Master Smith Under Ministry of National Defense

Chapter 32

Chapter 32

032 – Briefing

In the briefing room where Byung-tae had led Ho-Chang, Myung-jun and Soo-jeong were already waiting. Soo-jeong, who had been following Myung-jun like a secretary next to a CEO, stood by Myung-jun’s side and pressed a button on the wall as she saw Ho-Chang and his group enter.

Then, she set the cups that came out of the open slot in the wall onto the table and handed tea to Ho-Chang’s group. Finally, after pouring tea into her own cup, she sat down.

In front of a table that looked like it was made of metal and shaped like a round table, the four of them sat in silence for a moment, sipping their tea that was placed in front of them.

“The taste of this tea is excellent. What kind is it?”

Byung-tae asked, breaking the awkward atmosphere.

“It’s called Golden Tips. Originally, a cup of this tea costs around 240,000 won.”

“Wow. Is it that expensive? The aroma is outstanding.”

“You’re more into soju than tea. Do you even know the taste of home-brewed tea?”

“Hyung, even though you can’t drive as well as me, you can still tell the difference between a Porsche and a Kia. Maybe not in detail, but you can at least sense the expensive feeling! You know that much.”

“Well, that’s true.”

Soo-jeong, who had been holding the cup tightly, smiled with excitement.

“Although I said it’s called Golden Tips, I don’t know if it’s actually true. Someone simply entered that name and provided this tea in this unknown space under the name Golden Tips. I haven’t actually tried Golden Tips at the Rubens Hotel, so I’m not sure if the tea I’m drinking now is the real deal.”

“The space provides tea?”

“Here, if you input the desired food or drink, you can receive it from the food supply boxes placed throughout. After a few tests, I confirmed that the foods I know are provided with the taste I remember. For instance, I asked for a Big Mac, and it gave me exactly the one I know.”

“Are you saying this space is created by humans?”

“Why do you think that way?”

“Because, aliens wouldn’t know how a Big Mac looks or what ingredients give it its taste.”

If it were a matter of the space reading the registered user’s memory to provide food, it would be impossible for this space to replicate the taste of Golden Tips, which nobody here except for Ho-Chang knows. Thus, Ho-Chang couldn’t help but think that someone other than them, who knew the taste of Golden Tips, must have designed and created this space.

However, Soo-jeong countered Ho-Chang’s opinion, shaking her head.

“I don’t think so.”

“Why is that?”

“The technology used to create this tea or the technology used in the Armored suit you wore is something that humans won’t be able to use for thousands of years to come. Moreover, just try to think back to the process of entering this room. Ho-Chang could move directly from the wide testing room to this briefing room by simply turning a dial, bypassing the corridors. Something that’s impossible unless you possess teleportation technology.”

“Is this space itself a kind of space implemented through surreal abilities?”

“I believe so.”

Ho-Chang turned his head and asked the man next to Soo-jeong.

“What does Myung-jun, the owner of this ability, think about it?”

“I agree with Soo-jeong’s thoughts. At first glance, this space itself appears to be like the interior of a massive spacecraft, but if you look closely inside, countless unbelievable events are happening that lightly disregard the laws of physics. These are things that can’t be explained other than through the explanation of ‘abilities’. In simpler terms, I think my ability is a very complex one that’s like putting a Sci-Fi style skin on top of superpowers.”

“To ‘think’… that means even the owner of the ability doesn’t fully understand it.”

“I will explain that part.”

At that moment, Soo-jeong, who had emptied her cup, got up from her seat and moved toward the wall. As she approached, the wall immediately lit up like a large monitor, displaying an image similar to the blueprint of a battleship.

The picture filled the entire wall with lines and areas, most of which were locked with lock-shaped symbols except for a few areas.

“While Mr. Ho-Chang was asleep in the medical pod for a month, Mr. Byung-tae, who had recovered first, and I, along with Myung-jun, collected information through countless tests to understand the information about the space we’re in. We found some information during that process, but there are things we still couldn’t discover. Most of the vast space facilities here are sealed, and to unlock them, a significant number of points are required.”


” Mr. Ho-Chang probably hasn’t encountered them, but there are monsters attacking humans and wildlife all over the world. Presumably, these creatures, which are believed to have come from another dimension, have crystal-like gemstones inside their bodies. And some of those crystal stones, when in contact with a human like the man you fought, grant unique powers.”

Soo-jeong summarized the information she had learned and the information she had obtained from Myung-jun in an easy-to-understand manner for Ho-Chang.

After listening to the explanation, Ho-Chang thought for a moment and then turned to Soo-jeong.

“So, if I understand correctly, monsters that bullets can’t pierce are increasing worldwide, and by defeating them, people can gain powers. So, Myung-jun, Byung-tae, and I, as those who fought against monsters, are considered those who have gained these powers?”

“In simple terms, yes.”

“Then, by borrowing Myung-jun’s ability, I’ve become a kind of Awakener too?”

Soo-jeong nodded.

“In that case, I have a few questions about this. May I ask?”

“Of course.”

“Firstly, the guy I fought against had physical abilities that were far beyond the measure of human strength, even without using abilities. Then, as an Awakener, I should have had similar abilities. So, why was it that before putting on the Armored suit, I could only exert normal human strength?”

“Basically, the abilities you use are dependent on Myung-jun’s equipment. When you were actually wearing the equipment, you could easily keep up with the movements of Awakeners that were moving faster than bullets, right? The equipment given to Mr. Ho-Chang not only enhances his endurance and destructive power but also reinforces his reflexes and thought speed needed to control the equipment’s movements at superhuman speeds. So, even in the high-speed combat, he could move as easily as he normally does.”

“So, without the equipment, I essentially have the abilities of an ordinary person? Then, if an Awakener attacks me while I’m not wearing the Armored suit, what happens?”

“We also thought a lot about that during the first week. And to solve that problem, we decided to provide sub- equipment instead of the main equipment.”

Soo-jeong’s finger tapped on the diamond-shaped brooch with patterns on the circular table, and it appeared. Ho-Chang picked it up and looked around, noticing that everyone except him had the brooch attached to their chests.

“What I’ve just given you is a shield generator with communication capabilities. In case of any danger to the owner, it immediately activates and creates a protective barrier on the palm, capable of withstanding even tank shells exploding above it. It also establishes an interference-free quantum communication network and stores and shares the real-time location logs of the current user. Moreover, it scans the user’s surroundings, storing and transmitting the data in 3D video format. And most importantly…”

Soo-jeong pointed her finger at the red button on the brooch.

“The red button over there, when it changes to green, can be pressed to receive a body enhancement similar to what Awakeners receive during full combat awakening for three minutes. It takes five hours to recharge, so use it only in crisis situations.”

“Then, what does the black button here do…”

“That’s the return button. When used, it instantly teleports the individual to their unique ID within this space, regardless of the location. Use it if you’re threatened during a mission or face the danger of arrest and imprisonment.”

Ho-Chang didn’t find her last statement amusing; he swallowed hard.

Then, he turned to Myung-jun, who was sitting beside him, and asked.

“I have one more question. Myung-jun, about the identity of the assailants who pursued you and Soo-jeong.”

After a moment of contemplation, Myung-jun looked up, met Ho-Chang’s gaze, and spoke.

“I can’t be certain, but the individuals who pursued us are likely secret agents dispatched by government. I don’t know their affiliations.”

“Then, right now, we’re probably considered assets of government. It seems that Awakeners are quite rare and precious, and among them, two agents with considerable abilities were killed.”

“The government can’t know that those two died. After all, the bodies were all recovered.”

“They were humans, and you don’t seem to care much about that point?”

Ho-Chang’s final words contained pure surprise, not sarcasm. According to his own experience of killing someone on the battlefield, he knew that taking a life had a significant impact on a person’s psyche.

However, Myung-jun, with a matter-of-fact tone as if he had simply carried out a routine task, said, “The bodies were recovered.” Ho-Chang pointed out this aspect.

Then, Myung-jun smiled at Ho-Chang and spoke.

“In the final reconnaissance operation participated in by my squad just before my discharge, I encountered Rank 2 monster. And all the comrades who participated in that operation, except me, died. After the operation that resulted in the deaths of over 15 personnel, do you know what the Ministry of National Defense announced?”

“What did they say?”

“They announced that all personnel died due to an unexplained explosion accident in the ammunition depot during maintenance. And they enforced that I shouldn’t disclose any information about that operation, the only survivor.”

“Do they really have the power to enforce it?”

“What else could I do? Should I give an unauthorized interview? Monsters that bullets can’t pierce are popping up all over the country, and if you defeat them, you gain superpowers. It’s lucky I’m not locked up in a mental hospital.”

“But isn’t the government supposed to be reliable? Can’t they keep such a huge secret and suppress the information?”

“Don’t you think the information’s impact is enormous?”


“Humans have established public safety, national defense, order, and law based on just two fundamental conditions. One is that no matter how strong a human is, they die when shot by a gun. The other is that no attack method can cross a physical distance.”

Then, Byung-tae chimed in, addressing Myung-jun.

“Heh… Could you explain it a bit more simply? If you talk like that to me or Ho-Chang, who are both specialists in using their bodies, we won’t understand.”

“I got it. Don’t use make excuses for me when you don’t understand.”

“Then why don’t you explain it to me?”

“I understand quickly, but I’m not very good at teaching others…”

Myung-jun smiled and turned to Ho-Chang, chuckling.

“Hahaha! Well, it’s not a story with such complex concepts. Mr. Ho-Chang, suppose there’s a human who can’t be instantly taken down by cannons or missiles. And suppose that human set their mind to assassinate the President of the United States. Could the current security systems stop them?”

After a moment of consideration, Ho-Chang nodded and replied.

“It would be difficult. Security systems, by their nature, aren’t designed to deal with such extraordinary beings.”

“Exactly. In fact, even during the medieval period when individual physical prowess was valued, the same principle applied. Even if a person is extremely strong, to approach a person in power, they would need to breach the security system and have the physical strength to overcome the numerous armed guards who are a threat to their life. So, aside from assassination, it would be most conventional to approach the target gradually through warfare, wearing them down over time.”


“But the ‘awakener’ abilities easily disregard all those constraints. It doesn’t matter if there are bodyguards or hidden bunker walls, they enable the elimination of targets without any regard for physical barriers. The only way to counter this is to employ an Awakener as a bodyguard who is stronger than the Awakener targeting you. And even this method isn’t very effective against top-ranking assassination-Rank Awakeners.”

“If this information becomes widely known, there’s a risk of the entire system collapsing.”

“That’s correct. In plain terms, suppose an ordinary soldier from North Korea becomes the world’s strongest Awakener. On that day, Kim Jong-un could be in immediate danger.”

Ho-Chang nodded again, indicating his understanding, and asked again.

“What do you mean by ‘physical distance’?”

“That’s an easy story too. Essentially, human defense systems are built around the concept of borders. The strongest weapons are positioned at the borders, and the central area is equipped with armed forces to maintain security.”


“But these monsters can respawn deep within the heart of the territory, completely disregarding the concept of borders. Imagine an attack by a bulletproof creature with just a few unarmed guards armed with gas guns in the middle of a Foxcon factory. The value of ‘security’ that should naturally be ensured collapses. In such a case, society would inevitably fall into a massive panic. Governments around the world want to prevent such situations.”

“So, in such a significant threat scenario, why is the government targeting Myung-jun? What kind of ability do you possess that would warrant deploying two Awakeners, who even engage in killings, to eliminate a witness?”

Ho-Chang’s final question hit at the heart of the matter. In response, Myung-jun grinned and explained his ability to Ho-Chang.

“The ability I possess is called [Attribute Transformation]. And with this ability, I can easily hunt down Awakeners or monsters, even as a civilian.”

The moment Ho-Chang heard the explanation, he felt as if his breath was being constricted.

The ability Myung-jun was talking about.

It wasn’t just a matter for the South Korean government; it was an ‘essential value’ that every government in the world would want, no matter what means they had to use.

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