Military System god realm revolution

Chapter 81: 81

Chapter 81: 81

Snow has started to fall, a signal that winter is coming.

Liu Fen was harvesting crops, looking up to the sky. He thought that he didn't have to quicken any more. He had to gather before more snow fell.

"It's finally done." Liu Fen hurriedly finished harvesting the corn. He thanked the local villagers for help. Before distributing some of the crops to the villagers

"No matter how many times I look at it, I'm thrilled." Liu Fen looked at the vast heaps of crops that he was able to connect right now.

Several months ago, to cope with the upcoming food shortage, The Ministry of Agriculture distributed both the seeds of land and corn to plant by farmers quickly. To reduce the impending lack of food Besides, the Ministry of Agriculture distributed a large number of agricultural equipment for free to motivate people to cultivate a lot of crops.

The efforts of the Ministry of Agriculture were fruitful. Many farmers have accepted many of these new crops.

Many people are very concerned about this new plant that they are not aware of it. Still, when faced with government officials' sincerity, they made distributing the seeds unrestrainedly and replacing their rusty farming tools to become the latest as well.

Agricultural equipment that uses metal that has been smelted well. It is several times more efficient than traditional equipment. They are durable and have very little wear. Making now the authorities give away the agricultural equipment are all become a personal tool of each person.

Several months ago, corn was growing much faster than potatoes and making the harvest as soon as many possible; farmers were shocked by the results. They can harvest up to two thousand kilograms per rai.

"Hey, didn't I dream?" A farmer rubbed his eyes many times for fear that he had mistaken his eyes.

After rubbing the eyes several times, the results remained the same, unchanged.

"Yes, I must be dreaming. Right now, I haven't woken up from this dream." The farmer made several slaps on his face, causing his cheeks to swell like a monster. He realized the truth that what he saw was not a dream. Because both his palms and cheeks were swollen and red, causing great pain.

"My God, Here, I can really harvest up to two thousand kilograms?" The farmer who saw his giant produce cried out.

If this farmer continued to grow rice, he could only harvest two hundred kilograms per farm. But the amount of corn in front of him was two thousand kilograms. This result is comparable to the productivity of this farmer throughout the year. Such an enormous number would have never expected anyone else. Moreover, when harvesting all ten acres, This farmer was stunned by twenty thousand kilograms of corn, or 20 tons.

The farmer who saw this picture had one jaw drops. He had to farm for more than ten years to get this amount. However, in just four months, he had a harvest equal to ten years.

For farmers, crops are everything. He can use it to exchange money. He keeps it for himself or pays taxes? The larger the number of crops, the more comfortable they become.

"Rich, I'm rich." The farmer laughed frenziedly, like a mad man.

When combined with the imperial tax measures, Farmers no longer have to pay taxes. So it means that the crop in front is all his. This farmer suddenly felt rich. Happy until almost fainting

"The rumor does true?" Many farmers who helped harvest were amazed by the tremendous amount of corn. Many people who had rejected cultivating before now began to feel distressed. Curse yourself for why you are so stupid. Refuse to obey announcements from government officials I have unfortunately missed this treasure.

Many people have begun to boil the corn for eating but find that it doesn't taste delicious.

"This thing doesn't taste good. It's slightly sweet, and it's still difficult to eat." Many complained. They're not used to the flavor of corn yet.

"How good is this to help you fill your stomach? It is better just not to have an empty stomach than to starve until it eats leaves. People outside of the capital were even more starving than us. "

With such an enormous amount of corn that is almost left, Some of them are used as animal food. As a result, the animal farming industry has grown rapidly.

The Ministry of Agriculture teaches farmers to raise pigs, chickens, and dairy cows to give the empire a cheap meat-eating industry. Especially pigs and chickens, which the government attaches great importance to increase nutrition and good quality of life of the people, and cow's milk is essential. The government purchases cow's milk from the farm to give out to schoolchildren every three days.

Therefore, many animal farming has taken place. Because the income is good Moreover, there is no need to worry about animal feed problems anymore. Vast amounts of corn have solved this problem.

In addition to pigs and chickens that provide meat, many eggs are flowing into the market. If it was in the past, a chicken egg was a portion of heavenly food. The whole year can almost count how many times you have eaten. But for now, let's just walk to the market to find a selection of chicken eggs at a low price. Until it became a trendy food among the people, almost every menu item cannot occur without eggs.

As a result, the empire is now fertile, especially in Shenzhou, almost without starvation. It's very rare that people are malnourished.

The food production industry also helps Food prices in Shenzhou are cheaper, and the cost of living is very low. This is behind the scenes of the low cost of living in the capital.

Now it's potato turnLiu Fen farming potatoes over 20 acres. In the past, the government also distributed fertilizers to everyone. This is because a chemical plant can synthesize a large amount of ammonia. Therefore chemical fertilizers were produced and allocated to agriculture in the capital.

The amount of corn was already shocking. The number of potatoes that They had harvested was sufficient to scare many villages. Many people helped Liu Fen help each other so many times that he was exhausted throughout his body. They were stunned by what he saw because Liu Fen was able to harvest more than one hundred thousand kilograms of potatoes. Or equivalent to 100 tons

As many crops as the sky will fall, Bumped into everyone's head and Liu Fen, it was loud and loud that he could barely control his body. On average, each rai yields 4-5 thousand kilograms. These hundreds of tons of potatoes were hardly breathing pressure on Liu Fen.

Even if Liu Fen had been farming for his entire life, he still couldn't reach this number. Many people have considered curse themselves about corn before. When this was encountered, many farmers wanted to kill themselves, going back in time to the past to slap their heads. To hurry and seize the opportunity ahead This is clearly a heavenly crop. It would be best if you hurried to grow this.

Liu Fen did hardly anything. His head was stunned like a beggar who earns a jackpot. He suddenly became rich. Liu Fen distributed a large number of potatoes to the people who came to help him harvest. Liu Fen looked at the potato pile as high as a small mountain. He distributed the potatoes generously without being miserly.

"Let us try, come and try this." Liu Fen persuaded the people around him to come to examine and taste it.

Farmer group most simple cooking. They bring the potatoes to a boil in boiling water. They then peeled the outside to see the glittering gold color of the potatoes.

"It's so beautiful that I can barely eat it." Liu Fen looked at the golden potato in hand. Glittering gold like a treasure The fragrance of the potato wafted out until Liu Fen could not stand it.

Heat spread through the mouth. Potatoes that hit the tongue were split apart. Its fragrance is slightly sweet, spreading through the taste buds.

"Very delicious," Liu Fen widened his eyes. This potato tasted better than he had imagined. Almost in the blink of an eye, the potato in Liu Fen's hand quickly disappeared into his stomach. People around them reacted the same way. They all took out the potatoes in the pot. Well, proof of the unique flavor of potatoes.

Farmers were extremely happy. They don't have to worry about their stomachs anymore. A large crop Farmers do not have to pay tax. Their life has improved a lot. Could it encourage them to continue their lives?


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