
Chapter 39

Chapter 39

39th story Lets go to the neighboring country

Argo Mountain Range Foot of the Mountain Morning

On the day I joined the party, I thought I became pretty familiar with how things work, but I was mistaken. I want to take back.mutters Zinray in his heart.

Now then, get on. (Kazane)

Behind her stood a Hippo-kun with a wide circumference and a rectangular awning covering its back.

This is a very odd vehicle. (Zinray)

As Zinray looked dumbfounded at it, Tiara once again received some sort of misunderstanding: So this is an adventurers vehicle. (mllhild: at the end of the journey Tiara will be asking if common sense is tasty)

Inside the Hippo-kun are 4 chairs, designed to be sit on, not straddled. The surroundings are enclosed, providing cover from the wind.

By wearing heavy clothing, I think we can get over the cold if the indestructible futon turns out to be lacking. (Kazane)

While saying so, Kazane distributed a futon to each sitting individual and took her seat in the front. Everyone seemed to want an indestructible futon.

Now, wouldnt this be quite dangerous if it crumbled? questioned Yumika, knowing how fragile Hippo-kun was, but

Because I have become able to use much more magical power than before, this has also raised its defensive power. (Kazane)

The concern seems to have been unnecessary. Kazane studied the destruction of Mountain-kun last time. And the danger of its fragility as well.

Well then, lets depart! (Kazane)


Argo Mountain Range Tsuwara Kingdom side Late afternoon

Nothing happened (Yumika)

Zinray was astonished. Yumika and Tiara yawned in unision. The weather had been stormy most of the day, and when the sun finally shone through, the two were wrapped in their futon, only now awakening from afternoon nap mode.

We arrived? (Yumika)

No, no, as one would expect, we still havent. (Zinray)

And as Yumika looked at Zinray again with her drowsy eyes, he smacked her in the head.

Itaiwhat is it, Shishou?! (Yumika)

[You reap what you sow.] (Zinray)

Yumika became real downhearted. Certainly, her sleeping in during her guard is a really hopeless mistake.

Now, now, Zinray-san. (Kazane)

Kazane laughed carelessly and said, Yumika will be taking the night watch tonight; therefore, it doesnt matter. (Kazane)

Yumika wanted to exclaim Gee-, but after Zinray glared at her, she reluctantly said Understood instead.


Tora/Tiger Forest Near Evening

The party had crossed the national border, but since someone might find fault with their border-crossing, they advanced into the neighboring forest.

Kazane, its over there. (Yumika)

Understood. (Kazane)

In front of Kazane, a magical beast walked past. Its name is Barrel-Tiger, a ferocious beast living in this region and a harmful animal that attacks people and lays waste to livestock.

Hiding her figure with [Invisible],..right HERE!!!

Kazane attacked its stomach with [Killing Leg].

The Barrel-Tiger raised a scream as it was blown away and soon stopped moving.

Looks like you killed it, Kazane. (Yumika)

Well, ne. (Kazane)

Barrel-Tiger fur sells for a high price. The ones without wounds especially ca

If its 1vs1 with [Invisible], Im invincible!

As one would expect from a cheat-like ability. Plus, Kazane carried no abhorrence towards taking lives and such.

In the past, she heard that making eye contact with the Barrel-Tiger causes temporary paralysis, so that should be its ability.

How was it? (Zinray)

I got the skill, ne. I think its those eyes that paralyze for a short duration. (Kazane)

Hoh?Zinray looked with great interest into Kazanes eyes.

Aah, no. Unless I invoke the skill, it doesnt come forth, ne (Kazane)

Is that so? (Yumika)

Zinray mutters, So its that kind of thing.

Anyway, this guy is sorta like the boss around here, ne. In the places where his smell is scattered, other magical beasts wont approach, I think. (Kazane)

Then, will we rest here? (Yumika)

Un. That is right, ne. There is a somewhat-large rocky area beyond this point. I will make a lodging there. (Kazane)

Zinray nods. As you order. Yumika, we are going to have a little drill since you look rested.

Understood, Shishou. (Yumika)

Well then..ah, Tiara-san, lets go. (Kazane)

Ah! Yes. (Tiara)

Following Kazane, Tiara also advanced into the forest.


Uwatto *the sound you make when you catch yourself from tripping*. Its slippery, so take care not to fall down, ne? (Kazane)

Inside the forest, it was humid and damp with moss everywhere; its easy to slip.

Yes, I understakyaa- (Tiara)

Oops, With one arm, Kazane catches the falling Tiara and hoists her up.

Thank you. Kazane appears to be so young, and yet your power is strong. (Tiara) 

Hmm, but Im about the same age as Tiara-san? (Kazane)

Eh? Is that so?(Tiara)

Im the same age as Yumika! Well, my appearance is like this, but still (Kazane)

Ah, I must apologize. (Tiara)

Dont mind it, said Kazane at once. The fact of the matter is that there were lots of occasions when her young looks were an advantage

Anyway, Kazane is really amazing. (Tiara)

Un. Yea (Kazane)

It would be nice if this one was useful in some way or another, but I am like this after all. I was never taught anything that would be useful in such a situation. (Tiara)

A princess has no need to remember something useful for such situations, ne. (Kazane)

Speaking truthfully, Kazane also has completely no knowledge about the situation at hand, but she has coped by learning as she watched others.

And yet, my honorable Father went monster-hunting even in his old days. I have heard that he has spent the nights together with escorts as well (Tiara) (IcedTea: Im honestly not sure whether this refers to him sleeping in the forest with his retinue, or him sleeping over with people from the escort services. I think its the former, but I dunno..)

Sounds like he was a rather big-hearted person, ne. (Kazane)

Uum *informal* Afterwards, Tiara smiled; howevershe kept speaking. Papa is such a person, but it seems uncle Shelkin wasnt pleased with it, ne

Was that this second prince guy? (Kazane)

Yes. Since he was young, Uncle-sama has had a fragile body. Hes been raised while being compared to his brother because of that. (Tiara)

Ah, competition between siblings happened, ne thought Kazane, as her brother was so. As a matter of fact, he constantly felt a complex towards the older sister who did nothing but play games and yet was good at studying.

To that extent, Uncle-sama makes it around with his intelligence, but in our kingdom, a character like Father is more accepted, indeed. (Tiara)

He isnt very popular, ne. (Kazane)

Tiara nods.

Even if you say that, there is a difference in regards to the opinions of the knights and of the masses. Amongst the nobles, there are many who do not think that way. I hear that from time to time, dark rumors arise from their midst about Uncle-sama. (Tiara)

That kind of thing is not too well understood by Kazane.

Papa did, even if he didnt mean what he said, that he placed his trust in Uncle-sama, but.tears spill from Tiaras eyesSurely Father-sama is probably stricken with grief at this time.

Thoughts of words he had spoken each year surged into her head: *quick flashback from Tiara*

To be betrayed by my trusted younger brother, even attempting to control me by seizing my only daughter (Tiaras Papa). As he spoke, tears came spilling out of his eyes.

TrulyIm just disappointing (Tiara) (mllhild:  this has like 10 possible negative connotations. (weak-minded, spiritless, cowardly, worthless, tame, timid, pushover)

Watching the silently sobbing Tiara, Kazane remembered herself from a day before, her self that was crying that she wanted to return from this world.

Therefore after weighing her words a bitTiara, look over her a second 

Eh? (Tiara)

Kazane opens her {Spell List Menu} and selects the {Fire Custom Creator Settings}.(IcedTea: Since she has [Fire Principle] and previous knowledge from her previous world, she can custom create spells from the Spell column. Remember, skills are set magic circuits; spells are created through magic power.)

[Spell Fireworks vr.1]

From Kazanes cane came a pop followed by a small rising flame. As it leapt into the sky, *doooooon* and lights spread outward.

Pretty. (Tiara) (IcedTea: No uwaaah or anything? Im disappointed. Insufficiently moe character.)

In a daze, Tiara gazed at the spectacle while still shedding tears.

*Ton ton ton* Kazane kept shooting them into the sky with different colors and shapes.

What Kazane had made was the Firework Joke Magic Contest winning spell. Either way, it was something Kazane made. It had no power; it was just a set of pretty fireworks.

Nevertheless, it had enough light to steal the heart of a young lady.

I.Ive thought that I wouldnt be able to meet my father and mother again. (Kazane)

The light vanished suddenly, and Tiara turned towards Kazane after hearing her sudden remark.

Of course, I havent given up yet. I have enough determination to put in great effort. But Tiara is different. You have the chance to right the wrongs. I will make sure you meet your father, again. Therefore.therefore, ne, look. Kazane presents her hand to Tiara.

What is it? (Tiara)

If we hold hands, I dont think we will trip any more. (Kazane) (mllhild: In case people forgot: They were walking in the forest, Tiara nearly fell and was caught by Kazane. Then Tiara had a nervous breakdown and stopped walking.)

Aa, Yes (Tiara)

Looking at Kazanes hand, Tiara hesitated for an instant, but then quietly grasped the hand.

Such small hands and yet so strong..

Dont waver. I will guide you along. While speaking so, Kazane smiled to Tiara. (IcedTea: This line is written like a pick-up-line from one of those classic Japanese otome prince dating sim type games.)

Kazane looks like a prince from a tale, hehe. (Yumika)

Yea, if you say it like that, thats something to be yearned after. (Kazane) (IcedTea: ie. Being a prince and rescuing people is a good thing.)

Even in the game, she had always thought of herself as being on the protected side, not the protecting one. Just as it was, it has happened to Kazane here.

So came Kazane, who was strangely embarrassed, holding Tiaras hand while taking care to watch her step. On the other side, Tiara was in trance with a red face, but Kazane, who wasnt looking behind, didnt notice it.

My prince, you say. (Tiara)

Neither did she notice these words.


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