Military System god realm revolution

Chapter 80: 80

Chapter 80: 80

At the Royal Palace Tai Si Palace

Zhao Lingxin stared at the man standing in front of him. Which has the dignity of Zhao Ling Xin's half brother

"Third Brother hasn't met in a long time," Zhao Lingxin greeted. This man was the Third Prince, Zhao Zhemin.

After the seizure of the Third Prince's power by the Tongzhou Council for Peace and Order, Former Master Gu Heng tightly held the Third Prince and also sent to Shenzhou to bring this noble prisoner to meet the emperor.

"Fourth Brother, I haven't seen each other for a long time. I didn't expect the two of us to meet like this." Zhao Ze Min stared at Zhao Lingxin in the face. At this time, his fourth brother had the characteristics of the King spread out and became the supreme ruler of Great Da Zhou.

"Qin Bo, I haven't seen you in many years either." Zhao Ze Min turned to greet the eunuch Qin Bo alongside Zhao Lingxin.

Zhao Zhemin would definitely remember this eunuch. He is Zhao Zhemin's father's assistant. When Zhao Ze Min was a child, he was very familiar with this eunuch.

"I can remember you as well," Qin Bo replied.

"Fourth brother, in the end, this victory is yours. We are all too careless. Everyone did not think that the last person to be victorious was Lord Fourth brother is too great," Zhao Ze Min said in pain.

He often imagined that the dragon throne would be his own. Everything in the Da Zhou region will become theirs. He's been planning this for many years, starting from shunning people's attention. He revealed to no one.

He begged Father to give him the barren city of Tongzhou in the east. Zhao Zemin developed Tongzhou until prosperous. Held forces accumulate assets and power to finance the throne. But in the end, he failed; everything disappeared in the blink of an eye. The power support that he had accumulated had fallen into Zhao Lingxin's hands without exerting any effort as if sewing a wedding dress for someone else.

The city of Dongzhou developed into a wealthy port city. It was like a pie that fell from the sky that fell on Zhao Lingxin's head.

Zhao Zhao Min's talent, even Zhao Lingxin had to admit that he was extremely talented. If Zhao Lingxin did not have a cheating system, it's not certain that the last winner might be Zhao Zemin. Unfortunately, Zhao Zhemin had to meet Zhao Lingxin.

"Third Brother has complimented me too much; I'm just lucky," Zhao Lingxin told the truth. But Zhao Zhemin was not at all believed.

"Fourth Brother, don't be humble anymore."

The two brothers came silent, and no one said anything. Until this silence had enveloped the entire palace

"Fourth brother, you dare come and talk to me without a guard. Are you not afraid of me harming your life?" Third Prince Zhao Zhemin looked with a strange look. For a moment, he came up with an idea.

In the words of the third prince Zhao Lingxin had no worries at all.

"Third brother, you can try it," Zhao Lingxin challenged the other.

In this room, filled with the shadow guards stationed, many were hiding, challenging to spot. At this time, several silencers were already aimed at the Third Prince. As long as there was an abnormal movement, several guns would immediately fire at the Third Prince. Grim Reaper had prepared to take the Third Prince's life.

Zhao Ze Min suddenly had a strange hunch, as if he was in danger of life right now. In addition, Zhao Lingxin seemed to have no fear and had much confidence. Zhao Zhemin didn't dare to take risks.

"Fourth Brother, don't be kidding like this. The situation has reached this step; what do you plan to do to me? Now he was in the control of the other, unable to resist anything.

"Third Brother, I never thought of killing you. I'll let you go," said Zhao Lingxin.

Zhao Lingxin was highly praised for his abilities and proven from the administrative capacity of Tongzhou city. If a person with this knowledge dies, it is a shame.

"Fourth Brother, are you telling the truth?" Zhao Ze Min said, skeptical of the other words. In the royal family, scrambling for treasure was normal. The loser loses everything, even life. The Third Prince did not believe that Zhao Lingxin would spare his life. Look at the first prince and the second prince as an example. Both of them were all dead.

"Third Brother, What I said is all true. But you will no longer receive royal privileges. You want to open a trading company or travel all over the world, and it's yours." Zhao Lingxin wanted to keep the other party's talent. Will benefit the country the most Zhao Ling Xin was convinced that the other would shock the world.

Zhao Lingxin was not afraid, and the other party stood up against it. The inspection bureau prepared to put the person next to the body, and there were still people to check the movement all the time. As long as the Third Prince has a rebellious mind, his head will immediately fall off his shoulders. The death and death of the Third Prince were in the hands of Zhao Lingxin. As long as I have an order, the emperor in this world will no longer be a person named Zhao Zemin.

"Tomorrow, there will be a hearing. Good luck, Third Brother," Zhao Lingxin said goodbye.

The next day at the Judicial Office, today there will be an extraordinary hearing in the country's history, which received many people's attention. The person who has to be tried by the court is the royal family, the third prince.

Besides, Zhao Lingxin also came to watch the trial in person. This news brought a lot of public interest. Many people sat in front of the judiciary door to hear the results of this trial. There were journalists from the press, publishers, listening to witnesses in the interrogation hall, and dignitaries of the Empire were all present. This is a significant case in which the royal family's official inquiry is held.

And this is the first time that There will broadcast audio via radio. For the people of the Empire to listen to the results of this trial

At 1:00 p.m., the emperor came to the judiciary. The people waved their hands to welcome the emperor. Shouted praise to Zhao Lingxin.

"Long live the empire!."

"To the Emperor!"

At 13.30 hrs. The withdrawal of the accused. The nine judiciaries have started this historic trial.

"The accused Zhao Zemin has violated the constitutional provisions. He established himself as a significant capital, built an autonomous region, not receiving central orders. If considering the first emperor's decree, it is found that this part has been granted Zhao Zemin was supposed to act in law. "

"But later on, the accused had an act of appointing himself as Emperor, insulting the sovereign power and the imperial constitution, counted as a rebellion against the country."

"Considering the virtue of helping people in Tongzhou District. Improve people's quality of life for good living This passion is considered an outstanding contribution to the country. "

"The court, therefore, decided to remove Zhao Zemin's status and all titles to be ordinary people. Only allowed to continue holding royal positions from the previous reign."

The court finished deliberation, and the journalists began pressing the camera shutter to preserve the photo. Zhao Lingxin exchanged a portion of cameras to the publishing house to improve the quality of news coverage.

This picture became the first photograph in the world. The photo of Zhao Zemin, who was listening to the court hearing. This photograph will later be kept in the museum.

Also, there have been trials of other royal families. The royal mother of various princes, as well as the royal family and the sisters of Zhao Lingxin. They have been punished in some of them.

The number of the royal family was 500 members. It was a lot that even Zhao Lingxin had a headache. If Zhao Lingxin had to take responsibility, he would have to spend a considerable budget.

Zhao Lingxin did not decriminalize them in exchange for the government not needing to pay an annuity to support these royal families. These monarchs are all good. The royal mother of Prince Zhao Lingxin was still a bit kind, allowing him to stay in the royal palace. Zhao Lingxin, who had total power in hand, was no longer afraid of anyone.

Zhao Lingxin's sisters were all married. Only the last youngest, Eighth Princess. Where the mother has a low dignity, only the lower concubine Was taken by my father into the evening palace until he died. The eighth princess, only six, has to flee the royal family from the capital when Zhao Lingxin takes a military coup.

The rest of the sisters, Zhao Lingxin, had some good relationships. Therefore, he did not act violently and gave some of his property to the brothers to gain a foothold in the capital. As long as these people are not too stupid, the money Zhao Lingxin gave could be used to further invest in the business. To continue living

Only the eight princesses were left unable to find a Caretaker.

. As an older brother, Zhao Lingxin allowed the Eighth Princess to continue living in the palace under his surveillance.

When Zhao Ling Xin prepared to return to the palace, He also noticed something outside. The white scales began to fall from the sky faintly. Snow has already started to fall.

"Winter is coming."


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