Miss Demon Maid

Chapter 59: Battle of God and Demon (2)

Chapter 59: Battle of God and Demon (2)

Dragons, giant dragons, are fighting something on top of the church!

The venue for the graduation party. The appearance of an evil spirit that tricked the goddess and my dearest friend Letty, who pursued it.

Ive been using healing magic on the injured people at the venue, and I turned my head to the window at the sound of someone shouting.

I know that this was the real goddess. Those dragons must be fighting for the old god.

Many people went to the window, and beyond the faintest glimpse, I could see several things flying around and spitting fire.

Is that is Letty in there too? Is she fighting?

She has always gone beyond the realm of a maid to do things for me. Maybe Im the only one who thinks of us as friends because she is working for me, but she is an invaluable friend.

I know she is strong. Wherever and whoever I was dealing with, I felt safe with Letty. So Im sure shell be back soon this time, too. Thats what I thought, but her opponent is a goddess. Please, please come back safely.


Suddenly, a large pillar of fire rises in the distance outside the window, and the people in the audience scream.

Whats happening ? The pillar of fire rose again, followed by the light outside the window.

Sharon! Sharon!

.. Mr. Andy?

I seemed to faint for a moment. When I wake up, Andy, who was holding my shoulder, breathes with relief.

My cheeks heat up as he touches my shoulders, which were exposed by the dress. Im embarrassed, and I look away from his gaze and see

There were a lot of people in the hall there, fallen and injured. As I recall, there was an explosion of light, and the windows had been blown out.

I cant use magic!

Me too!

No. skills are not working!

Someone was screaming. Are skills disabled? If you cant use your skills, most people wont be able to use magic. Then what about these injured people?


Ill take care of it!

I dont have any magic skills. So Ive been practicing a lot with Letty so that I can use it without skills.

For those of you who can remember the healing magic spell, please write it down on paper! As long as the magic power is flowing steadily and you chant it properly and without mistakes, it will activate even without the skill!

I called out to the surgeons who were healing, and I, too, cast a healing spell on the injured man.

... Miss Sharon thank you sorry

Its okay.

A female classmate of mine who used to make fun of me was crying and apologizing.

Sharon, its time for you to take shelter.

What are you talking about? There may still be some people injured.

But what if something happened to you?

Mr. Andy is worried about me and advises me to take shelter. I can still hear the sounds of fighting in the distance. Im sure Letty is still fighting.

Mr. Andi. We are noblemen. What are we going to do without moving in a situation like this? Pull yourself together, Andy.


When I scolded him, he was momentarily startled and put his lips to my hair with a smile.

Ill work for my people. Ill work for my people. Im off, my Sharon.


As the surgeons learn their spells and tell the wounded who can move to leave the battlefield, I check to see if anyone has missed their escape.

My childhood friend Karl said he was going to check the mens dormitory, so Ill check the womens dormitory.

No ones here.

I was relieved that the underclassmens evacuation drill after the last demon attack seemed to be working.



I let out a small scream at the sound I heard.

What is it ? At the back of the first floor of the girls dormitory. There, I heard a noise that sounded like something breaking.

For a moment, my body quivers as I remember the fear of being attacked by a demon. But Letty is doing her best too. I cant just stay scared either.

As I quietly approached the sound of footsteps, I began to regret my decision.

The chill grows stronger with each step. A horrible, evil presence A soul-rejecting fear appeals to me to run away.

But if there is a demon in the room, you need just to check it out. Otherwise, an injured person who cant move could be in danger.

I slowly approached and peeked out from the shadows and saw a black figure there.


An inarticulate scream rises in the back of my throat.

Blood-red eyes, dark skin like bronze weathered clothes that look like theyve been neglected for a thousand years shake without a breeze, and the horrible spider-black legs were sprouting from its back.

Demon Its a high-level demon that even rivals the Great Spirit Great Demon.

But its face is


Le, Letty ?'


With the sound of debris being knocked down, or perhaps the sound of my voice, the demon turned around quietly and called my name.

Im sorry . You found out that Im a Lovely Spider.

What about ?

The sudden, matter-of-fact statement convinced me that this demon was Letty.

Lovely Spider! I dont know what you mean!

When I looked closely, I saw that her body was covered in wounds, and I gasped at the fact that her left limb was torn to shreds and missing. The right leg may be broken, and it looks as if she is forced to stand on a spiders leg.

Please wait a moment. Im a maid, but if you want to keep me as a pet, put me in a bug cage

How could it be? Sit down and be quiet!


Demon form Letty sit upright on the floor with an honest flattened face when I scold her. I have to admit. Im still scared. I couldnt leave her hurt in front of me, and I couldnt leave her alone.

What was there? Where is that goddess?

The goddess was destroyed by the new goddess Clarice. It seems that she intends to erase all traces of her past. You must flee to a faraway place now, milady. Ill buy you some time.

I dont understand half of what she is saying. Its scary just listening to that voice too. But I do know that she is genuinely concerned about me.

Youre Letty, arent you?

Yes, I am Fleurety.

With those words, I reached out a quietly trembling hand, and Letty stepped back slightly.

Im sorry. Your dress will be dirty.

I dont care about that!

I forcefully take Lettys hand and use my healing magic on her.

Just touching her makes my hand tremble and makes me feel nauseous. My healing magic is hardly working. But I wanted to do something for Letty, who fought for me until she got to this point.

Its okay now. Please let go.

But I still have more magic

Im not human, so you mustnt touch me in this state too much.

At Lettys words, I look up and look into her eyes.

Maybe shes so hurt that she cant get back to her normal state. And yet, I feel angry at Letty for trying to care only for me.


Yes, Milady.

I grab the hand thats trying to pull away and hold it tightly.

It doesnt matter what you are! Even if its a spider, even if its a demon, Letty, no Fleurety is my best friend!

Lettys eyes widened for the first time, and soon after that, like a bud blossoming, she gave me a big smile that made me feel embarrassed.

Yes, Milady!

At that moment, it was as if something connected between us. I heard a click and a sound like a key being dislodged from inside.


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