
Chapter 91: Meeting the Dragon People

Chapter 91: Meeting the Dragon People

The day after Kazane and the the others returned to the Royal Capital Shubain. Yuuko-nee had been advancing preparations since the previous day, and at noon the grand festival opened in the plaza in front of the Royal Castle. They had already informed the citizens the previous day, so there was no major confusion and the festival was swelling.

Then Sieg went down to the center of the plaza riding the white dragon Karza, and he launched the White Sword's lightWhite Fanginto the sky and grandly declared the revival of Minshiana's treasured sword. The prince always showed his face for festivities, so almost all of Minshiana's citizens knew he would be there. However, an adorable prince like a puppy ...... was not how he appeared. He had only previously appeared pressed against and accompanying the Queen so their preconceptions couldn't be helped, and because of that everyone was surprised when he majestically appeared with a dragon and used the treasured sword.

In addition, the nameWhite Dragon Princecame to be heard out of nowhere. All the people were extremely excited about the very young heir to the throne who commanded a white dragon, and within a few hours the plaza was packed with people excitedly shouting that name.

On that day the people of Minshiana engraved the nameWhite Dragon Prince Siegin their hearts. And they dreamed of the glorious future of Minshiana as they praised the name of the still young future King.

Behind the scenes Kazane and the others were watching Sieg's big moment.

As one would expect they were swarmed when it was exposed they were dragon subjugation members, so they were taking refuge. Because of the matter with Tiara's lineage they also didn't want to be too conspicuous.

Scary. It feels like Sieg's eyes have hearts in them. Dangerous. If a gaze could do it I'd already be pregnant.

You kindled that fire yourself.

Kazane said while watching Sieg with trepidation, and Yumika retorted.

Receiving an adult kiss from his beloved person and the self confidence from being recognized by the populace after displaying his own power made the young boy into an adult, but there was no trace of the girl responsible becoming an adult. She was frightened by the consequences of her own actions. The king of a different country was still targeting Kazane's lower abdomen. Fellow powerful people were targeting Kazane's lower abdomen. The crisis of war and the crisis of chastity were simultaneously approaching.

Well, accept it a little bit. Be absolutely aware that it is your fault.

I know.

No gap in Sieg glancing over in her direction could be seen.

So can we quietly leave?

We've already decided that's no good!

Perhaps because of yesterday's kiss, that morning Sieg came and greeted them with a strangely lively face when Kazane and the others came to the castle. With Kazane's apprehensions and their mutually blushing faces there were no bashful developments, but Sieg's blatantplease look, Kazanebehavior made Kazane a little, or rather, extremely concerned.

Yuuko-nee's gaze after that was scary. Her eyes weren't smiling at all, so it seemed that she did not want to say thankful words likethank you for making my son a man.Kazane's cheeks may be torn off in the near future.

Royal Castle Delgura

Well then, all of you have done well.

Night. The event concluded without a hitch, and the big plaza was now being used for celebratory drinking. Yuuko-nee pulled Sieg away on the pretext of throwing a private party to honor the dragon subjugation members.

Mother, Kazane is crying.

Ah, it seems she was deeply moved by Sieg's ambition and couldn't stop her tears. Just leave her alone for a little while. She's so overcome with emotion she may not be able to talk to you right now.

Sieg agreedis, is that so?with a red face.

ieg, ugu ... sorry.

Kazane wept with inflamed bright red cheeks, and her back was patted.

There there.

Tiara was comforting Kazane with a goofy facial expression. It was supreme bliss.

Before he came did Yuuko-nee go for Kazane's right? Left? Both? The answer wasyes, it was tremendous suffering. To summarize, both cheeks were dreadfully pinched and she was scolded.

Yuuko-nee's judgement was that an eleven-year-old child was too young for french kissing and punished her accordingly, but it might have already been too late.

Sieg originally came into contact with many adult women like Yuuko-nee, Sakyure, and Iria in his daily life. For the first time he met a girl of the same generation, and to Sieg she appeared to be a child of practically the same age. However, the adult kiss awakened his libido and the carnivorous beast within the boy.

The appearance wasn't bad, he had a gentle disposition, the lineage was naturally good, and there was also the power gained from his adventure. It was common practice for royalty to have mistresses in this world, so it would not be a strange story for him to have relations with other women even if he had a beloved person.

At present the weak point was the possibility of the mentally immature Sakyure falling victim to the aura of a great man, or the possibility of being taken was high. There would likely be a meeting with Sakyure a few months later. It would be good for her to avoid rubbing her stomach at that time.

Well, I never thought when I sent Sieg for the dragon extermination that it would come with a white dragon as a freebie. Really, thank you.

Uu, it's good.

While massaging her cheeks with tearful eyes Kazane gave a thumbs up.

I will give each member of the dragon subjugation more than the planned reward, as well as the title Dragon Slayer.

Everyone stirred at that remark.

But that is supposed to be given for subjugating a harmful dragon. Shouldn't a dragon inside a dungeon not fulfill that requirement?

Jinrai humbly opened his mouth.

Yes, properly speaking. But nothing says the title should only be given when something bad has happened. This dragon subjugation you all accomplished was an important matter for the country, so taken that way I'm obligated to give it to you.

Jinrai's face stiffened when he heard Yuuko-nee say obligated.

Yes, I'm sorry, what I said was impertinent.

Don't worry about it. I've been saying unreasonable things to you all. Besides, there are perks to the title.


Yuuko-nee nodded at Yumika's remark.

You are given permission to enter the dragon villages, which is a very useful thing.

Why does the Dragon Slayer title permit entry?

It involved killing a dragon so it seemed it should be the opposite way to Yumika. Louise answered her question.

Dragon Slayer is given to a person who has defeated a harmful dragon that attacks people; that is to say, it is given to a person who has defeated a dragon that brings disadvantage to the dragon villages. It also acts as proof that they are equals. I have heard that dragon knights can also enter.


Kazane was rubbing her cheeks while she listened, and she and Yumika made admiring expressions.

Well, shall we go to Hyvern sometime and ask about it?

Yeah, it would be good if you did that. There's a certain errand I'd like you to do.

All present tilted their heads at Yuuko-nee's remark.

Ah, wait a moment and I'll explain properly. I'll invite our surprise guests.

At Yuuko-nee's remark the door opened.

Excuse me.

Wait Aka, let's wait until we're called.

Kazane and the rest looked toward the opened door and saw a gentle looking man garbed in black and a rough looking man in grim red armor standing there.

I'm sorry, Queen Yuuko. He's impatient. He's already been alive for 600 years but nothing has changed.

What are you saying, Ao, where haven't I grown?

Aka sullenly said, and the man called Ao shrugged.

No, I was just about to let you enter so there's no problem.

At Yuuko-nee's words Aka saidsee, it's fine,and Ao lightly shook his head saying yareyare.

(What, those people. Something's strange?)

Kazane'sIntuitionmade her feel something was out of place with the two figures. The presence was like something larger had been condensed. But another person cried out before Kazane said anything.

Isn't this Ao-dono?

It was from Mefirus in Louise's arms. Louise also seemed to know Ao and was watching the two with great interest, and Tiara saideh, that Ao-sama?with a surprised face.

Oh, Mefirus-dono. You have considerably shrunk since the last time we met.

No no, it seems Ao-dono hasn't changed. Was Tiara's birth the last time we met?

No, the last time was when Shelkin-dono's daughter Yui was born. I'll be going to Audin's coronation ceremony.


Ojii-chan, an acquaintance?

Mefirus nodded at Kazane's question.

This gentleman is Ao-dono, and he advises the Kingdom of Tsuvara. He is a blue dragon known as Ao of the Blue Flame, and he is the assistant to the West Dragon Village Laguna'sGold Wing Dragon Empress Kurofe.

What he's saying is that these gentlemen are dragons.

Louise followed up and Kazane blinked in surprise, but the presence she felt certainly made sense if their big dragon bodies were condensed to people, so she was able to believe it.

If he's a blue dragon he's the same kind as Kazane.

Sieg's words made Kazae gouu.Like the other members Kazane had lightly told Sieg about how she could obtain skills from monsters, but she did not explain that he shouldn't expose that ability to others. That was not limited to Kazane's skills, but any skilled adventurer did not easily boast of or expose their own abilities. Her high value ability stealing was especially important to keep a secret, since it might get her ostracized or killed.

Ho, my same kind?

And then Ao's gaze made Kazane jump. Ao was an ancient dragon close to 1000 years old, and the pressure from a dragon of that level caused Kazane'sIntuitionto react like an electric shock. Yuuko-nee gazed reproachfully towards Ao for this state of affairs.

Excuse me. I never thought she would be oversensitive to that extent.

Ao noticed Yuuko-nee's gaze and apologized.


Kazane's awareness suddenly returned and she noticed the difference in atmosphere between herself and the surroundings.

Although she wasn't holding a sword or a staff, Kazane noticed that there was one and only onePersonthat was ready to enter battle.

Ah, sorry.

Kazane apologized for her own rudeness. Her head had already filled with thoughts of how to attack Ao, and she was obviously about to start hostile actions.

What, boring.

Beside him Aka took his hand off the sword at his waist.

...... Aka, you really...

Ao was amazed when he saw Aka. That was because he understood that the sword on his waist wasn't turned towards Kazane, but himself. Kazane's attack plan was to link her consciousness with Aka. The thought fromIntuitionwas to have Aka carry it out.

It couldn't be helped. We were requested to come here, and if you fought with that opponent it would disgrace the village's name. If that was the case I would be the only one who could stop you.

It was never going to be a battle.

Saying that, Ao faced Kazane and the others.

I'm sorry. Although it was already said by Mefirus-dono, I am Ao, the assistant to the head of the Laguna dragon village.

And I am Aka. If I said I was the Reincarnation Dragon of the Black Rock Dragon Gieve would you be able to understand?

The surroundings stirred again from Aka's explanation.

My Childstone's dragon?

Sieg clutched the Childstone and muttered.

Name: Yuihama Kazane

Occupation: Magic Swordswoman

Title: Ogre Killer, Dragon Slayer

Equipment: Staff White Blaze, Two Handed SwordBlack Fang, Silver Breastplate, Silver Gauntlets, Silver Sheep Clothes, Carapace Bull Trousers, Berserk Ogre Greaves, Indestructible Cloak, Mysterious Pouch, Crimson Saint Coffin, Heroic Spirit Summoning Ring, Circlet of Wisdom

Level : 29

Health: 101

Magic Power: 170+300

Strength: 49+10

Agility: 40

Endurance: 29

Wisdom : 55

Dexterity : 33

Spell : Fly Torch Fire HealFirestorm

Skill : Warrior's Memory Night Vision Crushing Blow Dogs Sense of Smell Golem Maker: Lv2 Rush Fire Principle: Third Chapter Healing Principle: Second Chapter Air Jump: Lv2 Killing Leg: Lv2 Fear Voice Invisible Tiger Eye Wall Walking Intuition Cheat Death NimbleChargeMaterial ShieldInformation LinkOptical CamouflageDashBloodsucking BladeDragonization

Yuuko-nee: Well whatever, I have myCirclet of Reality Visionso I won't overlook any omens within range of my eyes. [TL: He didn't do it earlier in the story, but he puts furigana-like Katakana above the names of things now, and so the furigana saysHorus Eye Circletwhile inside it says something likeReality Eye Circlet.Since the normal words actually give a description of what the item does I'll probably translate those, but I'll point it out the real name the first time and maybe other times.]

Kazane: ...... Yuuko-nee is scary.

Yumika: Sakyure-san, don't be hasty.


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