Mob Yandere

Chapter 132.1

Chapter 132.1

[Part 1/4]

It was a night of the full moon. The pale and large moon faintly illuminated the snow-covered mountains of the northern region, enveloped by the forest.

"Haah, haah..."

Several figures moved through the densely snow-covered forest. Among them, one figure clearly lagged behind, struggling to keep up with their colleagues, while exhaling rough breaths.

Judging from the attire and mask, it might not be immediately apparent. It was a boy who appeared to be in his mid-teens, possibly not even an adult yet. He stopped in the shade of trees as if taking a break, hunching over and panting, a pathetic sight.

...Well, that's me in a nutshell.

"Are you okay? If you're tired, should you rest?"

After staying in that spot for a moment, a colleague who seemed to sympathize with the situation approached me. Coming closer, they made a suggestion in a whisper-like voice. I recognized the voice; it was Yahiro.

(These servants all wear similar masks, so it's troublesome to have to ask every time just to know who's who...)

Internally, I let out a somewhat wry chuckle. I hold my breath. Then I lift my head.

"Haah, haah... heh, I'm fine with this much. Just keep going ahead without worrying about me."

I smiled defiantly, despite tasting the metallic tang of blood in my mouth. ...Of course, they wouldn't see my expression because of the mask.

"...You're putting on a brave front, huh? Well, hurry up and catch up. Don't lag behind."

"Got it... Hey, didn't those words just sound a bit strange?"

There's no answer to my question. Shrugging my shoulders, I resume running desperately to catch up with everyone.

...Yes, we were dashing through the forest like black shadows with minimal conversation. We were sprinting energetically, yet there was hardly any sound, not even the noise of footsteps, due to the unique method of walking and breathing we synchronized. Except for me.

"Darn... is it useless!"

I curse under my breath, my face reddening. Unfortunately, I haven't completely mastered the breathing technique yet, which was the main reason I got out of breath earlier. It's truly humiliating. I've practiced it so many times, haven't I?


My colleague leading the way noticed and signaled with a hand motion. Simultaneously, we all stopped running and took cover behind various objects. And then we peered out from the shadows of the trees to catch a glimpse of the enormous silhouette.


Hidden behind a large tree, I slowly peered at 'it.' At the same time, I held my breath.

The pitch-black colossal shape was being illuminated by the moonlight, revealing its form distinctly.

It must be at least 2 meters (6,5ft) long... I wonder if it's more than six meters (19,6ft)? It was a deer. A monstrous deer with massive, showy antlers like avant-garde art, which had grown out of proportion on the snow-covered mountain of the north. I remember vaguely, but it was half the size of this even for a normal stag. Not to mention, from this perspective, its head had more than two pairs of eyes. Furthermore, its jaws, meant for chewing grass, were split into four. It was clearly not a natural creature.

That's right, it's a youkai... a being of the supernatural outside human understanding. Beasts draped in youkai energy, they were abnormal, monstrous creatures.

"As reported by the Hidden Group, it's a bit larger than an average youkai. ...Is it devouring spiritual herbs?"

The squad leader, Kuchinasi, who has been a servant for over ten years and supervises two squads of servant troops for this mission, muttered quietly. "Spiritual herbs" referred to the general term for plants that, benefiting from the flow of spiritual energy, gained effects beyond the laws of nature, becoming precious ingredients for spiritual medicine.

By the way, it's rare for beings to absorb changing spiritual power or youkai energy to transform into plant-like youkai creatures... well, that's not important right now.

"They haven't noticed us yet. Let's surround it."

"Yeah. Archers, spread out in all directions. Shoot simultaneously when I signal. Don't forget to poison the arrowheads."

As the second-in-command of the servant squad leader for this mission, Shirato suggested, the archers nodded in agreement and received orders from Kuchinasi, the squad leader. Shooting from one direction narrows down the targets for counterattacks. Shooting from all sides forces the creature to momentarily hesitate in choosing which to retaliate against, creating a brief window of indecision.

"Archers, fire and then retreat. It will be confused. Let's decide whether we should finish it off after. That's the target. Let's show it a conspicuous bait and set a trap."

As the archers moved away from the group, the commander (Shirato) gave further instructions. At the same time, I had a bad feeling.

"Cut its hind legs while it charges at the decoy. Blade and axe wielders, wait in the bushes. If necessary, spear wielder, throw a spear at its butt. ...Tomobe!!"

Then the commander (Shirato) called my 'name' with a thoroughly exasperated expression. Through the gap in the mask, our gazes met. His cold eyes pierced through me.

"Once the archers draw its attention, come out. Lead it toward the ambush spot on that beast path."

It was an instruction that could be considered almost like treating us as disposable pawns.

"Hey, Kuchinasi. That..."

"I can't afford to break the coordination of the squads. In that sense, this extra task is just right. ...And it seems luck is on our side too."

Kuchinasi muttered with a sarcastic tone, recalling my background. I sensed an aversion and caution in her words, as if she wanted to keep troublemakers away.


And... for various reasons, I couldn't really argue with that.



Receiving the scrutinizing gazes of the surrounding servant members, I headed towards the designated spot according to the instructions.

"Don't get down. ...If things get dangerous, we'll support you, okay?"

"Yeah. I'm counting on you."

Yahiro whispered as he passed by, and I replied briefly. Suppressing the indescribable awkwardness, I entered the thicket with a firm grip on the spear. I peered at the target once more.

According to the information, there were two medium youkai as targets. One was already being dealt with by the others. We had to take down the other one... that monstrous deer. If the reports were accurate, it had already attacked two villages, ambushed merchants on the city road, and caused over a dozen casualties. It definitely had to be dealt with.

(Exterminating a pest... Not such a cute story, huh?)

Digging up memories from a past life, I chuckled inwardly. I felt like cursing the scenario writers and scriptwriters who had given me this hardcore world view.

...I'll just ignore the fact that I got hooked on it.

"Ugh...!!? It's coming!!"

The sound that cut through the air brought me back to reality immediately. The monster's cries echoed through the forest. Over ten arrows rained down upon its head and neck. Fired from powerful bows enhanced with spiritual energy, those arrows could easily penetrate cheap armor. However, for creatures outside human understanding, it wouldn't be a fatal wound. Instead, it roared in anger.

I sensed that the archers hiding in the forest had quietly and swiftly retreated as I leapt out of the thicket. At the same time, I burst out of the bushes with momentum. With the spear in my hand, I shouted and thrust my spear into the hind leg. It was a full-powered thrust enhanced by spiritual energy.

...But it pierced about the width of a log into the leg. How stubborn!

"No, it's so tough."

Unable to bear the absurdity, I couldn't help but comment.


"Tch!? Running is the best option here!"

Right after, the monster deer turned around and menacingly displayed the countless serrated teeth inside its jaw. I immediately turned on my heels and started fleeing. It was a desperate escape, even more intense than before.

"There's no shame in running, and it's useful. A valuable lesson from the former squad leader... Uwaaah!!?"

As I raced at full speed, I glanced back and saw its approaching fangs. Reflexively, I twisted my body, dodging out of its line of attack. The shadow of the massive creature swept by. If I had been a few seconds slower, I would have been trampled to death. The monster continued its momentum, leaving me behind as it charged deeper into the forest.


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