Marvel: Killing Makes You Stronger

Chapter 261: Devourer of Worlds, Zombie Galactus

Chapter 261: Devourer of Worlds, Zombie Galactus

He glanced at the silent Sentry in the distance, dressed in a golden uniform and cloak, feasting on flesh.

The Sentry, originally the most powerful superhero from another universe.

He was more powerful than some Celestials, almost omnipotent.

His power was nearly limitless; in his void state, he possessed universe-level omnipotence, the energy of a million exploding stars, the power to alter reality, capable of infinitely accumulating energy.

However, the Sentry now was merely in his normal state, a zombie Sentry.

Even so, he was special and powerful, being one of the origins of this zombie universe.

Facing the gaze of zombie Thanos, the zombie Sentry revealed a sinister smile.

"I enjoy slowly gnawing at those so-called Celestials, believing their flesh to be even more delicious."

The zombie Sentry was no longer the kind superhero he once was; hunger had consumed his sanity, leaving only cruelty and a craving for flesh.

"Then let us seek out that newly appeared food," said zombie Thanos with a grin.

All the zombies revealed cruel smiles; a bloodthirsty horde set out once more.

Every zombie hero or villain turned into a flash of light shooting into the sky, leaving only the Celestial Ego wailing in despair. He was imprisoned here, his divine power rendered useless before the Sentry.

He could only wait for death, for those cursed zombies to return and devour him completely.

Of course, Ego knew he too would soon become a zombie, transforming into that ugly, terrifying, and greedy creature.

While the zombies searched for Bi Xiao, Bi Xiao was methodically destroying everything. He was slaughtering without restraint, cold as a god of destruction, destroying everything.

One galaxy after another was destroyed under his immense power.

Every zombie in the galaxy was annihilated.

This universe had no life left, only these malformed zombie creatures. Bi Xiao, devoid of any moral guilt, had now become an industrious cleaner, purging all the hideous and malformed monsters.

Until he encountered a group of powerful zombies in an unknown galaxy.

In the vast expanse of space, there was a floating planet covered in wreckage, corpses, and zombies, indicating the slaughter this innocent race had experienced.

But outside this planet was a massive figure, so huge the planet seemed like a large marble before him.

Clad in armor made of unknown metal, with a purple helmet inlaid with a gemstone.

His enormous eyes radiated bloodlust and greed, and he was called the Devourer of Worlds.

One of the most powerful cosmic Celestials in the universe.

But now, he was a zombie.

His greedy expression showed his current state: hunger. Yes, even in his non-zombie form, the Devourer of Worlds was always hungry. As one of the five great cosmic Celestials, he should have power comparable to Death, Eternity, and Oblivion.

However, he was always in a state of hunger, and the power he could exert was at most single-universe level.

And even at this level, he was not among the strongest.

Moreover, after being devoured by the zombies on Earth, his cosmic power was further depleted, leaving a significant gap.

As a zombie, his hunger intensified; originally craving everything with cosmic energy—beings, planets, etc.—as his food, he now also craved flesh.

The dual hunger drove the Devourer of Worlds to madness, as the universe no longer had enough food to satiate him.

As he greedily eyed the planet, he felt an unprecedented disgust and repulsion, instinctively raising his head to look in that direction. What he saw was a vast golden energy stream, like a dazzling golden galaxy rippling towards him.

The Devourer of Worlds hated that power, which made him feel a threat of death.


A terrifying roar echoed, instantly shattering the nearby planet into fragments, and all zombies on it exploded into blood mist. He opened his blood-red mouth, spewing a purple energy beam, clashing with the golden galaxy.


The collision of the two terrifying energies unleashed a wave of annihilation, sweeping in all directions. In an instant, the entire galaxy trembled and then turned to darkness.

The galaxy was destroyed.

The golden galaxy's energy engulfed the Devourer of Worlds' energy, continuing to sweep towards him. His greedy and violent eyes showed shock; he hadn't expected his energy to be so easily overwhelmed.

In the face of crisis, the Devourer of Worlds didn't hesitate, unleashing his terrifying energy once more.

The terrifying energy held back the golden torrent, but the Devourer of Worlds watched helplessly as his energy was gradually extinguished by the torrent. Hunger nearly drove him to madness, but faced with death, he finally calmed down.

In an instant, the golden torrent passed through his body.

However, the Devourer of Worlds had already disappeared, his form shifting several light-years away. Barely catching his breath, he sensed something was wrong.

Surrounding him were "planets"—not actual planets, but golden energy clusters, like stars surrounding the sun, floating silently.

The Devourer of Worlds' eyes flashed with ferocity, but before he could act, golden threads wove between the stars, forming an inescapable net, a prison.

The massive prison trapped the Devourer of Worlds.

He tried to break free, but his unleashed cosmic energy was immediately extinguished, leaving him in disbelief.


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