
Chapter 38

Chapter 38

Lets Escort the Princess

Cresta Forest Path

Found the ring.

Kazane needed to look for something that provide proof of her status, and so they went back outside of the forest towards the area in the mountains where the kidnappers where attacked by the ogres.

Yumika was about ready to vomit when she saw the torn-off arms and leftovers since up until now, she had taken materials directly from brutally-murdered monsters. A human isas one of them.she held some disgust towards the whole thing, but she noticed soon after that she had already gotten used it herself.

No way (Yumika)

Yumika, who was still getting used to it, whispered so into her heart. However, she had already laid her hands on an ogre which was close to human in shape anywaywhich made her think that she could somehow deal with humans at the moment.

And at that time, just while she was stuck in this negative feedback loop, she raised her head to Kazanes words.

Yes, it is this: The Crest of Tsuwaras Guardian Beast, Ruby Gryphon. (Tiara) (IcedTea: She just has a ring with the crest on it. There is only one real Ruby Beast Ring.)

Ruby Gryphon? Does that mean you can summon it? Kazane was surprised and asked Tiara.

Never; as of now, it is impossible.Tiara shook her head. Though, if it was the current king, Grandfather, it would be possible if he held Mefirus Ruby Beast Ring.

As I thought, it does exist

Kazane recalled the Summoned Beasts when this was still a gamelegendary beasts clad in flamesthey were really extremely strong, she thought. Yumika had also complained: Theres no way we can win against that. It seems that she wasnt able to beat it.

For the time being, even if we return to the Kingdom with just this, we can prove that she is the Princess. (Zinray?)

Youre right Tiara assented to it, but after that, she hesitated, wanting to say something.

Zinray guessed that Tiara was troubled over whether or not she should ask them to guard her until she returned back to her country, but wanting to check their Leaders intention, he ignored it.

Rather than answering that question, however, Kazane voiced a question to Zinray. Zinray-san, there is something I would like to ask you.

What is it? (Zinray)

Id like to go to Tsuwara while bypassing the border station. Is there some way to do that?

Listening to Kazanes question, Zinray really was about to smile unintentionally, but still, he answered the question with a sour look.

Lets see. If we take a detour at Argo Mountain Range, then it might work somehow. After all, distance-wise, its the same as walking along the usual highwayalthough, around this season, blizzards on that mountain are severe, you know? (Zinray)

Upon hearing that, Kazanes face strained a bit, but Zinray, who didnt know about Ruu, didnt understand what that meant. (9: Ruu is the ghost Kazane met in the mountains.)

Youreright. I think we should go back to Conrad Town and get our preparations ready.

Um. to them, Tiara opened her mouth. I had the intent to return through the normal way by passing through the border station.

However, not being able to convince Kazane, she was denied.

It would pro

Zinray agreed with those words. Just as Kazane said, I dont know how far Shelkin-samas hands can reachit would be better to consider the dangers that could follow until you directly meet Audin-sama.

..I see. Tiara lowered her head, depressed. And at that time, Yumika opened her mouth.

Excuse me~~somehow, you guys have been talking as if you plan to be her escort. So does that mean its a go? (Yumika)

Yeah, thats right. Kazane nodded back as if it were natural.

Ah yeahof course it would be like this. Yumika voiced her thoughts and stepped back again.

In any case, just as planned from their party meeting, they were to go to Conrad town to prepare to pass the border via the Argo Mountain Range, avoiding as many villages and towns as possible while they headed toward the Royal Capital Griffonia.

And then, without any change of plans, they rode Hippo-kun to Conrad, and when they arrived, night was approaching.


Conrad Town: The Cooks Pot Inn: Evening

Yumika, you sure have been coming here frequently. (Rinrie)

Long time no see, Rinrie-san. (Yumika)

It had only been two weeks since we had left Conrad, but to Yumika, it felt like it had been a long time since she had said her farewells to Rinrie. Probably because of these recent serious events.

Hello Rinrie-san.

Welcome to you too, Kazane. (Rinrie)

Since Kazane stayed here when she was conquering the Coral Temple, it had only been 2 days since they met.

So did you girls come here to stay for the night? Sorry though, we are already full today. (Rinrie)

Rinrie had a what to do? kind of face.

Ah, no. We just kinda wanted to see you. Kazane inserted these words.

Oh my, is that so (Rinrie)

We have companions outside, so we cant really stay for long.

Rinrie made another oh my face.

Well it is good that youre doing your best during to succeed during this time, but dont overdo it, OK? After all, when you are tired, your danger perception will become loose. (Rinrie)

Yeah, youre right.

After all, today too, we were rushing straight through. Yumika also agreed. From ogre hunting to the current situation, they did it all nonstop. They would obviously feel tired.

So then, we dont have any plans to stay for the night, but is it fine to have some of Rinrie-sans soup?

Rinrie nodded towards Kazane.

If its just that, then theres no problem. Are you going to eat it here? (Rinrie)

Nope. Just as I said earlier, we have companions waiting, so we will be eating out together.

As Kazane was saying that, she receive a metal bottle, and then, Rinrie went back to the kitchen.


Conrad Town Surroundings: A Rocky Area: Eveningtide=)

This is delicious. Tiara complimented it after taking a sip of the soup.

Well, after all, its the only redeeming feature of Rinrie-sans inn. (Yumika) (IcedTea: Ouch)

She said that as long as she has just one gourd, she can still do it.

From Kazanes words, Yumika remembered her days helping out at the inn.

Well, the soup is not badly made, but this building is. Zinray looked around. (IcedTea: I know this seems abrupt..he is not referring to the inn.)

The building was made out of stone.but, even in this rocky area, such a design did not exist up til now. A building-shaped golem it has a design with the feature of not collapsing even when the magic power is cut off.

There are also 4 beds. The Indestructible Futon was spread out, and a quasi-lighting system obtained from the Coral Temple, the crystal ball with flames inside it, was set up.

So this is how adventurers live. It is my first time experiencing such a thing. (Tiara)

It is more comfortable than I imagined Tiara muttered, which gave Zinray a headache.

Zinray reminisced: Back in the day when I was traveling around the continent, I had to keep the fire going for the whole night while looking out for monsters (IcedTea: Old man, catch up with technology)

Well, even after saying that, they still had a rotating shift of lookouts. There are monsters, but burglars are also of concern.

At any rate, Tiara-sama is more friendlyor more familiarthan what I had imaginedor its because youre not really haughty. (Yumika)

From the start, the Tsuwara Kingdom has had the motto shitsujitsugouken (unaffected and sincere / with fortitude and vigor). On top of that, Father is really obsessed with it. Tiara smiled as she replied to Yumikas words.

I could say the same to you two as wellmore than adventurers.lets two give me an impression near that of people from a nobles school. (Tiara)

Aaa, I see. There are also schools here.

By here, you mean. (Tiara)

Although, we are not really nobles. Yumika and I were students too.

Zinray hasnt really heard about it, but he didnt show any his expression expect an I see. He had seen signs of education in certain points of their actions.

Kazane, leave that conversation alone, OK? (Yumika)

Aah, yeah. Thats right.

It was as if Kazane received punishment from Yumikas words, and so, she sadly nodded. Yesterday, they had cried a lot. Kazane too does not want those feelings to return.

Tiara and Zinray, seeing that, presumed that there were some kind of circumstances involved, and they didnt further the topic.

And so, I secured 10 days worth of food. And there are also tools to fight against the cold.

However, taking the Princess into the mountainswe cant really do anything rash. (Zinray)

I have plans for that, so dont worry! Kazane did a V-sign (victory!).

I seeas of now, Zinray doesnt need to say anymore. Since entering the party, from the first day, he was shown things severely lacking in common sense.

Saying something is already too late. Zinray thought.


Status Window: New Equipment in Bold~~~

Name: Yuihama Kazane

Occupation: Magic Swordswoman

Title: Ogre Killer Princess

Equipment: Cane [[White Blaze]], Two Handed Sword [[Black Fang]], Leather Jacket, Metal Gauntlet, Plain Clothes, Leather Trouser, Berserk Ogre Greaves , Indestructible Cloak , Pouch, Crimson Saint Casket, Legendary Spirit Summoning Ring.

Level : 19

Vitality : 64

Magic Power : 107+300

Strength : 25

Agility : 18

Endurance : 14

Wisdom : 27

Dexterity : 19

Spell : [[Fly]] [[Torch]] [[Fire]] [[Heal]]

Skill : [[Goblin Language]] [[Night Vision]] [[Crushing Blow]] [[Dogs Sense of Smell]] [[Golem Maker]] [[Rush]] [[Fire Principle: Second Chapter]] [[Healing Principle: Second chapter]] [[Air Jump]] [[Killing Leg]] [[Fear Voice]] [[Invisible]]


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