Miss Demon Maid

Chapter 60: Battle of God and Demon (3)

Chapter 60: Battle of God and Demon (3)

I felt like there was a something connected between milady and me. I could feel her heartbeat and thoughts.

I can feel her heartbeat and thoughts. Do my thoughts reach you, milady?

A sense of freedom, like being released from the shell that covered your entire body: . Is this what [the Lord] was saying?

I finally understood what I was.

I feel lighter. I can feel the power flowing out of me.

And I truly understood who I was becoming.

Did I put a little too much effort into it?

The night view of the royal city spreads out below. Directly below, the whole area, including the church, was transformed into a circular clearing. More than a dozen giant dragons lay dead. A fire broke out in several places in the capital, and humans were screaming and running away.

Humans ? Not long ago, I was a human too, but I cant help but chuckle a little at how my perceptions have changed.

Im not going to be able to get the same amount of power as you. I became the true Goddess of this world after I won the power of a god the old dragon god as my own.

The proof of this is that even that maid who was so afraid of being opposed to me was torn to pieces and blown away by a single act of my power.

I was going to kill her, but shes probably still alive. Because shes

A high-level demon that even rivals the great spirits that cause natural disasters Great Demon.

Even for me, I couldnt believe that such an insane existence really existed with my present-day memories on Earth. Even if she usually had some insane powers, she was no different from an ordinary human being.

Was that the mimicry of a demon? A superior demon would lurk inside a human and breathe malice into people, so even if they cared for God on the surface, it was hard to know what they were thinking on the inside.

In that sense, I wonder if Sharon is a victim too. She was also more honest than the game, but shes a villainous daughter, so its not surprising that shes up to something.

In a way, villainous girl and devils maid are a perfect match.


The few surviving dragons escaped in pieces, but once their wounds are healed, they will come after me again.

Its dangerous to let that demon maid escape here as well. I can never let anyone who could potentially harm me live. That maid is more troublesome than multiple dragons in terms of danger.

But thats a case of being used in a small, shrewd move like setting up that former Goddess. Obviously, even in the earlier fight, I, who can use all of [Dragon God]s power if I fight properly, would not be able to lose.

It would be troublesome if she could hide. Suppose I directly aim at the villainous daughter Sharon, who is probably the demons contractor. In that case, she will be contractually forced to come out.

That demon was blown away in the direction of the Magic Academy? Perhaps there might be Sharon.

Within this [Box Garden World], I can see anywhere. It was comical to see my father and mother burning to death while suffering.

Sharon is still inside the academy. But is a bit weird. Its like a spiders web thats hard to see.

At that moment, the word spiders web reminded me of the devil, and I felt a little uncomfortable with it.

. Its all right. Im not going to say goodbye to you, Sharon. I dont have any hard feelings toward you.

Just as I was about to fire a barrage of light towards the academy something like a shockwave hit my barrier.

Oh, Mr. Elias?

I suppressed my annoyance a bit and turned my gaze only to see the white armor-clad Holy Knight Elias pointing his sword in my direction.

To the new [Goddess], disrespect!

I could hear the goddess decimation. That may not have been a goddess, but its also true that I was saved by that thing.

Oh, so youre willing to fight back for that idiot?

No, I dont feel that way. But anyone who disturbs the peace of the people will be avenged by this holy knight Elias!

Ah, yes.

He irritates me. After all, the things left behind by that former Goddess irritate me.

I was thinking of letting the target of the attack live, but Im going to erase everything that smells like the former Goddess.

Go away.

The ground that Elias was on turned into a crater. Through that dust cloud, Elias, who had put up a barrier, thrust at me and slash at me, who was in the air.

As expected of the strongestHoly Knight . In a general game, is it the equivalent of a Hero? But

Im sorry to hear that.

He attacked me, but his sword was blocked by my light barrier. Before Elias, who was falling to the ground, could adjust his stance, I shot out a spear of light, and something flew out from beside him, causing Elias to evade the spear of light.

Holy knight, I invite thee to the sky!

You can go to ..

Dont look over your shoulder. Lets go!


That little green dragon that was wandering around. Im surprised that he could fly with an armored knight in his arms at that small size.

But what are you going to do with that speed? What are you going to do with that kind of aggression? No, you cant. That demon could do better.



They are easily blown away by my wide area shockwave. With the durability of a human or a child dragon, its not even a decent fight.


Suddenly I feel a chill, and I stop the chase.

.. something is there. Something is coming. I look around for it a pale shadow floats behind the battered and floating holy knight and the child dragon in the air.

Its that demon maid Fleurety.

Oh, you!

Miss Fleurety! Youre hurt.

When those guys turned around in surprise, the demon maid, who smiled thinly, grabbed those guys with one hand and started swinging them around.

Leave this one to me. You two should take shelter, please.

What? Hey,

Wait, wait, wait, wait!

The holy knight and the little dragon, who had been swung around, were thrown far away with a scream. That thing, if it were an average human, it would surely die, right?

I didnt attack at such a strange sight. For some reason, I hesitated to attack.

Here you are, Miss Clarice.

Throwing the interloper farther away, the demon maid turns to me and smiles thinly again.

.. what? Something is wrong.

Even if the skin color had returned to a human-like color, the pale skin looked more like the skin of a dead person, and even her demonic form had disappeared.

Its a good thing that she can get the most out of her time because its not just a matter of time before she can get a new one.

Whatthis? Im hesitant to attack her myself, even though she doesnt look like she can fight like that.

you, what?

I am me ?

At that moment, the discomfort became worse.


A crack ran through that pale skin, and the weathered maids clothes also crumbled like rot.


As the black spiders legs pop out of the limbs shredded cross-section, they squishily change shape and turn into a human limb-like shape.


Eight black spider legs sprouted up to pierce her back, taking on a gritty, hard black sheen.

Whats going on? What is that thing trying to get?

As her glistening white skin was revealed underneath the cracked skin and her slender limbs stretched out, hard black spider legs replaced the rotten maids outfit.

It was an all-black maid outfit.

It was a skeletal armor that resembled a maids uniform.

Im sure youll be able to find a way to make your life easier and more fun.

.. impossible

I suddenly understood. Its impossible. The knowledge of the [Dragon God] in me says it is.

What Im feeling is fear.

The fear I feel for the demon is a passive skill effect of the demon. But it can be avoided with equal power. Thats why I, the [Goddess], was not afraid of her.

The knowledge in me knows what it is.

Thats the rebel of God[Devil]

In various dimensions and in multiple worlds, the legendary beings who claimed to be gods were destroyed and devoured by those who claimed to be gods. The darkness of the moonlit night seemed to grow darker at the presence of this evil.

Why does such a thing exist? How could such a being be here!

When a white haze overflows from its presence, it becomes a white thread scattered around the area. From the cryptic cemetery where the church used to be located, the greats of the past, dressed in extravagant costumes, rise up in their bones, and crushed corpses crawl out of the rubble of the area. The charred dragon corpse walked out comically like a puppet and lowered his head respectfully behind the demon.

Again, nice to meet you.

The demons voice lingers in my ears.

The Golden Sacred Demon Army, Lieutenant General Fleurety, this is


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