Master Smith Under Ministry of National Defense

Chapter 66

Chapter 66

066 – The God of Drone Control

Banara, who watched a wave several hundred meters high destroy everything in its path and rush fiercely in the direction he was in with a satisfied expression, mumbled to himself.

“Ah, amusing. Even the owner of this planet is doing something interesting, huh?”

At that moment, the gorilla with a chicken head sitting beside him warned the king in a low voice.

“Underestimating is not good. It’s not good. Interference with abilities is suspected.”

“Well, that might be true. Those high and mighty guys won’t just stand by and watch us have fun. Still, even so, a lot of them will probably die, but it won’t be total annihilation, right?”

“Proceeding path, gate detected.”

“What? No way!”

As soon as Banara finished speaking, his figure disappeared from the spot.

And then, a few kilometers away from where he was, he appeared again right in front of the advancing path of the tidal wave.

It was literally an instantaneous teleportation, an extremely fast movement that evoked thoughts of teleportation. However, Arin, controlling the relic-class drone ‘Night Stella,’ was receiving every bit of Banara’s movement without missing a thing through the drone’s camera.


Seeing something fundamentally different from the gigantic beast she had seen in the forest so far, Arin felt a creeping fear at an instinctual level. And the moment that small being, with a chicken head, swung its small fist toward the tidal wave, Arin conveyed all her will to Night Stella.

‘Stella!! Get out of there right now!!!’

Responding to her will, Night Stella, emitting a blinding white light, began to move away from Banara at a speed exceeding the speed of sound.

At the same time, Arin turned her gaze to the direction where Orléans summoned the tidal wave.


His judgment, driven by instinct rather than reason, was truly the right one.

The enormous tidal wave, which until a moment ago was advancing, crushing everything in its path like a mixer, turned into an incredibly massive water storm, scattering in all directions with just one uppercut from the small monkey.

The problem was that the water storm, like an exploded claymore, was sending huge water droplets flying in all directions.

‘If even one of those water droplets hits…’

Arin pushed Night Stella’s maneuverability to its limit, avoiding every water droplet that flew towards the drone.

Her almost miraculous drone control, however, ironically drew Banara’s attention even more.

“Oh! You’ve got something interesting!”

After completing the evasive maneuver, Arin screamed in surprise as she saw Banara looking straight at her through the drone’s camera.

However, contrary to her expectations that she would lose the drone, Banara showed no intention of attacking the defenseless drone.

Instead, the monkey-shaped creature seemed to feel a kind of triumph watching the drone with maneuverability beyond the limits of a living being.

“Hey, are you listening to me?”

Although the words coming from it were not in the human language, Arin could understand the monkey’s speech. Initially, the language translation device installed in Night Stella was a device that translated the ‘intent’ of the transmitter, not the language itself. In other words, it was more like a device transmitting telepathy.

“Hey, can’t you hear me?”

Arin, hearing Banara’s voice that instilled primal fear, responded without realizing it.


A voice of a young woman came through the speaker attached to the drone, making Banara clap his hands happily. Then, looking at the drone’s camera with a playful tone, he said,

“All right. You’re pretty fast, huh? Since I’m a bit bored, let’s play tag.”


Although Arin asked in response to the absurd suggestion, Banara was already counting with his fingers. As long as he made up his mind, there was no choice for her.

Watching Banara count with his fingers, Arin was engulfed in fear that her precious drone would be destroyed in an instant if she didn’t run away immediately.

Fly as fast as you can! Night Stella!

With her voice filled with determination, the drone began to fly at an incredible speed.

At that moment, watching Banara smiling and breaking the last finger.

“Now, shall we go?”

Even though Arin flew the drone to a distance where she could hardly hear what he was saying, she felt as if she heard the sound of him speaking clearly with both ears.

And at that moment, Arin turned the drone’s direction much faster than the information recognized by her sight.

It was almost like playing a rhythm game without looking at the notes but instinctively moving your fingers, an ultra-fast evasion maneuver performed at the level of spinal reflex.

“Oh, avoiding this?”

Banara, who thought it would only be fun to lightly surprise her, showed an even more amused expression as the drone evaded his first pursuit.

And then, with movements close to consecutive instantaneous teleports, he began to block the drone’s path in a crazy way.

Arin, who could confidently assert that she had never concentrated so much in her life, controlled the drone with her entire body, utilizing every means at her disposal, including reverse thrusters, active air flaps, and aerodynamic variable modes that could adjust the air resistance on the aircraft according to the situation.

She demonstrated a level of insane aerial flight that was impossible to follow with the eyes, and Banara, using ridiculous steps, was enjoying a game of tag with the drone.

While Arin was desperately controlling the drone with unprecedented concentration, Banara, in a relaxed manner, teleported here and there, resembling a dog playfully jumping around a toy plane.

“Hahaha! You’re really good at this! Fly even faster!”

‘Now I’m flying as fast as I can!’

Of course, she knew it. The Night Stella, a relic-class artifact, was the only drone in the world with top-notch performance. However, no matter how fast a car is, if you can’t turn the steering wheel, it’s just a bomb on the road. Similarly, her current flying performance, achievable with her current skills, was at its limit.

“It seems like your concentration is reaching its limit. Well, it was a movement beyond the limits that a weak race could show.”


Eventually, Arin, who had her flight path blocked 1,512 time by the unidentified monkey-like creature, vomited on the ground before the opponent finished speaking. The unfamiliar sensation of ‘guts,’ an experience she had never had in her entire life, completely turned her insides upside down.

With a forceful vomiting that felt like she was throwing up even the milk she had as a child, she worried about the drone left defenseless. Fortunately, the unidentified monkey-like creature patiently waited for her until her swearing through the drone subsided.

“Are you calming down?”

Are you not attacking?

“I have to. The conclusion of a match always ends with someone’s defeat. I just had a question before that.”

Ask…um…your question…please…

“What’s your name?”

Looking at the monkey that asked for a name out of the blue, Arin momentarily forgot about the pain in her neck that had been so severe. Then, breathing deeply, she said to her opponent,

I’m Arin, Seo Arin. This one is my partner, Night Stella.

“Arin and Night Stella. Okay, I’ll remember that. There were some useful guys on this planet after all.”

Is that…how you speak as if the result is already decided?

“Not really? We played tag, and you can’t run away anymore. Naturally, it seems like I won.”

That’s your rule over there.

A smile appeared on Arin’s lips, tainted with suffering.

I never said I was going to run away.

At that moment, Banara realized that, in the midst of playing with the drone and tag, he had somehow moved closer to his position on the ground. Also, the direction he moved in was close to where humans were entering for a conquest.

Realizing this fact, before Banara could react, from a part of the still intact forest, a person wielding a great axe rushed towards Banara with an enormous roar.

“Hahaha! Here we go! Here we go! Here we go!!”

As Sven jumped in the air and swung the axe, dozens of ice pillars erupted from the ground, covering Banara. Simultaneously, Arin poured all the remaining concentration to maneuver the drone to safety.

Stella! Upward!

Looking down through the camera, Arin could see that Sven’s attack was far from over.

The onslaught from a moment ago seemed to be just the beginning, as Sven, swinging his axe like a madman, was throwing ice pillars as if indicating a crazy start.

“Ice pick!! Iiiice pick!!! Iiiiiice piiiiick!!!”

Mr. Sven, I’ve told you before, but an ice pick is not a spear made of ice. It’s a pickaxe used for breaking ice.

“Hahaha! I know! But it doesn’t matter! Iiiiiice piiiiick!!!”

Now almost resembling a mountain made of ice, Sven’s axe stopped only after completely covering Banara’s location with sharp ice pillars.

However, it wasn’t because he was confident that the attack had succeeded; it was for the next attacker waiting behind him.

“Dieee!! Fall!! Down!!”

A gigantic tree person, larger than the Amazonian giants that had grown for centuries to be tens of meters tall, was rushing towards Banara’s position. As it approached, its size increased even more, seemingly absorbing other trees in its path.

Realizing the immense size of the approaching tree person, Sven, who had seen the giant created by Orléans, flew backward to avoid being swept away by its massive attack.

At that moment, Péreira, who had been extending his head from within the tree person’s mouth, shouted towards the ice pillar trapping Banara.

“Wrath of Nature!!!”

With a punch the size of a skyscraper in Manhattan, the tree person swung its giant fist towards the ground. It was Péreira’s most powerful attack, but he couldn’t be sure it would be enough to destroy the opponent with just this one blow.

If the opponent, who could destroy the colossal tidal wave summoned by Orléans with a single punch, could resist Péreira’s strike, which she considered to be her ultimate move, was uncertain.

Péreira unleashed a terrifying continuous attack towards Banara, shouting, “Wrath of Nature!! Wrath of Nature! Wrath of Nature!!!”

-Bam! Crash! Crash!-

During the relentless series of attacks, resembling a colossal giant tearing up the ground as if pulling a building from its foundations, Sven’s mind signaled a danger.

“Ice Wall!!!”

At that moment, the arm of the tree giant that was about to strike shattered, and countless splinters, like a claymore exploding, scattered in all directions.

The size of the fragments was so large that each piece was as big as a beautiful log, making it a explosion that looked like it came from a giant claymore.


And from within the explosion, the presence they had wished to be killed by that one blow slowly walked out. Brushing aside the wet hair drenched in steam due to the high pressure generated by the explosion.

Even though ‘that guy’ was walking very slowly, Péreira, who was watching from hundreds of meters above, and Sven, who was preparing for combat from a distance, could only stand in their respective positions without making any attacks.

Inside the huge crater created by the giant fist of the tree person, as he walked out slowly, in his eyes, which could not be seen even from hundreds of meters above, there was a giant rage that they had never seen in their entire lives.

It was a sight that made one think if the word ‘terror’ were to take shape, it might look something like this.

“You dare.”

Although the words he spat out were only two words, Péreira and Sven could feel an emotion greater than all the anger in the world combined in those two letters.

“To dare to interfere with my game.”

Finally walking out of the volcano, Banara swept his hair back. Then, as if evaporating the water soaked throughout his body, he began to emit steam.


Amidst the steam erupting from his entire body as if exploding, Banara, with glowing red eyes, exuded an aura, revealing sharp fangs.

“And you want to fall into madness?”

His voice was a small murmur, almost a whisper, but to Péreira and her group listening, that small voice sounded as clear as a death sentence.

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