Master Smith Under Ministry of National Defense

Chapter 161: Survival of the Fittest

Chapter 161: Survival of the Fittest

Master Smith Under Ministry of National Defense

161 – Survival of the Fittest

The meeting participants were shocked by Myung-jun’s reaction. Up until now, his actions had consistently supported the gate strategies of various countries, almost as if he aimed to be humanity’s savior. In fact, the stable management of the gate crisis with minimal human casualties was largely thanks to Myung-jun and the Liberal Clan.

The equipment provided by the Liberal Clan allowed civilians to hunt monsters in low-grade gates and gain opportunities to become Awakeners. The Striker series, also provided by the Liberal Clan, enabled the clearing of 6th-grade or higher gates without needing top-tier World Rankers.

The Liberal Clan’s timely supply of necessary equipment to maintain global balance made them appear as saviors to those receiving the equipment. Thus, with the recent increase in gate difficulty, everyone had hoped that the Liberal Clan would somehow manage the situation.

However, Myung-jun’s current attitude was the exact opposite of what they had expected.

“It was the Liberal Clan that managed the overflow in the Amazon and eliminated Banara. We also subdued the overflow in the depths of the Pacific and took down Leviathan. On top of that, we supplied 200 Strikers worldwide. I don’t know what level of expectations you have for us, but I believe we’ve done more than enough.”

“We’re not asking for it for free. We’re willing to pay whatever you ask,” Wang Chengming, head of the Ministry of Abnormalities, responded.

Myung-jun smiled and replied, “And what would you pay with? We have more than enough monster materials, and we’re not interested in the existing currencies that governments can print at will. Moreover, as you know, the production speed of Strikers can’t keep up with the demand, and we’re already delivering the promised quantities to each country sequentially.”

President Biden, who had been listening, spoke up, “So, you’re saying you want a different kind of compensation?”


“Please tell us what you want.”

“What I want is for the current gate business, led by the state, to flow in the direction it was originally supposed to.”

“And by the direction it was supposed to flow…”

“As I demanded when the Awakener Management Act was first proposed, the gate business should be left to the private sector, not under state control.”

Myung-jun’s stance was firm. He believed that the only way humanity could secure a sufficient number of Awakener forces before D-DAY was by leveraging human ‘competition.’

Awakeners who risked their lives to challenge gates not for state orders but for their own wealth and fame. And the numerous production Awakeners striving to provide stronger equipment for these Awakeners. Myung-jun saw this structure, which stimulated one of humanity’s strongest instincts—competition—as the optimal way to cultivate more powerful individuals.

“My ideal structure is one where, instead of the current system of state-managed Awakeners, there are numerous private clans and companies operating freely, just like the Liberal Clan, outside state control. Just as countless companies have thrived under a free market economy.”

“But that’s a structural change, not an actual increase in strength,” someone interjected.

“Structural changes will naturally lead to real strength. Think about it. If there were a large clan with the economic power of Google in the Awakener industry, would we be so fixated on the number of Strikers?”

Myung-jun’s point was valid. In fact, the growth of private clans like Europe’s Servium Clan and South America’s Floresta Clan had significantly slowed once they started following government directives. The selfishness of governments, unwilling to send their promising Awakeners to other countries, had led to the formation of clans composed solely of national Awakeners, preventing the creation of so-called ‘dream teams.’

“What humanity needs now is not a hundred national teams with mediocre strength, but six or seven professional teams with overwhelming power. We need powerful professional teams that can prevent everyone from relying solely on the Liberal Clan when countless variables arise in the future.”

However, despite the rationality of Myung-jun’s proposal, the governments found it difficult to accept. Accepting his proposal meant giving up numerous benefits that the governments currently enjoyed. Yet, outright rejecting his proposal was also not an option, given the current situation where most countries, except a few, could not handle the enhanced gates with their existing Awakener forces.

As a heavy silence filled the conference room, Myung-jun patiently awaited their response. He believed that, as with any new system, once someone took the first step, the rest would follow like a collapsing sandcastle.

As expected, one of the attendees raised their hand in agreement with Myung-jun’s proposal.

“While we need to convince the parliament and the executive branch, the French Ministry of Supernatural Affairs will consider accepting Mr. Cha Myung-jun’s proposal.”

“The German Hunter Support Department will also push to transfer the authority of clans under state control back to the private sector.”

“The Australian Monster Management Agency agrees with Mr. Cha Myung-jun’s opinion.”

“As you know, Mr. Cha, Japan’s Dungeon Agency has always entrusted gate-related activities to the private sector. However, if necessary, we will revise the regulations to further empower private clans.”

Seeing more and more representatives accepting his proposal, Myung-jun smiled with satisfaction. He then looked at Biden, who was still contemplating.

Finally, Biden, who had been hesitating, spoke up.

“Sorry, but the US government cannot turn the EDF into a private organization as you wish. The EDF is not just an Awakener clan but a military organization linked with the Department of Defense.”

“I understand.”

“Instead, we will support the creation of new private clans. We will also shift the recruitment of Awakeners from a military-centered approach to a market competition system.”

“That will suffice.”

With most countries agreeing to Myung-jun’s plan, the only dissenting nations were the communist states of China and Vietnam. Eventually, even Vietnam joined the consensus, leaving China as the sole opposing country.


Wang Chengming, the head of the Ministry of Abnormalities of the Central Military Commission, reluctantly spoke to Myung-jun.

“We will not accept Mr. Cha Myung-jun’s proposal. China is a unique country with its own system that suits our needs.”

Hearing this, President Biden responded with a displeased expression.

“All the countries here have agreed to sacrifice their own interests and authority to establish and operate private Awakener clans. Are you saying that China will not participate and thus will not benefit from the support of these private clans formed by our decision?”

“That’s not the case. We will also place subjugation requests and equipment orders with the private clans formed through this agreement when necessary.”

“So, you intend to independently nurture your own Awakeners while benefiting from the private clans formed by other countries? Isn’t that a bit too favorable for your own country?”

“In return, we will open the gate-related market to foreign entities as much as possible, as long as it doesn’t threaten the Party. While transferring Awakeners under the Ministry of Abnormalities to private clans is impossible, we will cooperate with requests from private clans as much as possible.”

“We will need to have further discussions on this matter. Most of us here cannot make unilateral decisions, and I, too, need to discuss this with the US Congress,” Biden said, deferring the pressure on China to a later date.

Biden then looked at Myung-jun, as if to say it was now his turn to fulfill his part of the agreement. The other representatives who had agreed with Myung-jun’s proposal also looked at him expectantly.

Myung-jun understood their sentiments. The system change he proposed was a long-term strategy to elevate humanity’s average strength, not an immediate solution to enhance Awakener forces. Until a large clan capable of competing with the Liberal Clan was firmly established, the Liberal Clan remained the only group capable of addressing the gate crisis.

Realizing this, Myung-jun finally lowered his feet from the table and addressed the representatives.

“The conditions I’m about to propose are contingent on your verbal commitments being properly implemented. If the structure continues to rely solely on the Liberal Clan for crisis management, these conditions will be nullified.”

Myung-jun’s conditions were as follows, aside from the mainframe and power system designs promised to the Japanese government for Striker production, additional blueprints for weapons and equipment compatible with Strikers would be provided to major defense contractors in each country.

The Liberal Clan would support the strategy for 7th-grade or higher gates until private clans in each country were sufficiently developed.

To facilitate the smooth strategy of low-grade gates with rapidly increasing difficulty, the methods and material recipes for producing ‘Power Armor’ suitable for the adjusted difficulty levels of each grade would be provided.

Like the old adage, “Teach a man to fish rather than give him a fish,” Myung-jun focused on fostering the rapid growth of private clans rather than providing material support. Each country would be able to develop unique Strikers tailored to their characteristics, technology, and materials. This would allow Awakeners worldwide to tackle enhanced gates in high-quality Power Armor without relying on the Liberal Clan.

However, several countries lacking the technological prowess and economic strength to produce high-quality Awakener equipment expressed dissatisfaction with Myung-jun’s plan to provide blueprints and production techniques instead of physical support. They argued that the conditions favored powerful nations and demanded immediate support that would benefit their own countries.

Myung-jun addressed this critical misunderstanding.

“Sorry, but this support is not for the ‘countries.’ It’s for the growth of private clans that will operate within each country.”

To help the representatives understand, Myung-jun used the example of ‘smartphones.’

“Currently, only a few countries can produce smartphones, but smartphones are widely used even in countries that lack the technology to produce them. That’s the kind of structure I envision.”

“But isn’t it true that the profits from smartphones are monopolized by the few countries that can manufacture or design them? The other countries have to pay substantial costs.”

“Your point is valid, but you’re overlooking one crucial aspect.”

“And what is that?”

“The modern ‘oil’—monster materials and crystals—unlike traditional oil, occur equally in all countries.”

As the demand for Awakener equipment increased, so would the prices of crystals and monster materials. Since gates appeared in every country, the market economy would naturally provide equal opportunities for all, Myung-jun explained.

“If the gate strategy business centered around private clans becomes active, the demand will naturally flow to countries overflowing with gates. Even the poorest countries, unable to afford a single Awakener weapon, could make money by selling gate strategy rights. Moreover, what humanity needs right now is to nurture as many strong Awakeners as possible by any means necessary. It’s not about who is stronger or who makes more money.”

Myung-jun was trying to persuade the representatives, who still clung to the concept of ‘nation,’ even in the face of a potential extinction-level gate crisis. Unlike the past, when humanity fought among themselves, they now needed to unite against the threat of monsters.

This unity was the most critical key in Myung-jun’s plan to save humanity from the impending D-DAY.


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