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Marvel: Mr. President

Marvel: Mr. President
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7 months ago
Hector King, a man in his 50s, no family or friends to speak of, paralysed from the waist down due... Read more Hector King, a man in his 50s, no family or friends to speak of, paralysed from the waist down due to a work-related accident. Now he lived alone with his pup Huskey.But one day, he mistakenly summoned Satan."Ah, it’s been a long time since I was summoned. You found my book? Good, what do you want? Riches? Women? Fame? Strength? Or perhaps, your legs? All at the discounted price of your… soul." Satan offered.Hector, however, didn’t need any of that. And so, his answer even shocked Satan, making that smug look disappear. "I… I want you to be my friend."And from there, the friendship that would last eternity started, all at the price of Hector’s soul.…Year 2021,As a mortal, Hector died. But Satan decided to do something crazy, "F*CK IT! You’re my best friend, I can’t let you die. Hector, I am appointing you as Hell’s Inquisitor, a position only under me."…1935, EarthHector found himself in his old original physical body again, but he was now taller and buff."I–I got a new last name? Hmm, it has a nice ring to it." He muttered.He was, from then on, Hector King Washington."WOOF!"And the good boy Moony was also there, bigger, buffed and more beautiful.***[A/N: MC is going to be a sweet badass old man.] Collapse Overpowered Protagonist, Reincarnation, Kingdom Building, Male Protagonist, Modern Day, Not Harem, Elderly Protagonist, Confident Protagonist, Calm Protagonist, Mature Protagonist, Alternate World, Weak to Strong, Fanfiction, Marvel #panic# can we get author's other book grandpa universe? Started reading it on webnovel and i must say this was unexpectedly good.Most marvel fanfics that i have tried to read are too bland, but this one was really good.the jokes do get repeated sometime, but if you want a slice of life marvel fanfic then I highly recommend this one. Not good at praising novels so im just going to list what I didnt like, someone else can review why its good Some of the jokes get reused and get old quick, like our mc being over 100 and still being a virgin. The mcs dog makes anyones personality do a 180, space pirates that kill for money fawn over his dog because of how cute it is. Soldiers in the wars just allow themselves to be commanded by a dog. The usage of (`o´) type emoticons are used too much, over 5 in one chapter, probably in the hundred thousands all combined. Im only considering to push through is to see how our mc interacts with the avengers (which is around 50 more years in the stories future where im at)Other than the negative stuff the novel touches on novels wars superhero shit and politics in interesting ways that didnt bore me too quickly. But as soon as he goes to space I just struggle to find myself investing time in this novel. 3/5 enjoyed when he was president, dont like the space stuff.Edit: space stuff was ok now that I think about it, good novel overall 4/5 Вся суть фика в завязке. Т.е. гг стал другом сатаны, потом имбой, потом устал и отправился отдыхать в марвел. Посему весь сюжет о том, как имба всех нагибает и отдыхает в марвеле попутно устраивая психологически самокопание. На 5/10. Под пиво сойдет.П.с.А если брать личное мнение. Диктатор MCГг это диктатор лицемер, что балаболит о "свободе, возможностях и справедливости духа америки и капитализма", а по факту он всех лишает возможности выбора и принуждает действовать по своему желанию, иначе накажет и в итоге все равно придется делать, что хочет гг. А лицемер, потому что порой действует именно так, как враги, которых он осуждает и победил. Конечно у гг благие цели. В итоге гг это идеалистичный добрый-злой диктатор капиталист. A very unique novel for those with heavy tastes(like me). I really like how the novel touched on politics, history and nationalism instead of solely focusing on the superhero stuff. It really rare to find a novel like this where it’s educational and interesting at the same time One of the best fan fictions out there and truly funny but it is free to read on webnovel, where the author them self posts it. Another plot were everything contradicts each other Another work of The Great MisterImmortalThis fanfic is gold just like his other fanfic novels But one day, he mistakenly summoned Satan. Accidentally summoning Satan? Just another Tuesday ain't it? It's a fun read about an overpowered grandpa going on a trip with his good dog, slapping aliens, demons, and Nazis along the way. There is no character development, though that is to be expected, however the comedy is good enough to carry the novel. There is also quite heavy, and I do mean heavy nationalism in the novel, though I wasn't too bothered, and it ends after about chapter 100 if I remember right. Does it have heavy supremacy vibes or is it more because of the war atrocities?As of yet there is no nationalism. How I see it is nationalism is the thought that anyone not of your nation is lesser. Where as patriotism is the thought that your country is one of if not the best nation there is. So at worse there is a heavy patriotic stance, but that isn’t a bad thing in this case. There is a degree of fanaticism towards the MC, though it is used more jokingly. All in all your comment was mostly correct. I'm not quite exactly sure what the distinction is between patriotism and nationalism, however I believe Charles De Gaulle said something along the lines of, patriotism is when you are proud of country for what it is, nationalism is when you are proud of country for what it is not. In the novel there seems to be quite a large comparison to other countries and how america contrasts them so I said it was nationalism, though I may be wrong, as I said I'm not really too sure.Btw, I'm quite sure patriotism isn't thinking your country is one of the best, it's just love for country. It is technically a love for your country but most associated it with a pride in the country. The quote is good but not a great representation. If it is a pride or love for your country then it is patriotism, but if it is a sense of superiority or you hold all others as lesser then it is nationalism. patriotism is when you are proud of country for what it is, nationalism is when you are proud of country for what it is not.It's not how it work.Patriotism is like proud of being smart. You can be or be not smart but you can proud it.Nationalism is proud of being smart while calling everyone around stupid.If someone get offended when hear that someone proud af aspect they country is not, it's offended ones problem till there is no real insult. Patriotism and nationalism still not healthy thing most time but there big difference. So basically patriotism is being proud of yourself for being great, while nationalism is being proud of yourself because everyone else is even worse than you. Near that. A little edit:nationalism is being proud of yourself because you think everyone else is even worse than you while they may be not.