Master Smith Under Ministry of National Defense

Chapter 138: If You Are a Citizen of South Korea, Please...

Chapter 138: If You Are a Citizen of South Korea, Please...

Master Smith Under Ministry of National Defense

138 – If You Are a Citizen of South Korea, Please…

With swollen eyes from reuniting with his mother, Park Seung-ho entered the room where Myung-jun was waiting.

The government officials who had been waiting for him bowed deeply at a 90-degree angle and greeted him respectfully.

“I am Yoon Se-ah, the current Director of the EDA. On behalf of the EDA, I sincerely apologize for the events that have transpired.”

“I am Park Moon-chan, the Minister of Foreign Affairs. I learned about what you went through today. I sincerely apologize.”

“I am Oh Joong-sik, the Director of the Gate Research Facility. I deeply apologize for what happened in the underground facility.”

Seeing people he would normally only see on the news bowing and apologizing, Park Seung-ho looked bewildered. Myung-jun approached him and spoke.

“I am Cha Myung-jun, the leader of the Liberal Clan. I was responsible for ordering the rescue operation for you, Park Seung-ho.”

At this, Park Seung-ho’s dark expression brightened instantly, and a radiant smile spread across his face.

“Oh… I’ve seen you on the news a few times… It’s truly an honor!”

“Have you heard about the rescue operation…”

“I heard the general details from Soo-bin on the way here. I sincerely thank you and the Liberal Clan, Myung-jun. If it weren’t for the Liberal Clan, I would probably still be imprisoned in that underground space at this very moment.”

From Park Seung-ho’s remarks, it was clear that he harbored hostility towards the South Korean government and the Ministry of National Defense.

Feeling uneasy about this attitude, Yoon Se-ah began to persuade Seung-ho with an argument aimed at changing the situation.

“Sergeant Park Seung-ho, I apologize, but the term ‘imprisonment’ is a misunderstanding. Director Moon Hee-cheol made that decision to protect you.”


Even though she could see that Park Seung-ho’s expression was filled with incredulity, Yoon Se-ah did not back down.

She needed to convince him that his detention was for his protection to gain a more favorable position in the subsequent negotiations.

Director Yoon Se-ah argued that Park Seung-ho’s awakened abilities were immensely valuable and that if this fact were revealed, his life could be in danger.

While there was a chance of legitimate recruitment offers, there was also the possibility that if they failed to secure him, other factions might send a few Awakeners to attempt to assassinate Park Seung-ho, much like the Liberal Clan had done.

“Just as all the EDA agents guarding the research facility were subdued by a single Awakener, Lee Soo-bin, if a world-ranked Awakener targeted Seung-ho’s life, we couldn’t guarantee his safety. That’s why Director Moon Hee-cheol had no choice but to hide Seung-ho to protect him.”

At this point, Myung-jun interjected, countering Yoon Se-ah’s argument.

“A group that can’t protect him without hiding him underground sure has a lot of greed. How about admitting that you just wanted to keep him hidden to enjoy the benefits without other countries finding out?”

“I’m not denying that part. I just want to explain that protection was one of the reasons. Seung-ho, think about it. If someone as strong as the Liberal Clan targeted your life, what do you think would have happened?”

“So, you’re saying everything was done to protect me?”

“We’re not claiming we did nothing wrong. We just want to emphasize that someone with special talents like you needs special protection.”

Seeing Park Seung-ho bewildered by what they were trying to say, Myung-jun spoke up.

“Before bringing you here, we had discussions with the South Korean government. It was agreed that your future would be decided by your free will. So, what the EDA Director is saying now is just laying the groundwork to keep you under South Korean jurisdiction.”

“It’s not a crude attempt to lay the groundwork. The South Korean government genuinely wants you to become an official EDA researcher. Given that most of the reagents currently produced and distributed by the Gate Research Facility come from your hands, you have become an indispensable asset to South Korea.”

“The South Korean government is prepared to meet any conditions for you.”

When even Foreign Minister Park Moon-chan spoke up, Minister of National Defense Nam Joon-woo also supported his colleagues.

“The Ministry of National Defense is ready to process your immediate discharge and exempt you from reserve and civil defense duties. Furthermore, any children you have in the future will also be exempt from mandatory military service.”

“The EDA is prepared to offer compensation befitting a world-class ranker. Initially, you would start as the Deputy Director of the Gate Research Facility, and once you get accustomed to the role, you would be promoted to Director. The top EDA agents will protect you 24/7, and you will receive 20% of the annual profits generated by the Gate Research Facility as additional compensation.”

Seeing the four people eagerly presenting extravagant conditions, Park Seung-ho felt a sense of confusion.

It was absurd that the government, which had imprisoned him, was now promising him VIP treatment the moment he gained his freedom.

They were trying to win him over with promises of diplomatic immunity during overseas travel, state funeral honors and burial in the National Cemetery upon death, and income tax exemptions on his salary—benefits so overwhelming that they felt burdensome.

Their eyes were filled with desperate pleas for him to accept their offer.


As Seung-ho trailed off and looked in Myung-jun’s direction, Myung-jun spoke with a gentle smile.

“Do you have something to say to me?”

“Rather than something to say, I have a question.”

“Go ahead. I’ll answer any question I can.”

“Did the Liberal Clan rescue me from the Gate Research Facility’s underground to recruit me into the clan?”

“I can’t say no. However, we’re not saying that you must join us just because we rescued you. The purpose of this rescue operation was to ensure that you could decide your fate without any external pressure.”

“So, even if I decide to follow those conditions and stay with South Korea…”

“We will respect your free will.”

That was not the answer Park Seung-ho wanted.

From the moment he regained his freedom at the hands of the Liberal Clan and boarded the Shadow Hawk with Soo-bin, he had hoped to find his place within this wonderful clan.

Therefore, Park Seung-ho was subconsciously hoping that Myung-jun, like the South Korean government, would offer him favorable conditions.

It wasn’t that he coveted the conditions themselves, but he desperately wanted to hear from Cha Myung-jun, the man who had risked so much to grant him freedom, the words “I need you.”

In fact, even if Myung-jun proposed conditions far inferior to those promised by the South Korean government, Park Seung-ho was willing to accept them.

The conditions promised by the South Korean government would grant him enough wealth and power to live comfortably for the rest of his life, even if he accepted only a portion of them. However, he didn’t want to readily accept the offer from the government that had taken away his freedom and caused his mother so much pain.

Unfortunately, Myung-jun made no such offer, and seeing this, Park Seung-ho, feeling anxious, couldn’t hold back and revealed his true feelings to Myung-jun.

“The South Korean government has offered me such conditions, but the Liberal Clan hasn’t made any proposals? I know it’s shameless of me to say this to the person who granted me freedom, but still…”

Myung-jun fully understood Park Seung-ho’s feelings.

He knew that what Park Seung-ho wanted wasn’t immense wealth and honor like those offered by the South Korean government.

What he sought was acknowledgment.

Just like all the other members of the Liberal Clan before him.

Despite this, Myung-jun had remained silent because he was curious about what conditions the South Korean government, which had committed such grave wrongs, would offer Park Seung-ho.

After hearing all the offers, Myung-jun finally gave Park Seung-ho the answer he wanted.

“Let me be upfront. Financially, our Liberal Clan cannot offer the same conditions as the South Korean government. Unlike the Gate Research Facility, which would be nearly impossible to operate without you, we have many other members to take care of besides you.”


“Instead, we can offer you ‘power.'”


“Yes, power. The strength to protect yourself and your loved ones without needing anyone else’s protection. Not the fake freedom that relies on others keeping their promises, but the power that ensures no one can take away your true freedom. If you join the Liberal Clan, I will give you that power.”

Park Seung-ho couldn’t understand what Myung-jun meant by ‘power.’

No matter how much he thought about it, his physical abilities were close to that of an average person.

His awakened ability allowed him to create various chemical compounds that defied physical laws, but it wasn’t a power that could help him win in a fight.

“I’m sorry, but I find it hard to believe that I could possess such power… I’m just an Awakener in a production role. I’m confident in synthesizing drugs, but combat…”

“I’m also in a production role. Specifically, I have a high-level class in the blacksmith category. Just as you can synthesize drugs with your awakener ability, I can create equipment. That’s what a blacksmith does.”

Myung-jun took out a smartphone from his pocket.

The smartphone, which looked like a completely transparent glass panel except for its edges, seemed like something straight out of a sci-fi movie.

Myung-jun manipulated the smartphone in front of Park Seung-ho’s eyes, displaying a 3D model of a small robot on the screen.

Then he grabbed it and pulled it forcefully out of the screen.

“This… this is?!”

A massive hologram image floated in the air as if it had popped out of the smartphone.

Inside, a unique power suit equipped with multiple chemical tanks, seemingly designed for chemical warfare, slowly rotated.

“This is the power suit you will wear if you join the Liberal Clan. It is designed so that you can use your awakener ability to synthesize the desired substances during combat and use them immediately. It’s essentially a walking chemical laboratory.”

“A combat suit made for an alchemist?”

“Yes. Its official name is ‘Chemical Warfare Specialized Battle Suit Prototype,’ model number CWSBS-01P, and it’s nicknamed the ‘Catalyst’ suit.”

Listening to Myung-jun’s explanation, Park Seung-ho let his imagination run wild.

He envisioned himself wearing that magnificent suit, using his awakened abilities to turn numerous monsters into a pool of blood.

It was like a scene from a superhero movie.

“How effective is that suit in combat?”

“For an ordinary person, it can synthesize most existing chemicals on the spot. It can instantly release the synthesized substances as gas or shoot them out at ultra-high pressure capable of cutting through diamonds. It can also fire special penetrating rounds filled with synthesized substances that can pierce the hide of a 7th-grade monster.”

“And if I were to use it?”

“If you had that suit, we wouldn’t have needed to come to Korea to rescue you. You could have taken on all the EDA agents and destroyed the lab by yourself.”

“Seung-ho, it’s just a fancy piece of clothing. If you stay with the South Korean government, we can provide you with something like that and much more…”

Seeing the entranced expression on Park Seung-ho’s face, Director Yoon Se-ah shouted urgently.

But without needing to hear more, Park Seung-ho had already made up his mind.

The fact that Myung-jun had a custom suit ‘made’ for him felt like a stronger affirmation that he was needed than any words could convey.

It was exactly the condition he had wanted to hear from Myung-jun.

“I’ve made my decision.”

“Wait a moment. Just consider the government’s offer a bit more…”

“Please let me join the Liberal Clan.”

Hearing Park Seung-ho’s words, filled with absolute certainty, Myung-jun smiled.

Then he turned to Yoon Se-ah and her colleagues, who were looking at him in a state of shock.

“You heard him, right? From now on, this is a conversation among our clan members, so third parties should leave.”

“No! You can’t just…”

Thinking he might still be able to persuade Park Seung-ho, Minister of National Defense Nam Joon-woo stood up abruptly to protest, but his movements froze the moment he looked at Myung-jun.

Instead of responding to his protest, Myung-jun silently held up three fingers.

As Minister Nam Joon-woo stood there, thinking, ‘Surely he doesn’t mean that,’ Myung-jun said the words he least wanted to hear.


“Surely you don’t mean to say you’ll give us until the count of three to leave…”


“Are you kidding me right now!? We are representatives of the South Korean government!”


Myung-jun’s final word was not just a word.

The moment he folded his second finger, numerous turrets filled the room, ready to fire at any moment, emitting loading sounds.

Seeing the turrets, Yoon Se-ah had no choice but to withdraw her team.

“For now, let’s retreat.”

“But his attitude is…”

“If we don’t, we might ‘really’ die.”

“You will pay for today’s insolence.”

Seeing Myung-jun’s fingers begin to fold halfway, the four of them hurriedly ran out of the room.

After dismissing the turrets, Myung-jun turned to Park Seung-ho and spoke.

“Now, Seung-ho.”

“Yes, sir.”

“May I explain the other ‘benefits’ our clan can offer besides the custom suit?”

Myung-jun’s expression, as he said this, was so gentle that it was hard to believe he was the same person who had just threatened Yoon Se-ah and her team.


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