Master Smith Under Ministry of National Defense

Chapter 36

Chapter 36

[You can make specialized equipment for Awakeners… Can you make something like that?]

“First of all, the equipment I’ve shown you is simply general-purpose gear focused on durability and attack power. But if you can provide information on a specific awakener, I can design specialized equipment just for them. Of course, you’ll have to pay for the materials.”

[Is producing such equipment also a part of your ability?]

“Yes, but basically anyone in the blacksmith class among the Awakeners can produce it if they know the necessary recipes and materials. The only issue is that the materials themselves are hard to obtain since they come from hunting these monsters. Plus, it’s difficult for blacksmiths to figure out how to handle high-rank materials if they’re not themselves of a high rank.”

[So, are you saying that the moment we secure a production class Awakener on our side, these pieces of equipment would become useless? Can we consider them a merit when we can eventually make them ourselves?]

“Of course, over time, that will happen. And if the number of Awakener dramatically increases, as I intend, through civilian use of weapons capable of hunting these monsters, it will take considerable time for them to produce equipment at the level I’ve shown you.”

[Why is that?]

“Equipment crafted from low-ranked monster materials will inevitably be low-rank. May I ask what the highest rank of monster reported to the U.S. government is?”

After considering Myung-jun’s question, Biden opened his mouth.

[It’s rank 3.]

“You must have had a hard time dealing with it.”

[We had to deploy air forces in a hurry because .50 caliber sniper rounds had no effect. Thankfully, missiles worked.]

“You fired a missile in your own territory?!”

[I would like to note that precious lives of American soldiers were lost before making that decision. We were too far away to deploy armored forces, and the only troops that could be quickly deployed to the scene were drones. Wasn’t it a wiser decision to stop the enemy with a single Hellfire missile rather than risk more lives?]

Realizing that they couldn’t continue to solve the problem of increasingly powerful creatures by firing missiles, President Biden wanted to fully understand the value of what Myung-jun was offering.

[So, let me ask you. Assuming one of our rank-2 Awakeners in the U.S. government uses the specialized equipment you’ve shown, up to what rank of creature could they handle?]

“It’s a difficult question to answer. Not all awakener of the same rank possess equal combat power. And monsters also vary in combat power depending on their type. But if I were to answer considering a general increase in combat capability, with proper party composition, that equipment could handle creatures up to rank 6.”

Expecting an answer around rank 4, the White House staff was significantly stirred by the mention of a not-yet-encountered rank 6. And their leader, Biden, asked Myung-jun a hesitant question.

[A rank 6 creature… That’s a level of threat that doesn’t even exist yet, isn’t it? There’s also no guarantee that creatures will continue to grow stronger.]

“They will get stronger.”

Myung-jun added this with a voice full of certainty.

“Originally, those equipments themselves are made by processing the materials obtained from defeating Rank 5 monsters.”

[So, in Korea, Rank 5 monsters have already appeared!?]

“We used a sort of loophole to defeat them. Based on the current pattern, it will be several years before we encounter a Rank 5 monster outside the gate, so don’t worry too much. But a few years from now, it will be a global issue. I am suggesting giving the U.S. government a card that can prepare for those few years.”

The offer wasn’t bad. If the information that Soo-Jeong passed on through her mother, who works at DARPA, is all true, then the most important resource in the future will not be oil but ‘crystals’.

‘Perhaps today’s decision could be a crucial one that cements the United States’ role as a central nation for over 100 years.’

It was not an easy decision.

Myung-Jun’s demands.

This was almost equivalent to declaring that Myung-Jun would be under the protection of the U.S. government, completely disregarding the rights of its ally, the South Korean government.

Moreover, the law Myung-Jun demanded was not only for him.

Any Awakeners, regardless of nationality or status, could obtain U.S. residency and status as a U.S. citizen through negotiation with the U.S. government without setting foot on U.S. soil.

In the case that any government exerts force on an Awakeners who has gained this status, it would be considered as directly exerting force on an agent of the U.S. government.

Simply put, it was a request to grant them the same authority as DEA (Drug Enforcement Administration) agents working abroad. In the U.S., when DEA agents operating in places like Colombia are kidnapped or killed, the U.S. sends troops to that foreign country for retaliation and rescue operations. Of course, they do consult with the government of the concerned country, but in reality, that action doesn’t hold much significance.

After all, the Colombian government doesn’t have the ‘authority’ to stop the retaliation of the U.S. troops. Except for a few countries like China, there weren’t many nations that wanted to oppose the world’s superpower, the U.S. government, just to protect a criminal.

Thus, it had become somewhat customary for even the notorious drug cartels to simply release DEA agents. If by mistake a DEA agent was killed by a cartel member, the enraged elite U.S. troops could cross the border and wipe out the entire cartel. After both sides confirmed each other’s requirements, the subsequent negotiations proceeded smoothly.

[Therefore, we will proceed as requested: legal benefits will be immediately enacted for Awakeners who pass the government review, and we will promptly dispatch specialized agents from the U.S. government to deal with any legal troubles that arise in their respective countries.]

“Which department will they come from? CIA? FBI? DHS?”

[In response to the current situation, agents from the newly established agency, Gate Management Security (GMS), will be dispatched. This is a new agency under the U.S. government where the Awakeners will be affiliated. They are granted supranational authority to handle all issues arising from the gate incidents.]

“What about the warrants against us?”

[Our State Department will handle that. However, to facilitate smooth negotiations, we hope that, at least until GMS establishes its position, you would exclusively transfer to the U.S. government the monster response technology that you’ve agreed upon.]

“You intend to use it as a bargaining chip. Understood. Let’s do that.”

Given that there was a limit to the number of devices that could be produced monthly using Myung-jun’s ability, he nodded in agreement.

[Additionally, the political backup we can offer extends to preventing arrest, detention, or forced conscription by other nations. However, any other activities must comply with the laws of the respective nations.]

“In the event of a need, can the U.S. government officially convey our requirements to the concerned nation?”

[It depends on the nature of the request, but yes, that’s possible.]

“Then I’m content with that.”

Initially, the gate situation itself was an unprecedented global event, with numerous aspects to consider: legal boundaries, diplomatic issues, and tax matters. Especially concerning taxes, the U.S. Internal Revenue Service had insisted on collecting taxes on all profits generated from gate operations. Because of this, intense confrontations were inevitable. However, due to Myung-jun’s persuasion that governments couldn’t simply let Myung-jun’s clan exploit the gates without benefits, it was finally agreed that taxes would be paid to the nation where the gate was situated based on the profits generated there.

As Myung-jun was about to conclude the communication, Biden asked him another question.

[May I ask one last thing?]

“Of course.”

[The negotiation took place because you breached the White House’s network with your power. While we can trust you, it would be a significant threat if another individual with similar abilities could breach networks like the White House’s or the Pentagon’s. Can you perhaps create a device that can defend against such attacks?]

Hearing the question, Myung-jun looked at Soo-Jeong, who nodded and spoke to Biden.

“It seems we can. We will send you the specifications for network defense equipment in detail. The actual device will be handed over when we visit the U.S. after our plan is successfully executed.”

[I look forward to the day we meet at the White House.]

“I’m looking forward to it as well.”

With Myung-jun’s final words, the communication ended.

Then, Ho Chang, who had been silently observing the negotiations, leaned against the back of his chair and exclaimed,

“This is insane, hacking into the White House to speak directly with the President. What exactly have we gotten ourselves into?”

“We’re involved in a global-scale event. Shortly, there will be a major announcement from the White House addressing the world. Our names will be mentioned there, and after that, we’ll be quite busy. The South Korean government will also have their reactions to our actions.”

“What if the South Korean government isn’t cooperative?”

Soo-Jeong answered that question for Myung-jun.

“Then we’ll have to take down the government itself. We have someone here who can summon missiles, armored vehicles that can penetrate any terrain, and an individual capable of summoning massive firepower enough to destroy an entire command center. And if we have enough points, we also have a developer who can create any equipment needed. At least in my opinion, Myung-jun would be the most powerful Awakener on Earth at this point, wouldn’t he?”

She looked at Myung-jun for agreement, and he smiled and nodded.

“Probably so. No matter how advanced my abilities are, no Awakener capable of hunting a Rank 5 monster has emerged yet.”

At least based on the information Myung-jun remembered before his regression, he was certain of this.

‘But that won’t last forever.’

At this point in time, providing the U.S. government with equipment made from the materials of a Rank 5 monster was a huge gamble for Myung-jun. If the U.S. government isn’t foolish, they’ll attempt to snowball the moment they receive the equipment, clearing Gates of Rank 4-5 in bulk and securing a large number of powerful Awakeners earlier than other countries. Myung-jun didn’t know exactly how this would change the course of history, but one thing was certain: the conclusion of today’s negotiation would serve as a major turning point affecting the entire world. Holding onto the privileges he had at this moment and steering the flow of history in the direction he wanted was what Myung-jun believed he needed to do now. He clenched his fist tightly.

At the same time, President Biden and his advisors in the underground situation room of the White House were also sitting in heavy silence. When Biden finally spoke, the oppressive atmosphere began to lift.


“Yes, Mr. President.”

“Fully activate diplomatic channels and contact the governments of all countries. As of today, the U.S. government will lift information control on the Gate situation.”

“There will be enormous repercussions. Everything we know, from the stock and financial markets to public order and national defense, will be affected.”

“True, but it’s okay. At least humanity will now have a weapon to face this unknown situation. And if we can control ‘them’ well, our influence in the international community will be greater than anything we’ve achieved through diplomatic efforts so far.”

“Can we really trust them? Wouldn’t it be wiser to monopolize this under the control of the U.S. government now?”

“The biggest secret to me being able to reach the presidency at this late age was the ability to distinguish between people I could make my own and those I couldn’t. And the Myung-jun I’ve seen is a person with an unpredictable nature, like a rubber ball.”

Biden thought inwardly that forcing such a person into submission would never be wise. If an unimaginable power that they can’t even estimate targets the U.S. government, they might have to fight for the survival of the nation. The best way to deal with an entity that you absolutely can’t possess is to ensure that nobody else can possess it either, especially since the Myung-jun he saw didn’t seem like a person planning for human extinction or world domination.

So that day, the U.S. government declared to the governments of all countries that they would lift the strict information control they had been maintaining on the Gate through international agreements. That evening, they immediately held an official press conference and spilled all the information about the Gate situation to the world media. It was the most impactful news humanity had ever received through the media.

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