Master Smith Under Ministry of National Defense

Chapter 85

Chapter 85

085 The Dog Chasing the Chicken

Hee-cheol watched the battle footage of Myung-jun facing the monsters swarm in Manaus City repeatedly, simulating countless scenarios on how he would fight against Myung-jun.

The attack patterns of each turret, the rotation speed of the turrets, the properties and penetration of the bullets fired.

Against heavily armored enemies, which turret to use for the attack, and against fast enemies, which turret to use. Based on these simulations, Hee-cheol set up his 100 dolls that he could currently summon, each tailored to counter the characteristics of Myung-juns turrets.

The moment the battle began, dolls equipped with the most optimized gear for the turrets Myung-jun summoned simultaneously destroyed the turrets, overpowering Myung-jun in an instant.

However, facing Myung-jun, who boasted the worlds strongest multiple attack abilities, his 100 dolls were far from sufficient.

So, Hee-cheol strategically positioned the EDA members to fill in the gaps, creating a perfect encirclement. While his dolls faced the most powerful turret Myung-jun summoned, the other members quickly destroyed the weaker turrets.

Yet, even in the countless simulations considering every scenario, there was never a scenario where the Liberal Clan headquarters flew into the air. It was a concept that literally shattered common sense.

Looking at Hee-cheols disappointed expression as he gazed at the airborne fortress, Myung-jun tapped his shoulder and spoke.

Well, if you havent given up yet, this is your last chance. Even though you cant catch the jet, Im still here.

In that moment, provoked by Myung-juns challenge that seemed to paralyze rational judgment, Hee-cheol made an emotional decision, unable to make a logical one. A fatal mistake commonly made by someone addicted to gambling in the face of endless failures.

Regardless of the potential significant damage, no matter how low the probability, rather than giving up the challenge, taking an all-or-nothing action in the final round.

Hee-cheol entrusted the final decision to instinct, not rationality.

All units! Prepare for battle! Subdue Cha Myung-jun no matter what happens!

Of course, it wasnt that he simply left everything to emotions and issued the battle command. There were rational reasons behind the battle command that could result in the annihilation of all personnel involved in the operation, a potentially catastrophic outcome.

All turrets are currently in the air at the Liberal Clan headquarters. This means Cha Myung-jun himself is vulnerable. Moreover, with Lee Ho-chang not by his side, now is the most perfect opportunity to restrain Cha Myung-jun with the least damage possible!

The moment Hee-cheol made the decision, countless dolls armed with special equipment descended from the sky. Simultaneously, more than a hundred dolls, each holding their equipment, aimed at Myung-jun, creating an airtight encirclement.

However, even in this perfectly surrounded situation that occurred in the blink of an eye, Myung-jun remained calm.

The leisurely demeanor that strangely gave an ominous feeling discomforted Hee-cheol. He raised his hand to stop the attack and asked Myung-jun.

Even in an absolutely disadvantageous situation, youre still so calm. Is there something you believe in?

Are you really in your right mind? Are you preparing for battle when so many turrets in the air are targeting your soldiers? Are you planning to annihilate all the soldiers gathered here?

In response, Hee-cheol received Myung-juns words with a snort.

Hmph, amusing. Do you think youll be safe if you bombard from that position? In the end, the safest area here is right by your side. And without Ho-chang, youre no different from a civilian in close defense. Lets count to five. Even now, if you give up, return the headquarters building to its original position.

What if I refuse?

Then, youll be dragged to the Ministry of National Defense underground, clinging to your life, and spend the rest of your life being tortured.

Myung-jun looked around at the dolls and EDA members Hee-cheol summoned, who were preparing to attack him at any moment. Observing the Liberal Clan marks on each piece of equipment they had, Myung-jun smirked coldly.

At that moment, Hee-cheol, displeased with that smile, began to count in a low voice. It was his final warning to Myung-jun.


People seem to have a misunderstanding about one thing regarding me.


Its as if my ability is limited to summoning turrets alone.


But do you know whats interesting?


Ive never once claimed that I can only summon turrets.

Hee-cheol couldnt finish the last number.

As Myung-jun concluded his words, countless mechanical parts poured out from the empty space behind Myung-jun, accompanied by light. Like a scene reminiscent of Iron Man in a movie, the machine components that appeared were busy transforming into a specific form with numerous mechanical sounds.

And when the transformation finally ended, Myung-jun stood there wearing a mechanical suit that looked sleeker but clearly identified the original form.

Guardian Armor?

A unique type of Armor Suit exclusively worn by Ho-chang among the numerous Armor Suits developed by the Liberal Clan. Known as the toughest armor among all human-made armors, capable of protecting the users life even against a direct hit from a nuclear bomb.

What Myung-jun wore was the Guardian Armor, the dedicated armor for Ho-chang, developed by the Liberal Clan.

Why are you wearing that armor? Youve never fought wearing Armor Suit until now.

I didnt need to wear it. In fact, even now, if the goal is to eliminate everyone here, I dont need this Armor Suit. But now, the goal is to safely leave this place, so borrowing Ho-changs equipment in this situation is the best choice.

Wha Can you use the equipments abilities as you please?

You must already be aware since you have a similar ability, right?

Myung-juns mention of a similar ability referred to Hee-cheols ability, <Doll Master>. An ability exclusive to Awakeners, allowing them to utilize the abilities of other Awakener-specific equipment at 100%, even without Awakening abilities.

Realizing that Myung-juns ability had a similar form to his own, Hee-cheols face started turning pale.

Initiate firing! Prevent his escape at all costs!

Firing initiated!

Inform all members! Concentrate all firepower immediately!

Bang! Bang! Boom!

In an instant, around 40 Black Panther tanks deployed near the Liberal Clan headquarters fired projectiles with flames. Not just regular projectiles but Anti-Monster shells capable of penetrating even special armor from monster material.

Aware that even his dolls equipped with Liberal Clan equipment would not survive the aftermath of those projectiles, Hee-cheol quickly moved his controlled dolls out of the range of the bombardment. Then, following a pre-prepared operational plan, civilian forces and Awakener forces began the Wheel Formation.

Round 1 firing complete! Prepare for Round 2!

Dont rest, continue the next attack!

Even before the aftermath of the explosion from the first attack using tanks had settled, nearly a hundred elite Awakener, carefully selected from the EDA, used their abilities to launch attacks in Myung-juns direction.

From flaming swords to arrows made of blue energy, various abilities emanated from the diverse armaments of the Awakener, all attacking Myung-jun simultaneously.



Simultaneously, following Hee-cheols command, the 100 dolls raised the weapons in their hands and started attacking Myung-jun. Special chains made of a material that could even capture large warships were thrown toward Myung-jun.

It was a concentrated attack far stronger than needed for just one opponent. However, Myung-jun effortlessly repelled all the attacks with his defense.

Thud! Thud! Tutatatang!

Myung-jun, as if dancing, executed movements that diverted all attacks around him, regardless of the explosions, while making the projectile sides bounce away or smoothly diverting the trajectories of incoming chains.

Though reminiscent of Ho-changs renowned defense, there was a difference. Myung-jun deliberately accepted some attacks as if showcasing his armors durability, unlike Ho-changs defensive method that avoided all attacks that could be avoided.

As Myung-jun continued to gracefully evade all attacks with his spectacular defense, Hee-cheol, in panic, moved his dolls into Myung-juns path.

Then, along with the dolls, an Awakener who had moved in front of Myung-jun, swinging a chained sickle, shouted.

Damn it!! You scammer! Did you purposely sell equipment that doesnt work on yourself?!

I apologize, dear customer. We sell equipment precisely at the rank level provided to us. I remember the equipment youre holding. It was a chain-scythe that automatically restrains enemies according to the owners will, purchased from our clan, right?

Thats right! This is also equipment I bought from your clan! But why doesnt it work?

Im sorry, but the material you handed over to us when purchasing that chain at that time was a Rank 5 material. Therefore, the equipments material is also limited to Rank 5. Most of the weapons you are using now are equipment commissioned with materials of that rank or lower.

Rank 5 is considered top-rank among the materials available now!

That may be true at the level of the South Korean government.

Myung-jun, who had caught the chain flying towards him with both hands, spoke.

Have you forgotten? We are the Liberal Clan.

Then, as if breaking an icicle, he effortlessly severed the chains attached to both hands.

To launch attacks that penetrate this Armor Suit, you need at least Rank 7 equipment. Of course, in Korea, theres probably no Awakener who can procure Rank 7 materials.

Even more astonishing than Myung-juns conversation was the fact that he continued the conversation with ease while effortlessly avoiding the numerous attacks directed at him.

However, despite witnessing such overwhelming performance, Hee-cheol felt a strange discomfort in Myung-juns actions, which seemed to be advancing only through evasion and defense.

A feeling of having something that should be there.

The discomfort he felt was precisely

A counterattack. No counterattack?!

Originally, according to his simulation, more than half of the personnel here should have been annihilated within the first 5 minutes of the battle.

However, Myung-jun only endured one-sided attacks without retaliating.

Even with a flying fortress armed with hundreds of turrets hovering above his attackers.

Could he be deliberately acting as a tank to protect the clan headquarters?!?

Realizing this, Hee-cheol immediately issued changed orders to the surrounding soldiers.

Change the target! Concentrate all long-range firepower on the Liberal Clan headquarters in the air immediately! Close combat troops, continue to bind Cha Myung-juns movements!

The first to respond to the changed orders were the Black Mark Unit, preparing for a second attack on Myung-jun while loading the second round.

The scene of 40 barrels simultaneously turning with the sound of hydraulic devices in action was impressive enough just to watch. However, the sight of those barrels hitting their operational limits and being unable to ascend any further was anything but impressive.

[Insufficient firing angle! Unable to attack from the current position!]

[Entire unit! Move to a position where you can fire and attack!]

[Reception complete! Moving to the firing position immediately!]

While the 40 tanks were moving seamlessly to firing positions, Myung-jun continued to charge towards the direction of the clan headquarters.

As if his goal was not to protect the clan headquarters.

And finally, just as the Black Panther tank unit reached firing positions, ready to start firing, Hee-cheol noticed a small smile on Myung-juns lips.


[Firing initiated!]

Boom! Boom! Boom! Boom!

Before Hee-cheol could intervene, watching the flames and smoke erupt from the fired shells heading towards the Liberal Clan headquarters in the air, he realized what Myung-juns true intention was.

Myung-juns intention was not to draw aggro to protect the clan headquarters or to counterattack after attacking the opponent first. Myung-jun painted an ideal picture.

It was to create a justification that the Liberal Clan received unilateral attacks from the South Korean government and was driven out of the country.

And so far, Myung-juns intention was perfectly falling into place.

Broadcasted worldwide through cameras attached to the Liberal Clan headquarters, it appeared as if the 40 tanks and hundreds of soldiers dispatched to suppress the civilian clan were attacking the Liberal Clan unilaterally, driving them away.

Realizing this fact belatedly, Hee-cheol urgently ordered the cease-fire, but what caught his eye was Myung-juns face, looking at him with a smile, lifting the faceplate of his Armor Suit.

Hey this is

As Hee-cheol opened his mouth, Myung-jun raised his finger to stop him. Then, with a loud sound and spitting on the ground, he shouted loudly.

Kaaah! Thoo! Thats right! Attacking unilaterally like this against an opponent who doesnt even counterattack! Go crawl under the government with your tails between your legs! Fuck you! From today, the Liberal Clan will be reborn as a stateless clan! The responsibility for all future events lies with the South Korean government that created this situation today! Goodbye!

Myung-jun took a deep breath.

It was dirty being together, lets never meet again!!

Hee-cheol shouting to catch Myung-jun, but he lowered the face protection again and bent his knees slightly.

Then, from the leg part of the Armor Suit he wore, an enormous propulsion ejected, and as if it were a rocket, he flew towards the Clan headquarters.

Simultaneously, as if waiting for it, the lower parts hatch opened, and the Liberal Clan headquarters, which had accepted the clan leader, flew towards the East Sea at an incredible speed, leaving behind a large pit where a building of underground four floors stood and countless soldiers who seemed like a dog chasing a chicken.

Uwaaaah!!!! Cha Myung-juuuuun!!

In a state where not even a single piece of evidence remained to prove that the worlds strongest Awakener clan had been in this place, only Hee-cheols rage-filled scream told the fact that this place was the location of the Liberal Clan headquarters.

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