struck were immediately deflected!!

"Are you kidding me!?"

Perhaps the strength of the servants' arms wasn't enough due to the overwhelming force. The axes and swords flew in the wrong direction, or maybe they snapped and the squad members clutched their arms in numb pain. They are in such agony that even a superficial glance can tell that they are in agony, however, they immediately try to leave the scene. Everyone understood what staying there meant.

"Spear wielders!!"

Kuchinasi called out to provide support. Responding to his almost angry shout, the spear wielders threw their spears from close range. The spear throw, enhanced with augmented strength, would surely have secured medals in the Olympic javelin throw. Several spears pierced its hip area. The monster deer jumped and twitched in surprise once or twice... and that was it.

"No good, this won't stop it!!"

"Use the stink bombs!! Crush its nose!! Damn, retreat and regroup...!!"

Shirato shouted. Immediately, Kuchinasi gave orders to cease the extermination. Thrown projectiles were discarded, and when they popped, a strong stench spread in the surroundings. For a beast-like youkai, the sharpness of its sense of smell would make it cry out in agony.

"Retreat! Retreat!! Get out of here!!"

The one saying that was the first to start retreating. Scattering and dispersing temporarily was to avoid being focused on by the deer, just like when it were shot at with arrows.

Well, that deer over there seems to be fixated on me without paying any attention to anyone else, huh?

"Another decoy!?"

I resumed my full-speed sprint, screaming. I was in the midst of a full-speed escape. The burning hatred in the monster's eyes as it stared at me was something else. They might call me a 'fool,' but... could it be that I'm the cause of all this!?


Perhaps out of concern for me being chased by the monster deer, Yahiro threw a type of dagger (tanto) as support, but it didn't have much effect. A single thrown dagger couldn't stop this creature.

"It's bad...!?"

In an instant, the distance was closed. Then the monster deer roared. It lowered its head and scooped up. Its horns, covered in sharp spikes almost like weapons, came charging at me. If it hit me directly, I'd probably be thrown back or even worse, killed instantly by the multitude of spikes piercing me. I tried to evade. But it was too late...!?

"Sorry to keep you waiting!!"

In a flash, black hair appeared in my field of vision. The monster let out a cry of pain. The big deer staggered back, its nose split open as it backed off. The person who had caused that action quickly turned around.

"As usual, you're drawing the short straw, huh? Should you go for an exorcism?"

The Hannya-faced spear wielder. And with a slight shift of the mask she was wearing, an older woman pulled a mischievous tongue out playfully.

"...No, I don't have that kind of money."

She made a triumphant, smug expression. Onitsuki Family's servant Yun-shoku, Kaede Tomoe. I was thoroughly dumbfounded and couldn't help but retort to my superior and mentor...

* * *

Roaring echoed. Furious roaring. The monstrous rumble filled with hatred. Yun-shoku and I shifted our gazes. We looked at the deer monster that glared at us. Its blood-soaked visage, its very nose torn apart, stared down at us.


"You shouldn't step forward, you know? Hide somewhere. ...Now then, as your senior, shall I lend a hand here!?"

As if interrupting my suggestion to retreat, Yun-shoku taunted with confidence. She twirled her spear in a dancing manner and gazed up at the monster deer as if looking down on it. Was it due to a sense of humiliation or something? The creature split its chin, revealing a menacing mouth with an absurdly insect-like structure instead of a mammalian one. And then... it lunged!!

"It's coming...!?"

"Just as I hoped!!"

Yun-shoku charged forward as if scooping up the horns like a boar. Instead of avoiding, she met the attack head-on. It was reckless. It was a suicidal act.

"Exactly what I thought!?"


It was just before the collision. I recognized that Yun-shoku had thrown something, likely gravel or a similar object. It hit the deer's eye dead on. The monster deer flinched, shaking its head from the unexpected pain. Seizing the deer's horns, Yun-shoku leaped up...!!


"And now!!"

Leaving me astounded, Yun-shoku agilely leaped and bounded on what seemed like branches, like a monkey, then came crashing down. And in that moment, she attempted to thrust her spear into the top of its skull.


The monster suddenly turned to face Yun-shoku, opening its jaws wide to swallow her whole!!

"Yun-shoku!? It's dangerous..."

"It's all part of the plan!!"

My shout was drowned out as Yun-shoku mocked. She had thrown an explosive ball. The resounding scream with the explosion was louder than before. If the creature was protected by tough fur and thick fat, it might not have been a problem, but the shards that scattered from its soft oral cavity mercilessly inflicted excruciating pain on the monster. One could hardly imagine the sensation. At the very least, it's not a pretty mouth sore.

"And now... I'll pierce the suffering deer with my spear!!"

Yun-shoku said this just as she thrust the spear into her throat while it was in free fall. The spear was deeply embedded up to its midsection. Yun-shoku let go and leaped away from the spot as the creature collapsed, slightly delayed.

"Yun-shoku! Are you alright...!!?"

"Naturally! Hey, all of you!! Don't just stand there, kill it, kill it!! We haven't confirmed its death yet!! Don't let your guard down until you've cut off its head and gouged out its heart!! And even then, don't let your guard down!!"

Kuchinasi returned in a hurry, and just as he did, Yun-shoku spoke roughly and authoritatively. She ordered as she spoke. Kuchinasi growled in irritation but commanded his returning subordinates to give the monster a final blow. The black-clad figures with insect-like faces gathered around the barely alive monster and began to beat it mercilessly.


"Come on, you too! Don't slack off!! Or did you get injured somewhere? Should I give you first aid?"

In the midst of the sudden turn of events and the corpses of the fallen middle youkai, Yun-shoku, who had come over without my noticing, asked. Presumably, my teacher, who had dealt with another middle youkai until just now, was calling out.

"Well, no. I'm fine... Ugh!!?"

As I tried to step away from the scene, I stumbled. I realized it too late. My knees were shaking. They were trembling from fear and tension, rigid and convulsing. Or is it... did I leak a bit?

"Oh my. How embarrassing! You're not a baby, so cut it out. ...Do you want a diaper change?"

"There's no way that's happening!!"

Due to a mix of shame and being pointed out so bluntly, I let out a scream. This isn't a superior-subordinate relationship. I really wished she would stop destroying my dignity. Even if the accusation was true.

"Alright, alright, alright. I got it, I got it. Your little accident is a secret. A pact between you and me, two men!"

"Um, you're a woman, right?"

If something like this is blurted out so loudly, there's no secret left. Look, there are people looking over here! It's completely exposed, isn't it? It's already too late!


"I'm seriously starting to want to kill you..."

As Yun-shoku laughed casually to play it off, I found myself feeling a slight urge to harm her. Look at this. Everyone here is just fed up...

"D*mn it. ...It's over for someone like Yun-shoku, huh?"


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