Mob Yandere

Chapter 124.1

Chapter 124.1

[Part 1/4]

The banquet began sometime after it got dark for a couple of hours. The military commander, acting as the host, organized the event with the city's chief official. Over a hundred important people from the city and nearby rich families came. They had lots of booze and delicious food. There were also geisha who performed for everyone. Even though there were a few small problems, the mood was happy and everyone was celebrating.

For Hotoya Tamaki, however, this was a time devoid of joy.


Among the attendees at the banquet, this new household member occupied a corner of the seating area. She was genuinely fed up with the noisy surroundings, the strong scent of alcohol, and the opulent dishes before her. It wouldn't be an exaggeration to say she was quite disheartened.

Part of it was her lack of tolerance for alcohol. She might have also been tired due to the similar circumstances she faced at her lodgings each time. However, her inability to enjoy such an occasion had deeper roots.

One reason was the stark contrast with the common people. Initially, this wasn't apparent, but as she explored the city, it became clear. Homeless people wandering the city's streets, leaving villages during the planting season to construct shacks at the city's corners. How could she wholeheartedly enjoy the extravagant feast before her after witnessing such scenes? However, it seemed Tamaki was in the minority with this perspective among the attendees, which further disappointed her.

There were more personal reasons as well. Being a new and inexperienced exorcist, inexperienced in the ways of the world, and a member of Hotoya's family—all of these aspects posed issues.

"Well, well, if it isn't the subject of many rumors. My, my, how surprised I am. Who would have thought Hotoya's household member would be such a charming young lady!"

As the nobleman sitting in front of her shifted in his seat and laughed heartily, he generously poured sake into her cup. She could only manage a strained smile in response. This exchange had happened numerous times already, with different people.

This situation was similar to what happened during the incident at 'Mayoiga,' but her position was as if a duck had arrived bearing green onions (someone's role or position is unexpected, out of place, or doesn't quite fit the context). A young lady from the prosperous Hotoya village known even in the Northern region. Her face clearly lacked the experience in manipulation, but by adorning it with her talents, beauty, and achievements, she became nothing but a prey.

"Hm... hm, ha! Ha, hahaha...?"

"Ha-ha-ha! You're quite the drinker! I'm envious. Now, now, have another drink!"


The nobleman forced another drink into her cup as if it were natural. Faced with the sudden and merciless reinforcement, her intelligence to handle the situation calmly was deteriorating rapidly, clouded by intoxication. Losing control was not good; absolutely not!

(Ugh, ugh...?)

Somehow getting a confession or, if not, making an excuse to take care of her while she's drunk... The nobleman wasn't without such sinister intentions. To say "don't show greed" would be too tempting considering the delicious prey that presented himself.

By the way, it wasn't only her who was targeted. The daughters of Tachibana, the Onitsuki princesses, also posed problems. Tachibana's young lady was too talkative and could be easily manipulated. The first princess was either immune to intoxication or self-destructed against those trying to intoxicate her and was sent to her room one after another. As for the other princess, she didn't even attend, citing personal reasons. Though rumors suggested the real reason was more political... whatever the case, it was undoubtedly one of the reasons her troubles were increasing.

(At times like this, if Suzune and the others were here...)

As she looked down at the filled cup, she thought about it. If Suzune were here, she would have handled the guests skillfully. Iruka might have forced a drinking match as an interjection. Or he might have...


As her thoughts reached that point, her intoxication suddenly cleared, and not in a good way.

Iruka's words spilled out instinctively in her mind. The hardship imposed by her own inexperience snd the conflict arising from her interactions with Suzune... her expression turned dark as it all came flooding back.

Especially the conflict with Suzune, they do not speak clearly to each other, and they pretend to be normal, but... They are both aware of that incident, unable to bring it up directly.

Avoiding the tricky topic, hiding the bad stuff... she was scared.


Surely, from each other's perspectives, it would be best to initiate the conversation oneself. However... though they were both busy, too much time had passed. What was already difficult to broach became even harder to touch upon as time went on. Is there any gain in revisiting the restored daily life that was regained through deceit?

To say that Tamaki's desire to escape from reality was solely due to her individual responsibility would be to ignore the nature of humanity itself.

"Hotoya-dono...? Is something the matter?"

"Huh!? Oh, n-no, it's nothing..."

Perhaps to repair the atmosphere due to her difficult expression, Tamaki manages to mask her unease and respond as the nobleman across from her gives her a puzzled look. Trying to recover her composure, she attempts to down her cup in haste, but her hand halts nonetheless. How should she get out from this situation? Tamaki is bewildered.

"Well, well, if it isn't the Lord of Azuta Village. Greetings. How have things been? How's the current state of the economy?"

A seductive voice from the side comes to her aid. When Tamaki turns, she finds Advisor, who had somehow changed seats unnoticed. With a gentle smile, Advisor greets both Tamaki and the lord.

"Oh, ahaha... this is honored Advisor from the Onitsuki family. G-Greetings..."

Azuta's lord manages a smile that is hard to put into words. His disarray appears as if the tide of battle has reversed.

(Now that I think about it...)

Tamaki had recently learned about the nickname "Black Butterfly" that Advisor carries. It seems she used to be quite adept in her past, and even now, she is feared by those around her for her actions back then.

...For Tamaki, however, she didn't feel anything more than a caring widow with a mysterious atmosphere.

As Tamaki thinks about this, Azuta's lord exchanges a few words and leaves hastily. His departure seems like a retreat. Catching a glimpse of him, Kochou once again smiles as she stands by Tamaki's side. And then she speaks.

"My apologies for interrupting. I thought you seemed tense around alcohol... Was it meddling unnecessarily?"

"N-No, it's alright. I appreciate it. Thank you."

Tamaki sincerely expresses her gratitude for Kochou's words. Though she isn't sure of the intention, she was helped, and therefore gratitude is natural.

"Hehe. Are you okay? ...In truth, helping in these sorts of matters is also part of an advisor's role."

Saying that, Kochou's gaze shifts towards the head of the table where the officials of Shiromoki Kan-city and representatives of the Joraku who had come to the capital were engaged in conversation. Her gaze settles on the head of the Onitsuki family and his wife. And the look in her eyes wasn't necessarily friendly.

Even though Onitsuki Sumire taught sword skills to Hotoya Tamaki, it was really just the basics. Apart from some tea parties and help, she didn't share much beyond what was needed. When it came to the deeper parts of being an exorcist – their ways of thinking, acting, and understanding things – Sumire didn't say much. This, along with Tamaki's natural talent, caused her to feel off-balance in terms of her thoughts, abilities, and body.

In terms of skill and body, her mind was far too immature... In a sense, that was more fatal than anything else.

"...Tamaki-san. I think it's dangerous for children like you to learn swordsmanship. Hey, are you interested in Shikigami Art or Fu-jutsu?"

"Well... that's..."

Tamaki couldn't give a clear answer to Advisor's words, which were more concerned than even her mentor. It was likely a kind gesture. However... having already learned swordsmanship in her hometown, and having a reasonable level of confidence in her current skill, she felt there was a limit to trying to master another skill now. ...Certainly, it wasn't due to not understanding a lecture she had heard once. Definitely not.

"Hehe. I apologize for bringing this up so suddenly. ...However, I believe that Tamaki-san will surely succeed in a different path. Besides, now that I have a disciple like Shirowakamaru-kun, I think having a good rival would allow for mutual improvement, don't you agree?"

"Are you talking about Shirowakamaru-kun? But..."

She couldn't help but feel that he might dislike himself. Kochou smiles gently, seemingly having sensed that concern.

"I don't think so. But well, that child might be a little jealous... but it's just temporary. That child will surely understand. I'll make them understand. If it comes to that, I'll persuade them myself."

Kochou laughed even more. She laughed. With a pleasant smile, she laughed deeply. Was it just her imagination that something dark seemed to seep behind her? Tamaki thought. But surely, there was pressure. An unpleasant pressure. When she peeked and saw Shirowakamaru, his back was shaking involuntarily. He looked around, seemingly searching for something. And fortunately, he didn't notice them.

"N-No, surely not to that extent...!?"

"Hehe. My apologies, that was going too far, huh? Just a joke. Just a joke."


Tamaki is taken aback at the suddenly dissipating uncomfortable atmosphere. Had she been played with? No, but the feeling from earlier had seemed genuine, and... Tamaki was left in confusion, unsure of the truth.

"Let's put aside our worries for now and enjoy the celebratory feast. Shall we eat, drink, and have fun tonight? Look, how about trying this dish? Or these? If you find something you like, I'll ask the kitchen for the recipe later."

"T-Thank you very much!"

Kochou's words were meant as a topic for practicing the promised cooking. Tamaki expressed her gratitude from the bottom of her heart for this consideration.

"It's fine, don't worry. ...Oh, this one looks delicious."

Smiling in response to Tamaki's gratitude, Kochou's gaze shifted to one of the dishes before her. It was "Muginawa" confectionery. A fried sweet made by kneading wheat flour into a rope-like shape. It seemed that honey was drizzled on the dough and kinako (toasted soybean flour) was sprinkled over it.

"That's true. I'll take some."

As someone with a sweet tooth, Tamaki agreed with Kochou's words and reached for the dish with her chopsticks to serve herself... only to have her hand meet another.


"Oh, my apologies for that."

The man whose hand had overlapped with Tamaki's offered a polite apology to her surprise.

"Oh, no. It's my mistake..."


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