Master Smith Under Ministry of National Defense

Chapter 91

Chapter 91

091 Abandoning the Search

The fact that the US nuclear submarine Connecticut made contact with the Liberal Clan in the waters off Peru immediately became a highly classified piece of information known only within the US government.

Originally, everything had taken place in the depths, and as it was an event known only to the crew members aboard the nuclear submarine at that time, controlling the information wasnt particularly difficult.

While preventing any leakage of information to the outside, the US government began analyzing all the data obtained from the Connecticut to deduce information about the gigantic underwater submarine suspected to be the new base of the Liberal Clan.

As a result, the US government could ascertain that the new base operated by the Liberal Clan was a gigantic underwater submarine approaching the size of a minimum aircraft carrier.

The discovered location was beneath where the Connecticut was submerged at 500 meters deep, so its estimated that it can submerge to at least 700 meters.

Would such a colossal structure submerge to that depth?

Thats the minimum level. We cannot ascertain how much deeper it could submerge. Most of the equipment developed by the Liberal Clan blatantly disregards conventional physics laws known to humans.

Some of the devices theyve created are stronger than carbon nanotubes, lighter than feathers, more fire-resistant than ceramics, and more corrosive-resistant than gold. If they used such materials for the entire external structure of the new submarine, submerging to the desired depth wouldnt be impossible.

Its highly likely that the missile-shaped delivery equipment used to transport equipment to some Awakeners recently was launched from that submarine. Normally, it submerges and moves at depths of less than 700 meters in the sea, then, at an appropriate position, launches drones to block satellite surveillance before resurfacing and launching the equipment with the missile.

Listening to the dizzying analyses of the experts, President Biden touched his forehead and spoke.

Im not sure if Im hearing a story of reality or a story from a sci-fi novel. Tell me more about this new form of monster discovered in the depths.

Upon this, a man adorned in naval uniform stood up and spoke.

I will report. With the cooperation of the Peruvian government, we collected and analyzed parts of the body of this new monster that washed ashore, concluding that it is a new type of monster optimized for deep-sea activities.

As it was a type of monster never before encountered on land, the DARPA-affiliated Bureau of Special Research on Alien Organisms concluded that theres a high probability that this organism was a result of a large-scale overflow that occurred in the depths.

If its an overflow from the depths Is it suggesting an event similar to the Brazilian incident happened in the depths?

According to the analysis, theres a high probability.

Oh my God If such an event occurred, why wasnt it detected by the US Navy?

Monitoring the depths requires far more advanced technology and costs than exploring space.

The general spoke.

The pressure exerted at great depths crushes even thick titanium as if it were paper. Of course, increasing thickness crudely might allow for deeper submersion, but constructing a colossal structure like a nuclear submarine with that thickness is nearly impossible. Moreover, as the size of the submarine increases, the required strength also increases.

But the submarines of the Liberal Clan

Thats beyond the scope. Everything produced there belongs to the realm of extraordinary abilities, far beyond common sense.

So, does that mean theres a possibility for that colossal submarine to submerge even deeper?


In that case, tracking

Its a submarine that wasnt found even directly under the extensive search of the Seawolf-class submarine, which employs all available equipment. This means that despite moving that huge hull underwater, it produces noise levels close to 0 dB, with no water disturbances from its movement. Given the nature of deep-sea searches heavily reliant on sonar, that level of stealth can be considered close to perfection.

Then, even if we gather all the aircraft carriers worldwide

Until it reveals its location, its impossible to find.

Biden sighed deeply. If the Information Bureaus analysis suggesting a high possibility of an overflow in the depths was accurate, he might have to call back all the active US aircraft carrier fleets worldwide immediately to the mainland.

The report he received detailed an unbelievable account of surviving four torpedoes fired from a Seawolf-class submarine without sustaining any damage.

A deep-sea colossal organism impervious to firepower that could easily sink an entire battleship upon a direct hit. The aircraft carrier fleets lacked preparation systems against such a colossal organism approaching underwater at insane speeds.

Their weaponry was designed primarily to combat armaments developed by humans.

Biden made a decision.

Inform all the aircraft carrier fleets currently deployed overseas. Immediately instruct the entire fleet to return to US mainland.

But, Your Excellency, that would compromise our control that we need to maintain in the international community

Most power plants are already producing energy with crystals instead of petroleum. International oil prices are at their lowest, and consumption has significantly dropped. The international relations we once knew have long crumbled due to the Gate Incident. Its time for the US government to adapt to a new era.

Biden hoped that the US aircraft carrier fleets would remain intact in the event of an overflow occurring in the depths within US territory.

Even if their conventional power was ineffective against the approaching monsters underwater, it could be of significant assistance in battles on land or in the sky.

After issuing the return orders to all fleets, Biden voiced an unresolved question that lingered in his mind.

But why did Cha Myung-jun save the Connecticut?

At this point, one of the staff members in the White House meeting cautiously spoke up.

Could it be to avoid damaging the worlds strongest relationship with the US government? If a nuclear carrier searching the Liberal Clan were to be sunk in the depths, the most suspicious monster would undoubtedly become the Liberal Clan.

Theyre comfortably hiding in a colossal submarine capable of perfect stealth. I doubt they would care about souring relationships. Besides, being the worlds strongest is an old notion. In the current situation, where we need to withdraw fleets for power conservation, the Liberal Clan wouldnt recognize the US military as the worlds strongest power

There were various opinions pouring in. Some said its impossible to understand someones mindset. They suggested consulting a psychological analyst, stating that its merely a show of strength, among many other opinions. Amidst this, a soldier spoke up.

He was Colonel Henry Holmes, who had met Myung-jun before and hastily flown to the White House as a witness due to his previous interaction with him in Korea. Having conversed with Myung-jun previously, he presented a different analysis regarding why Myung-jun had saved the crew members of the Connecticut.

I felt it while talking to him before. He harbors deep admiration for soldiers within himself.

Admiration? Does that mean feeling both affection and hatred at the same time?


Holmes continued.

Im not saying its about feeling both love and hate for the same subject simultaneously. Moreover, if I were to define that emotion as love, it would be closer to empathy. He possesses boundless empathy for soldiers and endless animosity towards the higher-ups.

Why is that?

Perhaps not just because of military life, but the depth of those emotions was so intense that its hard to believe they were formed in just two years of military service.

CIA Director Ralph Finns nodded in agreement.

Indeed, Cha Myung-jun has never once attacked the ordinary soldiers of South Korea, even during times when the Clan headquarters was under attack. Hes always targeted Awakeners in his actions.

Doesnt that imply that he empathizes with soldiers? Plus, the situation differs between professional soldiers of the US military and conscripted South Korean soldiers.

Holmes responded to Bidens point.

To those who receive orders, he feels empathy, but towards those giving orders, he feels animosity. Throughout our conversation, he exhibited strong aversion to anything that seemed to constrain his actions, yet he was extremely kind towards the soldiers executing his orders.

Is he the type who detests receiving orders?

Thats highly probable. The recent friction between the South Korean government and him might have felt like a restraint on his freedom. Regardless of the compensation offered, the notion of having to do something not by his will but by someone elses was likely perceived as stress-inducing.

Ralph supported Holmes opinion.

In that case, the Connecticut incident makes sense. It could be seen as a form of a show of forcelessness. You can never find us. We dont need to submerge at all. We can annihilate the US carrier fleet in an instant. We aimed to convey this fact to the US government through the crew members of the Connecticut.'

In that case, based on such a character as Cha Myung-jun, we need to devise new plans for the US government regarding the Liberal Clan.

The gloomy atmosphere in the conference room started to stir. This was the first glimpse, however faint, of understanding the personality of Myung-jun, a person whose nature had been unfathomable until now.

All the staff gathered in the White House conference room began brainstorming to devise the optimal plan to control Myung-jun in front of the President.

As ideas poured out during this process, each one suggested granting immense privileges to Myung-jun and the Liberal Clan.




A week had passed since the White House held a meeting regarding the future treatment of the Liberal Clan. In the middle of the Pacific Ocean, where the entire US carrier fleet had departed, leaving the sea empty once more, the Liberator was enjoying a rare moment of leisure, floating the massive hull on the surface.

On the deck of the Liberator, all the Clan members who followed Myung-jun were scattered about, dressed in swimsuits that pleased them, as if on a holiday, enjoying themselves here and there. Some were grilling meat on a barbecue, while others were playing beach volleyball.

In the center, Myung-jun, Soo-jeong, and Ho-chang lay on vacation beds beside a small robot holding a parasol. They were sunbathing, listening to Hawaiian music from speakers attached to the robots body, while Ho-chang, wearing sunglasses, spoke up.

Wow, the entire fleet withdrawing is surprising. The captain is truly lenient. When they suddenly mentioned bringing that monster near the US submarine, I thought it might be an act of vengeance. But it turns out to be the captains true skill.

In response, Myung-jun, also wearing sunglasses and enjoying the sunlight with a pleasant smile, replied to Ho-changs words.

Even the so-called strongest US fleets power is ineffective against underwater attacks. Instead of wasting valuable resources, they probably thought it better to abandon the sea, especially when Gates are still rampant even on the US mainland.

But are we safe? What if a massive sea monster suddenly attacks the ship, like the one we caught last time

Soo-jeong, dressed in a revealing white bikini, remarked, contrasting the two men in black sunglasses by wearing stylish goggles with a sporty feel.

This ship remains undetected until it reveals its camouflage right under a submarine killer. Until we decide to reveal our presence, even before touching us, one wouldnt perceive our existence. Even the reconnaissance satellite cameras owned by the US wont be able to detect our presence here. And that goes for that monsters eyes too.

To ensure their safety during todays sunbathing, Soo-jeong had deployed underwater drones across the entire Pacific Ocean, capable of tracking this monster, covering a range of thousands of kilometers.

Moreover, these numerous drones continuously fed information in digital data format into the sophisticated goggles worn by Soo-jeong, which appeared just like stylish sports sunglasses, providing real-time scans of all targets within a radius of at least 3,000 kilometers.

We dont need to worry about being attacked right now, as real-time scans of all targets within a radius of 3,000 kilometers, from small fish to large tuna, are being continuously sent. So

Approaching Myung-jun lying down, Soo-jeong lifted her sunglasses slightly, revealing her dazzlingly white skin confidently in front of Myung-juns eyes.

Wanna swim???

Smiling, Myung-jun nodded and took her hand, moving towards the swimming pool arranged on the deck.

In this moment approaching the D-DAY little by little, they sought a bit more happiness from daily life before the impending big fight. It was a special gift from Myung-jun and Soo-jeong, risking the leakage of information to relieve the fatigue of the Clan members before the significant battle ahead.

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