Master Smith Under Ministry of National Defense

Chapter 89

Chapter 89

089 Aftermath

Announcement of a new government decree in the Republic of Korea.

And the sight of the Liberal Clan fleeing overseas, escaping the intense siege of their own military, as broadcasted worldwide through drones installed externally for this purpose.

The incident caused a significant shock globally, especially because the company that had been producing the most powerful equipment for awakeners across all existing corporations had gone completely silent due to the fumbling of the South Korean government.

Excluding the South Korean government, the most bewildered party, even more than any other, was the U.S. government.

Raising the Command Center by the Liberal Clan was an action that went beyond the scope of all simulations they had anticipated.

The originally planned scenario from the White House was for the South Korean government to turn the tables on Myung-juns grudge and for the U.S. government to take advantage of the situation.

If Myung-jun chose to become a criminal and fight against the South Korean government, the plan was for the U.S. government to absorb the Liberal Clan under its jurisdiction as a form of asylum, offering better conditions than the South Korean government, and when Myung-jun entered the South Korean governments domain, pressuring the South Korean government to secure priority for the equipment produced by the U.S. government.

The reason the U.S. government chose an indirect pressure method using the South Korean government, excluding negotiations with Myung-jun personally, was clear.

It was because Cha Myung-jun was, quite literally, not a negotiable figure.

Keeping his promise to hand over the facility for the Strong Coating Agent, Myung-jun ensured that the U.S. government distributed equipment equally to awakeners of each country, balancing the worlds awakener powers like regulating the worlds balance.

Even China and Russia, the natural adversaries of the United States, were no exceptions.

The U.S. government couldnt tolerate the situation where crucial equipment that could change the worlds domination was unleashed beyond its control.

Thanks to the Strong Coating Agent, weve secured the most awakeners worldwide, but the quality of the awakeners is too low.

As per Myung-juns words, the U.S. government rapidly secured the most awakeners worldwide after the Gate incident began.

While the presence of the Strong Coating Agent allowed civilians to reliably capture monsters, it didnt contribute much to the growth of these awakeners since it was an item that allowed handling low-level monsters with conventional firearms, not assisting in capturing high-level monsters.

Therefore, the U.S. government struggled to meet the demand for awakener-exclusive equipment commensurate with the increased number of awakeners.

Of course, the U.S. government did not neglect efforts for in-house development of awakener-exclusive equipment.

Scouting awakeners with production-class abilities from around the world at considerable cost and investing a significant portion of materials and decision stones obtained through the military into nurturing the development of production-class awakeners.

However, the equipment created by the alchemists and blacksmiths within the U.S. government could not match the performance of the equipment produced by the Liberal Clan.

In fact, this was the most perplexing aspect for the U.S. government.

Originally, the field of weapon production was a domain where accumulated know-how and technology over a long period were crucial.

However, the technological expertise applied to various equipment, including armor suits produced by the Liberal Clan, seemed armed with miraculous technology as if alien had been tortured.

The level of this technology was such that even the best scientists and technicians in the United States, after dissecting the equipment, couldnt grasp the basic principles.

The final conclusion reached by the joint investigation team was that it was an item that would be possible to develop only thousands of years later, considering the pace of humanitys technological advancement.

And currently, as the sole production facility capable of creating those equipments evaporated in the middle of the Pacific, having pierced through the U.S. governments satellite surveillance, awakeners worldwide had to hunt monsters and conquer gates solely with the previously sold equipment.

However, as the U.S. government, they couldnt blame the South Korean government that caused this situation.

Originally, the tolerance of the U.S. government allowed the South Korean government to push through this bold measure.

Looking at the results alone, the plan to pressure the Liberal Clan through the South Korean government and place them under the influence of the U.S. government completely failed.

The media, on the other hand, continuously reported on the incident, fueling the citizens anxiety due to the absence of the Liberal Clan.

[The disappearance of the Liberal Clan headquarters in the middle of the Pacific. What measures are various governments taking for the next overflow?]

[European Awakener Union. Official protest submitted to the South Korean government regarding the disappearance of the Liberal Clan.]

[No tiger, but a fox plays king? Shares of companies specializing in Awakener equipment manufacture skyrocket.]

[South Korean government. Announcement of a new equipment supply plan to replace the demand for Liberal Clan Awakener equipment.]

The South Korean government did not bear the numerous criticisms without countermeasures.

In the worst-case scenario anticipated by EDA Director Hee-cheol, there was a scenario where Myung-jun, who sacrificed himself in desperate resistance against the South Korean government, would die.

Hee-cheol immediately activated the backup plan prepared in case of Myung-juns death, confirmed the moment the disappearance of the Liberal Clan was known.

Public unveiling of new awakener equipment developed at the Gate Technology Research Institute under the South Korean EDA.

Although the performance of these items, bearing the Taegeuk mark, was not at the level of those made by the Liberal Clan, they were evaluated to be superior to the equipment of any existing manufacturer, serving as a somewhat reasonable alternative for awakeners seeking a substitute for Liberal Clan equipment.

Simultaneously, EDA delved into the concrete execution of the new Awakener Regulation Act, leading most of the South Korean hunters who had been active under private clans to become subject to EDA, contributing all materials obtained from Gate conquest to EDA.

Although there was some resistance, it was swiftly suppressed, as none of the private clan-affiliated awakeners possessed the level of firepower the Liberal Clan had.

The void left by the Liberal Clan, symbolizing the freedom of a new era, was rapidly being filled with a new order like never before.




And so, one week had passed since the world was turned upside down.

On a day when Orlans was sipping morning coffee while reading the newspaper in a massive mansion near Paris, he covered the newspaper and spoke to the man in front of him.

Its a mess.

Upon hearing this, the bearded man, Sven who was sitting in front of Orlans and chewing on steak, responded.

Well, wouldnt it be expected? The world itself was strange enough that private clan members could freely wield such strong firepower.

Even so, I didnt expect the system to change this quickly.

Looking at Orlans taking a deep sigh, Sven tearing into his steak, asked.

Could it be our clan too?

Thats right. We received a promise to guarantee the current system for now, but we have to be under the control of the EU Union for future gate conquests.

Do you know the reason?

There were concerns about most of the core members of the clan almost dying in the Brazil incident. And it wasnt even in Europe but in South America, Brazil. The worry was about incidents like that happening not in the European region, so they told us not to roam freely around the world like now but to prioritize solving problems in the European region.

The saviors of the world have become saviors of Europe. The scale has significantly reduced, hasnt it?

Actually, calling them saviors of the world is a bit much. In the end, the Brazil incident was resolved by the Liberal Clan. Maybe even without us, Cha Myung-jun alone could have wiped them out?

At that moment, Sven who had swallowed his steak, suddenly asked as if he remembered something.

Come to think of it, the whereabouts of the Liberal Clan were said to be mysterious. So, what happens to the equipment I ordered before?

Until the humiliating defeat in the battle against Banara, Orlans had confidence that he could defeat any enemy in combat unless it was Myung-jun. However, after suffering a devastating defeat in a battle against a vastly superior opponent, he returned to Europe with Sven dragging his injured body, and recklessly jumped into the strongest Gate in Europe.

And so, in a life-threatening situation, he dutifully delivered all the materials obtained, without missing a single piece, to the Liberal Clan, for Svens new axe and the new equipment he would use.

Although not the 8th-rank materials obtained from Banaras clone hunted by Myung-jun, he judged that the moment he acquired the Liberal Clans equipment with a considerable amount of 6th-rank materials and crystals, it would greatly aid in reinforcing his power.

However, with the Liberal Clan headquarters mysteriously disappearing into the Pacific airspace, leaving only a week until the promised delivery, the fate of the 6th-rank materials they desperately gathered also became enigmatic.

In the current situation where even the location of the Liberal Clans headquarters was unknown, obtaining new equipment was nearly impossible for them.

Recalling that among the 6th-rank materials he handed over to the Liberal Clan, there were quite a few rare ones, Orlans slammed the table with an angry expression.

Damn it! At the very least, they should have handed over my equipment and then gone into hiding! I wont let them off if we meet later!

I watched the video, and it didnt seem like the Liberal Clan wanted to go into hiding. If the leader faced a similar situation, what would you have done?

A similar situation?

Imagine the government forcing the leader to choose between becoming a criminal or becoming the governments dog.

If it were me

Orlans, who hesitated for a moment, shrugged and said.

I probably would have become the governments dog. Regardless, even under the government, I could have played the role of a hero for the people.

But the Liberal Clan chose a different path. Like shouting, Give me freedom, or give me death, they became a bird and flew towards the sea.

Do you think they took the materials we gave them with them?

Dont worry too much about that.


I have a feeling. I dont know why, but at least the leader of the Liberal Clan Ive met wouldnt break promises lightly. Of course, theyre currently in hiding, so they might not be able to deliver the goods on the promised date, but they will definitely do it shortly.

Do you think thats possible right now? They are a wanted figure, and the U.S. government is mobilizing all surveillance satellites to find them. The moment even a hint of their whereabouts is exposed

Orlans expression changed drastically at that moment when he stopped talking.

Sven seeing Orlans expression, asked him.

Whats wrong?

Something is coming. Something incredibly powerful.

An entity?

Im not sure, but its approaching us very fast in the direction we are.

When Orlans urgently activated his ability, a translucent water curtain enveloped the entire mansion.

At that moment, Sven also stood up from his seat and shouted.

Darn it! I see it too!

Although the approaching object was approaching from a distant place that ordinary people could not confirm with their eyes, the two, far superior to ordinary people, could not conceal their shock at confirming the identity of the approaching object with their own eyes.

The object, clearly resembling a massive missile, was heading straight towards their mansion, and not only that, but it was flying madly towards the area with other houses around.

Government?! NATO?! I dont know which, but why suddenly a missile!?

Now is not the time to investigate that! Lets stop it first!

The two attacked the incoming missile with the strongest attack they could muster before it got closer and entered the blast radius of the explosion.

Goddess of the River! Protect me with the power of water! (Desse des rivires, protgez-moi par la puissance de leau)

Ice spear that cuts through the air! (Isspetsen som skr genom himlen)

At that moment, a pillar of water shot up from the large lake in the mansions garden, creating a massive defense barrier. However, it was not a typical water barrier, it was a powerful water barrier that turned everything coming into it into powder with countless whirlpools inside.

At the same time, a large ice pillar was launched from the golden-edged axe Sven was holding towards the incoming missile.

However, the missile approaching the mansion easily pierced through all defenses, even breaking through the ice pillar summoned by Sven and Orlans water defense barrier, as if there was no resistance.

Witnessing all defenses being effortlessly penetrated, Orlans panicked, embraced Sven and threw himself to the ground.

Darn it! Lie down!

At that moment, the water shield beyond Orlans control shattered in mid-air, covering the two as if it were a torrential rain, and they fell to the ground like mice drowning in water.

In that brief moment just before the missile collided with the ground, Orlans felt a bizarre sense of absurdity about how his final moments, which were supposed to be becoming a hero saving the world, ended so insignificantly.

But what made him even more bewildered was the fact that, with his eyes tightly closed, no matter how long he waited, the shock of the explosion did not engulf him.

They say time slows down just before you die. Is that why?

Awakening Orlans contemplation of the mysteries of the human body was Svens groan beneath him.

I cant breathe Please move.

Huh? Why are you alive?

It must be a dud.

The two got up and shook off their bodies.

And then, as if a pillar had been planted, they looked at the gigantic missile vertically stuck in the mansion garden.

As they stared, one side of the missile opened, and a small camera protruded, scanning the two soaked in water.

<Delivery point arrival complete. Confirming the recipient.>

<Recipients identity confirmed. Servihum Clan Leader Orlans Perraudire and one other. Please collect the ordered items.>

With a message as if it were a courier delivery, a small explosion accompanied one side of the missile falling off.

That is

Looking at the bewildered Orlans, Sven slowly approached the missile.

And after looking inside the open missile, he started to laugh as if he had gone mad.

Haha! Hahaha! Look at this! What did I say?! This human is someone who will keep promises even if it costs his life!

Inside the missile were a rapier-like hilt with a blue crystal embedded at the end and a pair of sky-blue axes, each with a handle.

Although there was no indication of who sent the equipment, which was easily recognizable as something out of the ordinary even for a transcendent being, the two could immediately recognize that the equipment was the one they ordered from the Liberal Clan.

On one side of the equipment, in the most conspicuous place, there was a familiar symbol they knew, a large feather drawn above a pentagon-shaped shield pattern.

It was the symbol of the Liberal Clan that disappeared abruptly in the middle of the Pacific a week ago.

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