
Intermission 1 - Gyao-kun's Little Heartwarming Story

Intermission 1 - Gyao-kun's Little Heartwarming Story

[TL: To be consistent with the previous translators I didn't fix Zinray to Jinrai, but for certain reasons it was bothering me, so I finally decided to change it. Full explanation at the bottom.]

Winlard City, Zinray Dojo

Is this the place?

One man stood in front of the dojo.

His appearance was somewhere between thirty and forty. He had short silver hair, well put together.....instead of going on about his lean and masculine face, it was a man who could be seen at a glance to be a skilled warrior.


The man called out in the traditional style.


But there was no indication of a voice coming back. On the contrary, there were no signs of people.

Has he gone out?

It was already too late in the evening, and night was approaching. Up until now the disciples had been training in the dojo, and by chance he had just missed them.

(Well, that person is also an adventurer, so it's not strange if he is not always here)

The man thought, but it was certainly contrary to his expectations. As he was considering whether he should stay the night at an inn today and inquire again tomorrow or ask for his whereabouts at the guild,

Ahn, what do you want at this house?

A voice was heard from behind.

Are you talking to me?

The man was disoriented by the sudden voice, but he turned around and asked the beastman who had called out to him.

Ou, that's right. What do you want with that old man of walking lasciviousness ZinrayHarem Emperor-sama's residence, onii-san?

The man frowned at the beastman who let out a breath after drinking his alcohol. It was a type of person he had never dealt with as a man of distinguished service.

Hmm. Well, may as well. I wonder if you are acquainted with the master of this dojo?

The beastman blurted out an inexcusable word and was puzzled when the man also asked him a question. The beastman repliedou certainly.

Me and that Harem-sama have a relation where we talk all night. Son of a bitch.

That Harem-sama means?

Ahn? You aren't from around here.

Gyao had a suspicious face.

Ah, ah. That's right, but why?

While being perplexed by the beastman's words the man nodded and asked. The man was certainly not from this area, but he didn't remember doing anything like trying to pass himself off as a person from this city.

After all. If you hear Harem-jiji and that grandfather doesn't come to mind you must not live here.

The man saidHoat the beastman's remark.

That story, would it be ok if you told me a little bit?

Ok yodrunkenness yo. Yeah, it's a bit of a long story and a little alcohol-chan is necessary, but do you want to listen? [TL: Yoi = good/ok or drunkenness with different kanji, so that's what he says at the start]

Ah, I'll treat you tonight.

The beastman was extremely delighted at those words and pushed the man's back diligently toward the tavern. Although he was confused about the situation, he was relieved that it seemed like he could accomplish the purpose he came here for.

Winlard City, Guild Adjacent Tavern

So then onii-san. My name is Gyao. I am an adventurer known around here as Iron Fist Gyao, son of a bitch.

My name is Jiraid Barnes. Jiraid is fine.

The beastman (needless to say it was Gyao) and Jiraid sat at a table facing each other and exchanged introductions with tankards in one hand.

Uh-huh, Jiraid-san. Barnes? I feel like I've heard that somewhere...well, it's fine. What do you want to hear about that endlessly ero-enduring elder?

Another strange title.

Ah, let's see. Is that man going out with multiple women like Gyao-dono said?

With that question Gao looked at Jiraid with a face likeoioi, you don't believe me?

I'll start there. Idiot. Naturally. Always together with such fine women and everything, you're really an idiot.


Of course Jiraid was displeased about being repeatedly called an idiot, but Gyao's words didn't stop.

Listen. Listen well. That Zinray jii-san, the start was the elf with big breasts Louise-san, that child Kazane and the disciple Yumika and the Ojou-sama Tiara are his partners and he spends every day in debauchery, and every day he spends time with them. It's hot springwomanhot springwomanhot springwomanhot springwoman day after day repeating and repeating. I wish I was so lucky.

Gyao's mouth stopped from being overcome with emotion and he shouted as he was at his wit's end.

Louise? Is that about LouiseCancer?

Jiraid reflexively reacted to that name.

Ouyo, it's that super sexy Louise-san. I seriously want to massage those tits. Despite being an elf they're so huge. What are they packed with, dreams? Hope?

No, isn't it fat?

Despite saying that Jiraid couldn't hide his trembling.

(LouiseCancer is here. If that's sono way, was that story true?)

Jiraid's inner thoughts were in another place as Gyao continued to talk.

Well, that time at the hot spring town in Tsuvara I hear there was wild merrymaking. Soon after returning they affectionately spent time in a secret backwoods hot spring near Conrad, and the next time they made out in a hot spring they dug themselves. What's with that. Brute! Damn winners! Damn riajuu!

Gyao drained his tankard in one go.

They're doing so well. It's fine that they became famous overnight from the Ogre extermination. But Mellow has been cold to me recently and I have a bad reputation because Kazane talked about my affairs. I told Mellow-san I was sorry but I was curtly rejected. On the contrary, where's my apology from Kazane-san for getting me rejected? Does she think she's popular? I'm not a lolicon.

Gyao was gradually descending into idle complaints about her, so he became curious about that person and asked about her.

Is that Kazane you're talking about a harem member?

Yeah, that's right. That girl is an outrageous child.

But she is still a child. And yet she is a harem member.

Jiraid said, and Gyao banged his tankard against the table and opened his eyes wide.

What are you saying, that Kazane is incredible. After all. If you stood before her your knees would surely tremble from a single cry by that girl.

With just her voice his legs would give out. At that remark Jiraid's face turned red.

Is, is that right? I am certainly a boring man, but I don't think such a young girl would be a fitting partner.

You would think that. You might think highly of yourself, but that girl is different. I'm certain there were about 50 bodies. Everyone agrees about that girl's voice. [TL: Partner/opponent is the same word, so Jiraid's talking about sexual partner while Gyao's misunderstanding as combat opponent]

(A child with 50 people as partners!?)

That is disturbing Jiraid thought. He had certainly heard that Hyvern valued chastity from both men and women more than other countries. But still, one child partnering with 50 men in an orgy. Isn't that an excessively vulgar story? Jiraid was indignant. And then he noticed the possibility concerning a certain person, and even though he didn't want to know he had to ask.

Was my father there too?

Father? Huh? Ah, that's right. It's no wonder that when I saw you I thought about him, you're that grandpa's son?

Gyao laughed as he thought about how closely they resembled each other, but Jiraid brought his face close and asked again.

Was he there? Was he not?

He didn't want to believe it. But Jiraid's hopes were abruptly destroyed.

He was definitely there. That man relentlessly attacked, over and over thrusting in and pulling out, thrusting in and pulling out, over and over making them ascend to heaven.

(What is that!)

Jiraid's mood completely darkened. By the way, it was a story about the Ogre subjugation. Okay.

He's an old man, but despite that it was an excellent hustle. To be honest, I was also amazed. Your old man is certainly an incredible grandpa.

Every word from Gyao was like a blade attacking Jiraid. He was not happy about his father being praised for his big hustle at an orgy.

Now that I think about it that guy's harem road must have started in those days.

Gyao remembered those days and muttered. Although he was saying those days, they were less than three months ago.

That.Kazane, he's been with her since then?

No, at first he was with his disciple Yumika? Well, she's a little young, but she has decent breasts and a nice body. That girl is fine.

By the way, Yumika was Gyao's preferred type. Her age was insufficient, but after a few years he wanted to become intimate with her.

After that is Tiara.......

And then Gyao was successively reminded about that elegant girl, but for some reason when he thought about her the wordLandminecame to mind. He certainly knew that it was a kind of magic that was set up on the ground. [TL: He's talking with Jiraid, jirai means landmine. This conversation is a bit of a jirai for Jinrai]

Well, whatever.

Gao abandoned the thought.

After that is Louise-san. Ah, I want to massage those. I really want to massage them. Which reminds me of what I heard from a fellow adventurer; at the place where they dug up the hot spring that grandfather was together with his grandchild.


Is that your child?

No, absolutely not.

Zinray only had one child. And although he had two grandchildren, right now both were in Hyvern. Since he had been continuously on a training journey since a long time ago and was now settled down here, Zinray hadn't met with them very often.

Well, Louise-san was also there, so maybe it's their grandchild. She's an elf, and he's undoubtedly been massaging those for a while, tits. Such nice tits.

He was saying tits a little too often.

......I see. That means it didn't start just now...

Jiraid feebly reclined against his chair and laughedhahahahahawhile shedding tears. They were the actions of a stout man falling ill. Or he was affected by some kind of mental illness, but it seemed that it was different.

His dearly loved father died here. No, he may never have been such a person from the beginning. He could no longer cheat on his chaste mother and escape to that woman Louise behind her back.

Is that so? That is so.

(It's over ... with that man)

He would not call him father any longer. When his mother had to bear inconsiderate rumors from far away he wanted to be helpful, and thought he would come to ascertain the truth of those rumors himself, but he never supposed he would experience such a miserably ridiculous feeling. He had believed that the rumors were an ordinary mistake and that he would return home with a smile.

(That I..up until now I believed in such a man, I'm truly foolish)

Jiraid regretted. It would end here. Starting now that man would be erased from his life. That was what he decided in that place.

Mm-hmm, I seem a little refreshed.

Gyao said. Jiraid raised his face, and any hesitation had already disappeared.

Ah, I seem a little unbound. Thanks for telling me, Gyao. Thanks to you I have sorted out various things.

If it helped you that's good. Well, it was also helpful to me so I'm happy.

Gyao was happy from the bottom of his heart when he replied. From Gyao's sense of values harem=a man's dream. For Gyao ...... or perhaps it should be said that it was a commonly seen inclination of men from the beastman tribes, so he meant no ill will. Gyao envied Zinray from the bottom of his heart; he recognized that. Therefore he completely misunderstood and thought that surely the man in front of his eyes was impressed by his father's accomplishment. Well, it was also because he was a drunkard.

Gyao. When father ...... no, when JinraiBarnes comes back I want you to tell him something.

Ou, I will tell him anything.

Gyao thumped his chest.

Then,I no longer consider myself your son. If you once again pass through the Barnes' family gate I will give you your last rites as head of the Barnes family.....I want you to tell him that.


Gyao made a memograndfather's son Jiraid came. Go home? Something like thathe thought, and saidOKwith a thumbs up.

Please take care of it.

With that said Jiraid put the coins for the bill on the table, and with a farewell salutation to Gyao he left the tavern.


Then Gyao started drinking again. Who was that guy again? he thought, but he reread the memoah, it was his son. Son,and satisfied that he remembered then continued drinking.

[TL: I'm not sure how many people mind it, but I finally decided to fix Zinray to Jinrai. Jinrai is an actual Japanese word meaning thunderclap, and Louise's staff in Japanese is named Jinrai. Although a certain amount of interpretation has to be done when translating names and I wanted to be consistent with the previous translators, I decided it was more important to follow the author's intentions; it's no coincidence that Jinrai uses Raijin Spear as his ranged technique. I probably should have just done it earlier, but the obviousness of the similarity between Jinrai and Jiraid's name was the last straw that inspired me to fix it. Well, being able to make the jirai for Jinrai translator note was a not insignificant part of the decision. But the author might have legitimately intended that, so it was time to fix it.]


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