Master Smith Under Ministry of National Defense

Chapter 64

Chapter 64

064 – Invader

In the unexplored land of the Amazon, untouched by human footsteps, a dark primeval forest preserved the ancient mysteries. In this jungle, where the eyes of humans had never set foot, countless creatures built their own ecosystems, living in the dark depths of the primeval forest, holding the secrets of ancient times.

However, in this Amazon jungle, the current scene unfolding clearly indicated that the entities occupying this area were not earthly beings. Even if the tropical rainforest harbored unknown forms of life, it was almost impossible to imagine that giant beasts ranging from several meters to dozens of meters in length, with a menacing appearance, had never been detected by human eyes until now.

Ironically, these fierce giant beasts were moving naturally between massive trees that matched their huge stature, as if this jungle were their homeland. Not far from there, in a clearing surrounded by dozens of meters tall beasts, a more alien spectacle unfolded than the jungle, where thousands of ten-meter-tall beasts roamed freely.

Doyeol (堵列).

Enormous beast that seemed unimaginable to possess proper reasoning abilities were kneeling side by side, encircling someone in a circular formation. To be more precise, they were in a posture that seemed more like lying down, as if fearing something.

Surprisingly, at the center of this circle was a monkey with a size astonishingly similar to that of a human. Despite the massive beasts lying all around, the monkey had a petite physique that seemed as if it would turn into minced meat with a single swipe of the claws of the giant beasts.

However, despite its small size, the monkey named King Banara sat comfortably on a piece of wood that had been skillfully cut as if it were his throne, as if he were the owner of this region.

With an unidentified piece of bone that seemed to be a thigh bone of some animal, Banara spoke to the giant beasts in a language that was not of any known species.

“How many gates have been connected?”

In response, the giant gorilla with an eagle’s head sitting next to the monkey answered.

“Invasion. In progress. Currently, 20%.”


“Invasion. Ongoing. Local tribes resist. Weak. Current progress speed excellent.”

“I don’t like that. Rather, it doesn’t sit well with me.”

When the monkey threw the bone he was holding, a large hole was dug into the ground, accompanied by a deafening sound, as if several tons of iron bars had fallen to the ground. The monsters, which were already bowing their heads, trembled even more in fear.

“Look around. It’s a quite big star. The trees are magnificent like this, but why are the creatures here so weak and feeble? I’ve traveled hundreds of universes, but I’ve never seen creatures so frail.”

“Hasty judgment. Some creatures. Possessing extraordinary powers. Different powers.”

Banara’s eyes sparkled at the mention of different powers.

“Is that useful?”

“Still. Primitive. Novice stage. Growth potential exists.”

“Really? Well, then I guess I’ll have to see for myself.”

“Given judgment. Violation of protocol risk. King’s connection status. Still unstable.”

“It’s okay. It’s okay. Usually, by observing the state of the predators, you can gauge the level of this star. In my opinion, even if all the dominant species of this star gather, I should be able to easily defeat them.”

Banara emitted an overwhelming presence that could make one’s breath stop just by approaching, and naturally, even though he was overwhelming, his state was not complete. Due to the insufficient number and intensity of gates for his main body to descend, he had sent his clone.

However, Banara was confident that the strength of his clone alone would be sufficient to dominate the entire star. Just as he had done in hundreds and thousands of universes before, species without rulers in the universe were inherently weak.

Above all, he was eager for the fight at hand.

“Nearby, where is the strongest individual?”

“Two dominant species. On land and in water. Currently approaching the location. Approach direction…”

When the entity called Algorn pointed in a direction with its finger, Banara stood up.

“Repetition. Such actions. Violation of protocol, possibility of penalty.”

“It’s okay. In essence, as long as we don’t go too far from the gate, right?”

Banara, who had risen from his seat, jumped lightly several times in place and then pointed towards the monsters in the direction indicated by Algorn.

“Move aside or die?”

At that moment, the monsters, overwhelmed by Banara’s oppressive presence, screamed in terror and scattered left and right.

“No movement. Impossible to fight. Explanation required.”

Although Algorn, unable to understand Banara’s actions, asked a question, Banara paid no attention. If he couldn’t leave this spot, then attacking from this spot would be enough.

“Let’s exchange some greetings.”

Saying so, Banara jumped lightly, as if practicing a taekwondo form, and sent a spinning kick. At that moment, due to the compressed space, the air itself formed a clear blade in the shape of a large crescent, shooting out from Banara’s toes.

And that gigantic blade, with a clarity that made the air itself shimmer, passed through dozens of meters of beautiful tall trees that densely covered Banara’s field of vision without any resistance, as if erasing them like tofu.

If someone had seen it from the side, they might not have known if it was an attack.

However, this strike, not in the location where Banara was, but in an area several kilometers away from that location, revealed its overwhelming destructive power.

-Boom, boom, boom, boom, boom!-

The blade of air, weakened enough to generate a shockwave, which could create an explosion due to the shock, after cutting down hundreds or thousands of trees without a trace, revealed its overwhelming destructive power, erasing a gigantic linear scar in the jungle, extending forward.

And the direction in which the scar was heading was the direction where the South American Clan, the most powerful Awakener in South America, was approaching—Floresta’s suppression force.




“Northeast, 800 meters away, a group of monsters approaching found, estimated total of 16 individuals. Type Stalker, Rank Estimated to be Rank 4!”

“All units, prepare for battle.”

Rivers and forests. Floresta Clan, who chose the jungle as their land route, like most other clans advancing carefully with seekers controlling drones to identify the positions of monsters one by one.

Tankers and dealers. Trusting in the abilities of their leader, Pereira, who could perform both roles simultaneously. Pereira, a former cartel member and the strongest Awakener in South America, was demonstrating skills worthy of his reputation in his main stage, the forest.


As Pereira spoke, a brown-skinned man beside him approached. Pereira extended his hand, and Miguel handed him something.

“What’s this time?”

“There are quite a few usable Quaruba trees in this area.”

“Convenient for eating.”

What Miguel handed over was the fruit of the Quaruba tree, also known as the ‘Brazilian Nut.’ Pereira, without chewing the thumb-sized seeds, swallowed them whole. Then, concentrating his consciousness, he looked at the giant trees in front of him.

“Submit to my dominion, wise elders of the wise forest!”

As Pereira spoke with outstretched hands, the giant trees around him began to wriggle and move. Soon, the trees split below, transforming into shapes resembling humans and rushed towards the monsters like giants, scattering numerous leaves on the ground.


Colliding with the giant beasts walking among the tree trunks, easily surpassing 6 meters in height from foot to shoulder, a massive roar echoed as Floresta Clan members began their rapid firing.



Powerful, armor-piercing rifles, equivalent to 50-caliber sniper rifles in terms of damage to the monsters, poured out bullets. However, even these powerful special bullets were insufficient to pierce the exterior of the monsters.

Seeing the monsters deflect bullets as if bouncing off toy bullets, the clan members immediately switched to other firearms and aimed at the monsters.

“Fuck you! This is expensive!”

“You bastard! Now is not the time to worry about the cost of bullets!”

The clan members, holding rifles closer to hand cannons than conventional guns, adjusted their sights as much as possible to ensure no bullets missed and began shooting at the monsters.

Then, superconductor rail-accelerated special bullets began pouring out of the giant firearm’s muzzle, similar to a railgun.

-Puff, puff, puff, boom!-


The bullets they fired cost as much as the average monthly salary of most office workers, but they had no time to worry about that. The clan members fired shots aiming to make sure not a single bullet missed the monsters.

Fortunately, the arcane bullets fired from the newly acquired firearm by the Liberal Clan had a powerful force that not only pierced the tough skin of the Rank 4 Stalker but also exploded inside, instantly killing it.

As the monsters burst from within, hit by the special bullets, spewing blood like a balloon with a hole and flying backward, clan members cheered and rushed forward.

However, Pereira’s expression, watching the clan members celebrating a local victory, was not so bright.



“How many rounds do we have left?”

“About 1,200 rounds.”

“What’s the distance to the target?”

“We still have to go another 8 km.”

“Damn. No choice, huh?”

Pereira touched the radio he had on his hip and exhaled a sigh as if the ground was giving way. Then, he pressed the call button.

– Oh, thank you! What can I help you with this time? –

Even though it was an overflow area where communication was impossible, the radio made by the Liberal Clan was delivering clear voices. And now, the voice of Myung-jun was echoing through the radio.

“Pereira. I need more ammo.”

– How many rounds would you like? –

“About 500 rounds….”

– I mentioned this before you set off, but there’s an additional delivery fee, and there’s also a maximum delivery limit. Will 500 rounds be enough for you? –

“….Make it 2,000 rounds.”

– Thank you! The delivery will be made immediately, so please be more than 20 meters away from your current communication location! –

As Pereira followed Myung-jun’s instructions and moved away from his position, a sharp noise tearing through the air accompanied a massive missile flying from the sky in the distance.

However, instead of blasting the target, the missile opened in mid-air and dropped its cargo right where Pereira had been.

“Already the third one…”

Calculating the amount of crystal stones he would have to pay to the Liberal Clan in his mind, Pereira sighed and raised his head. His concern was that after all this trouble, the profits might not be that great.

However, without thinking about his dilemma, Pereira shouted to the clan members who were happily collecting ammunition, one bullet at a time, with joyful expressions.

“Shut up, everyone!”

At the leader’s sudden command, Floresta Clan members stopped what they were doing and fell silent.

Then, strange noises that they hadn’t heard due to the gunfire, monster screams, and their own shouts began to reach their ears.

-Puff, puff, puff, puff, puff, boom!-

A sound they had never heard in their entire lives, so they couldn’t even guess what it might be. But one thing was certain, the ominous sound was rapidly approaching them from the direction they were facing.

And at that moment, Pereira, guessing the direction of the sound, fixed his expression and shouted to the clan members in the loudest voice they had ever heard.

“Ev-ery-one, down!!!”

Pereira shouted, not just his voice but a command to the clan members. At the same time, he reached into the pocket at Miguel’s waist next to him, took out as many seeds as he could grasp, put them in his mouth, and sent a strong will to all the plants in his field of vision.



In response to the urgent command, stems of the forest’s giants began to burst out from all directions.

However, due to Pereira’s desperate command, he almost instantly directed them in one direction, gathering them in a way that seemed like they were about to collapse before the trees could properly take on a human form.

As it happened so quickly, it didn’t take much time for the forest’s giants, which had stood in their place for hundreds or thousands of years, to create a massive barrier as if a giant were gathering stalks like holding grass in both hands.

And at that moment, the blade of air rushing towards the Floresta Clan, creating a giant road in the Amazon jungle, collided with the wooden barrier Pereira had created.


At an unbelievable speed, the blade of air, unstoppable by any chainsaw, ruthlessly tore through the solid structure of the trees that had lived for centuries.

Then, Pereira’s pupils expanded significantly as he watched the scene in real-time.

‘More precisely!’

As Pereira’s will was transmitted to the trees, the giant beautiful Adrino trees, several meters in diameter, began to make twisting sounds as if becoming thinner.

As if compressed by an unknown force.

The strengthened giants began to resist the blade of air, sacrificing everything they had.

But such resistance was short-lived.

The blade of air, powered by Pereira’s subordinates with the ability, too quickly and easily cut through even the strengthened giants and rushed towards Pereira at a crazy speed.

It was an unbelievable destruction speed, created by mobilizing more than 300 subordinates to form a barrier.

Watching this, Pereira was momentarily stunned by the absurd situation.

And in that moment,


As Miguel, who was standing next to the clan leader, grabbed Pereira’s waist and fell, the blade of air that had cut through the barrier barely passed Pereira’s bangs.

In the face of the imminent danger where a little delay would have cut off his neck, Pereira felt a chill down his spine.

‘What the hell is this?!’

Regaining his composure, Pereira quickly stood up and looked in the direction the blade of air had come from.

And there, without saying a word, he froze in place.

In front of him, unfolding, was a giant road of unknown length.

“The forest…”

Looking at the same direction as Pereira, Miguel, who was standing beside him, spoke in a terrified voice.

However, his fear was not about the unknown existence that created the forest like this.

More terrifying than the fear of the existence that created such an overwhelming spectacle was the fear emanating from the person standing right next to him—Pereira. Since becoming an Awakener, he had pulverized five rival cartels in a short time. Now, the ruler of South America, known by the title ‘Master of the Forest,’ was furious at the sight before his eyes.

The scent of ‘sap,’ emitted into the air as living trees were torn apart, felt thicker to him than the smell of blood, almost suffocatingly intense.

Suppressing the boiling anger deep in his heart, Pereira spoke to Miguel.


“Yes, Leader.”

“Order everyone to withdraw.”


“I’ll take care of that bastard alone.”

Miguel had no idea who the ‘bastard’ Pereira was referring to. The ‘road’ in front of them extended beyond the visible horizon. Nevertheless, Miguel was certain of one thing. Regardless of who the entity on the opposite side was, their proud leader would show what the ‘Forest’s Wrath’ truly meant.

Urgently ordering the clan members to retreat, Miguel looked at the pouch in Pereira’s hand.

Inside it contained the ‘true terror of the Amazon jungle,’ unknown even to Miguel, who majored in botany at university.

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