Mob Yandere

Chapter 123.4

Chapter 123.4

[Part 4/4]

The various economic harassments by the youkai against Fusō-kuni had been steadily fueling societal unrest, although the collapse of the nation itself was not a possibility. The impact was particularly strong. To minimize immediate chaos, Fusō-kuni had to implement various relief measures. Limited foods, protection for the elderly and sick, and even limited benevolent decrees obtained through persuading wealthy merchants. Meanwhile, control was maintained through the use of army and Kebiishi (police and judicial chiefs)...

Easier said than done. All these policies required people and money. No matter how much effort was put in, two and two wouldn't necessarily make four. No matter how much effort was made, it would never be enough. If one tried to force it, the repercussions would naturally fall somewhere, typically onto the weak.

Eventually, the various Tribes or clans that were subjugated to Fusō-kuni became the final targets. Ezo were referred to as Hayato People (an ancient ethnic group)... to be precise, these names were nothing more than arbitrary designations by the court based on their approximate regions of residence. Regardless, Fusō-kuni's higher-ups decided to shift the burden to these groups, particularly those with autonomy, in order to alleviate the situation.

"Saeki the White Dog Tribe, huh..."

'(^ω^U) woof woof!'

Glancing at the numerous tents set up on the outskirts of the city, I muttered about their origin. The largest group of Tribes under the Imperial Court's control in the Northern region of Fusō-kuni. A faction of Ezo who had contributed significantly to the domination of Fusō-kuni's Northern region as the vanguard since surrendering during the reign of the Reimu's Emperor's northern campaign... The Imperial Court requested military service from them.

Their forces, numbering 3000, responded by heading to the central lands. They did so at their own expense, paying for their stay. Furthermore, though not openly stated, the Imperial Court had made another request of them. Unintentionally, they had triggered a troublesome situation. Well, it was mostly the Minister of the Left's fault.

(What a mess. I don't know the details or the chronological order...)

This incident involving this Tribe or clan had occurred in the original work, in the novel version, and even in the manga adaptation. The problem was that the protagonist only heard about the incident indirectly and it was only vaguely mentioned even in the spin-offs. The conclusion was known, but the path leading to it was completely unclear. It wasn't funny that it was unclear, especially when it could potentially serve as a deterrent in some routes.

In the Bad End route, it was these same people who dealt the final blow to Fusō-kuni. The Youkai Salvation had different plans against the Tribes or clans that were in conflict with Fusō-kuni. A country usually doesn't fall just from outside forces or inner turmoil alone. But when these two things come together, even a big organization can collapse in no time...

"Ah, damn. There's no way out of this mess."

"Why are you so frustrated?"

Answering my frustrated outburst was the commanding voice of a dignified woman. Trying to hide my unease, I turned around.

And there she was, in my line of sight. The slender woman with vivid raven-black hair and fiery crimson eyes. Onitsuki family's first princess, Onitsuki Hina.

"...I was checking on the state of the city. It seems that there are quite a few refugees and a considerable number of Ezo soldiers. According to the information I gathered, there have been cases of people being abducted. It seems necessary to pay attention to public order."

'(○` 3′○) We're in the middle of a sightseeing trip!!'

"Hahaha, you're so emotional. It's a rare view for me."

"I'm not a child either. I don't go around getting excited about the scenery. ...Is there something you need?"

'(・`ω・´) It's time for introspection!!'

I countered Hina's words and tried to uncover the reason she had come here. The vantage point I was at wasn't particularly popular; it was on the outskirts of the inn. At least, it wasn't a place the princess would typically visit. To call this a chance encounter would be quite unnatural. It was definitely not an interrogation, though.

"If I didn't have a reason, can't I go see you?"

"It's not exactly that..."

"I know, I know. Just kidding."

As I wore a wry smile across my face, Hina seemed to sense it and casually changed her words. I was grateful for this aspect. If it were Gorilla-sama, she would seize every opportunity to barrage me with power harassment. It was easy to imagine that happening. Naturally, it might have followed the usual pattern, but I was glad it was Hina who came here.

Gorilla-sama, Onitsuki Aoi, spent most of her time during this Joraku journey either in her ox cart or her room, rarely showing her face in public. I hadn't even seen her once. Among the few individuals allowed to meet her as guests, Kayo was one, but when it came to Gorilla-sama, she evaded the topic. I wonder if things are really that chaotic...?

"...Princess Hina, could you please stop behaving like this?"

'(;^o^) It's my privilege to have dad bewildered!!'

"It's because you're thinking about other women in front of me."

For now, I voiced my complaint to Hina, who was in close proximity, almost near enough to sense each other's breaths. Her response was rather unsociable, resembling that of a sulky child. It was both cute and made her seem young... of course, while ignoring the white spider's mysterious boast.

"Hahaha... I'm not thinking about that sort of thing."

"Well, I wonder?"

"Please stop teasing me."

"Sorry, sorry... You've been summoned by my father."

The light banter was replaced by silence following Hina's statement.

"That is..."

'(#°Д°) An abrupt attack from a cunning person!!'

"I understand your feelings, but it's not nice to keep him waiting. I know it's a burden... Will you come?"


'(*´・ω・) Working hard to earn royalties... (but)'

Suppressing conflicting emotions of inner turmoil, tension, fear, and hatred, I respond to Hina's call. As she said, I've had no choice in the past, and even now, I don't really have any option. Whatever her reason might be... I start descending the inn's tower towards the room where the head of the Onitsuki family stays.

Clad in a heavy atmosphere...

"That's right..."

"Huh!? Princess Hina...? What is it!?"

'(^ω^) It look delicious in some way!!?'

It was an abrupt turn of events. Hina suddenly draws my dominant hand towards her. Her fingers, white and smooth like whitefish, intertwine with my thick, rough, and dry ones. It's not quite a handshake or hand-holding. This more intimate gesture resembles what people would call "lovers holding hands."

Proof of affection that Hina and I used to do a lot when we were kids...

"In a place like this, if someone sees us..."

"I know. Only while there's no one around."

'(^ω^U) Sniff sniff sniff!!'

Amidst my unease, Hina chuckles childishly and then smiles kindly. ...Stupid spider, stop ruining the mood.

"You're not alone. So relax."


'(^ω^) Papa, dinner time!'

Hina whispers as if she can see into my heart. She probably sensed my fear, my position, and what I'm afraid of. That's why she's acting this way. I had even forgotten to use honorifics with her. I'm simply grateful for the warmth I feel in her hand.

...Stupid spider, are you fasting for a while?

'ヽ(;▽;) What's this about?'

"Well then, shall we go together?"


Guided by Hina, I respond with heartfelt gratitude. Remembering childhood memories, we synchronize our steps and start walking together.

From within my heart, as I head towards the head of the family, my fear had somehow dispersed...

* * *

"Haah... haah..."

Disguised as she is, she keeps looking back behind her multiple times. It's out of fear of the pursuers who may have realized her escape.

"Is it okay right here?"

Even after a couple of hours have passed, the figures of those pursuing her are neither seen nor sensed. It seems to be safe for now.

"When I get back, I'll have to apologize..."

She feels guilty about what she did to the caretakers. She'll have to explain herself later. However, even so...

"...Please wait, okay? I'll take you back to your home now."

Inside her pocket, a Furoshiki (wrapping cloth) holds her weak and feeble friend. The friend lets out a faint, pitiable sound as if pleading.


More melancholic than ever before, the girl feels even greater sympathy. Her heart aches simply because her few friends make such sounds. One would feel this way when someone's body is incompatible with the land's spiritual pulse, just like how water from a foreign land might not suit a person's body. Maybe even worse... Still, for her, who's not allowed to leave her homeland, there's nothing she can do. She thought all she could do was see off her friend as it weakened.

Is this the last resort? Although the discussions among the elders were heated, in the end, she made the decision herself. Leaving her homeland is painful, and the days she'll spend sending her friend off after arriving in the capital will be hard... But, there was no choice. In that case, she wanted to save her friend's life.

"...Let's go."

And so, she headed forward at a brisk pace. Towards the land where her friend should return. Towards the foreign land that she would call her homeland. She stepped into it.

Without realizing, she remains completely unaware of the presence watching her with a sneer...

Fan (AI) art:

Title: Korishiraki

URL: here

Title: Shiro

URL: here


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