Marvel: Mr. President

Chapter 2: A New Adventure

Chapter 2: A New Adventure

This was a shocking development, but Hector liked it, who wants to relive the pathetic human life again? Get born again, go through school life, find a job, love, and do the whole grind once again. There was no fun in that.

And from there, he took his new office in Hell as Hell's Inquisitor. It turned out, Satan was actually the second-highest-ranking person in Hell, there was another guy above him but he was rarely seen. By rarely, he meant billions of years. So Satan was in command.

Despite the envy of all Hell's ruling class, Hector worked hard and gained everyone's respect, eventually befriending them. Working as the hunter of evil spirits that become too powerful. He caught them and brought them to hell for judgement. He lived for a time beyond what he could calculate, and that had an effect on him.

In the whole process, his whole attitude took a change, he became brasher, stronger in the head as well as body. He became a proud, funny, confident and no-nonsense man. Although he retained his human mind, he was like a mix of an angel and demon at this point.

However, after a long-long time, even this new job started to become boring. Satan too felt bored, as he had gotten used to having fun with Hector.

Seeing that their boredness was mutual, Satan came up with a plan, "Let's send you down again."

"NO! I don't want to be reborn again. If you just want to see me shit myself as a baby, I can do it for you here too." Hector quickly rejected. He'd rather be bored than be a tit-sucking baby gremlin.

Satan laughed, "Pfft... Haha, no, my dear old friend. What I mean is to send you down as you are. You are still a human, just with magical power that lets you deal with evil spirits. While you physically remain as strong as a human, a slightly superhuman version.

"You can go down and have adventures, while I watch and eat popcorn since I can only send my projection in the mortal world and it's no fun with my supreme power."

Hector sighed, "So you want me to be like a god among mortals. You do know that even with my only slightly enhanced physical and magical powers I will still be too strong."

Satan's goat face grinned, "Heh... It's not Earth I'm sending you to. Are you sure you don't want to go to a fiction based real Universe? I can guarantee you will like it."

Hector's old wrinkled face shined brightly, he was a sucker for all the fictional world, anime, Manga, movies, these were his and Satan's pass-times when they were on Earth. And nothing captivated their imagination more than those high budget movies since the 2000s. "WHERE DO I SIGN? WAIT! What if I'm too weak for that world and I die? I know about worlds where I will be just cannon fodder."

"Well, that's your challenge. Do whatever you want, get strong, beat some asses, make a family or bang some hot chicks. Oh, I'd appreciate it if you can exorcise some evil spirits and send them here. And besides, even if you die, your soul will always end up here." Satan assured him. But what he didn't tell was, Hector had without knowing turned into a higher dimensional being due to working in Hell for so long.

Hector stretched his body, "Bwahaha... I'm going to enjoy my time there then. This old body needs some action, considering I'm too strong with exorcism magic, I never had to use my body. But... my friend, I'm okay with my looks, but won't I be too weak now? At least allow me to have a stronger physical body."

Satan nodded and started swinging his hand in the air, casting his magic. Slowly, Hector's physical body changed. He was still old with long white hair and beard, but he didn't look wrinkly and weak anymore. He stood tall, six-feet-five, with broad shoulders and well-developed muscles all over his body, but not like those ugly bodybuilders.

"Hector, I have made you look like a cool, handsome and strong old man now. Physically, you are strong enough to even out a punch from a normal-level green monster from that world(Hulk). But, I know you want to look badass, so your special ability is no fall damage. Meaning, you can fall directly from the sky and remain unscathed. Heh, you're my best bro, and my best bro always has to look cool.

"Beyond this, I have a small gift for you. You will love it." Satan ended speaking, allowing Hector to look in the mirror.

Hector picked the Godpad pro, an Ipad but made by God for hell and heaven's management. He looked at himself. He already had nice white hair and a beard with a moustache. But now his big strong body complimented it. He looked old and kind while also looking like a mean badass warrior.

"I... I like your imagination, Satan. So, when should I leave? Oh, one more thing, how will I know which people I'm allowed to kill? I don't want God to get angry at me for killing good folks." Hector asked.

In his whole time in hell, he had seen God only once. The old man was very cool, wore sunglasses and smoked cigars all the time. He looked old and supported a long beard with long hair. Hector had to confess, his own style was somewhat inspired by him. But still a bit different to make it his own.

Satan thought about it hard, "You still are and forever will be Hell's Inquisitor. Use your powers on mortals. With your vision spell, called Sin-Vision, you will see three different arrow markings on mortals.

"One will be red, it means the person is a sinner and is bound to go to hell. You can freely kill them. And let me tell you, the majority of mortals are sinners.

"The second is golden, this means the person is pure, they are bound to go to heaven. If you kill them, you will surely receive Father's anger. These folks are an extreme minority.

"The third is white, which means the person is stuck in the middle, their fate is undecided. You can either help them do something good to become golden or make them do bad and become red.


Hector nodded. It was fairly simple. But he had a doubt, "Won't I accumulate sin? After all, killing is a sin."

Satan laughed like it was the biggest joke, "MY FRIEND, IF WE DON'T KILL, WHO WILL? It is our heavenly duty to work in hell. No matter what we do, we are not governed by the same rules as mortals."

Hector felt like he was somebody special. For the first time, he felt Hell was truly his home, a strange thing to feel but it was true. So he gave a brotherly hug to his best friend, "Man, thank you for everything."

Satan chuckled, "I suggest you be careful with the hugging. Don't hug Zeus especially, or he might... you know. He didn't even leave a duck I heard, and now has a duck as his son. And that's not even the worst part, that sick bastard had decided to be the female duck."

Hector was horrified. "I... why do I feel hell is better than heaven?"

"*Sigh* It is... at least for us folks, can't say the same about the sinners having their boiling oil bath as they screech." Satan sighed.

Hector put the Godpad in his pocket and readied himself. He wasn't allowed to take anything with him except this, as those things might be too powerful for reality. Though he might be able to do some things from the low-level Multiversal hell of the Reality he was going to. "I'm ready, brother."

Satan nodded, "Just close your eyes and you shall find yourself on Earth. Good luck, and remember, if you ever want to return, just say "I'm Stuck, Step-Bro." And I shall come. Good luck and do your best."

"WHAT THE F..." Hector had just closed his eyes.

And as Hector did that, his body disappeared. Satan laughed and immediately waved his hand, out of nowhere, a large couch appeared behind him. As he sat over it and lifted his feet, a table appeared to be his footrest. Then magically a big basket of caramel popcorn and fries also took form.

Then, a huge, 200-inch 8K television appeared in front of him, showing Hector in a third-person point of view.


A few more hell lords arrived and took seats, "WOAH! So this is why you invited us? Which Universe did the Lord Inquisitor go to?"

Satan, eating popcorn, replied, "Marvel Universe."

"Nice, it's a fun world. But... won't he be angry if you watch his intimate moments too?" The Hell Lords asked.

"I have set the Child-Lock on to not show us all that. Besides, we can't always watch this, we've got work to do. The television will automatically create episodes for us, showing us the best moments. Ah, I should ask father, maybe he'd also want to see this in heaven." Satan had the idea and vanished from the spot.


Marvel Universe 69***, (A/N: MCU but with Mutants, Ghost Rider and other beings.]

1939, Earth,

Hector found himself in his physical mortal body again, standing in the middle of the scorching desert. He wore normal clothes, a dirty white shirt and khaki pants, with a cowboy hat on his head. "Who am I, Indiana Jones? Hmm... I wonder which universe this is, or is it even Earth?" He wondered as he thought about Star Wars having many desert planets.

He glanced at the sky, "Probably not, just one sun."

But then, all of a sudden a small memory resurfaced in his mind, that made him realise that he was not a nobody in this world. He was famous and powerful with a long-long history. It was like Satan did real hard work in giving him some background.

"Nice, I got a new last name? Hmm, it has a nice ring to it... Hector King Washington." He muttered.


[EXTRA - What Happened to his wealth after he died?

Since Hector was supremely rich due to Satan, his wealth of about 400 Billion Dollars was being eyed by the government like hounds. Even more so as Covid had spread their pockets thin.

They knew he had no relatives to speak of. No friends or family, and most even thought he was a mad man(Satan was only visible to Hector.). But the bombs do drop without notifying.

After he died, Hector's best bro Satan appeared as his lawyer just to mess with mortals, because it was fun. He declared all assets of Hector be given to a few genuine vaccine manufacturers, who would make a real permanently working vaccine a few years later as they had no money constraints anymore and were allowed to do their best. This, in return, saved hundreds of millions of people.

This was enough good Karma for Hector, enough so Satan could bargain with The father, God, to allow Hector to stay in hell, as a worker and his friend. God was kind to him and allowed it.

The government tried its best to get all these assets by any means, but well... messing with Satan is never right. High-level government officials kept on getting their embarrassing phone recordings, nudes and compromising details getting leaked.

It continued until Satan possessed the president and finally made him say, "Oh, come on, man. Just stop it."


[A/N: To make things clear, I will explain to you which hell this Satan is from and how high levelled being Hector is.

Okay, first there is a Universe, let's say Marvel Universe. Now, each universe has a multiverse, just like Marvel. According to this, even Star Wars has a multiverse with different altered timelines. All fictional worlds have a multiverse.

Now comes the Omniverse, the one giant orb inside which every single Universe and Multiverse exists. Satan is from Hell that belongs to the Omniverse. God is the ruler of the Omniverse(It's Grandpa Universe. Those who have not read that fic, just ignore God, he will only be vaguely mentioned.)

So, Hector works at the highest level of Hell that is possible. But he's not physically OP, his exorcism powers are, as well as his soul. He will have some more powers related to hell, cool ones at that, they will be explored further in the story.

Him being a higher dimensional being does not give him much power, unless he faces beings like the Watcher, Living Tribunal, Death, Mephisto and other dark beings, which he will probably.]


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