
Chapter 133: Let's Decide Our Route

Chapter 133: Let's Decide Our Route

Resurrect City, Third Inn

Well then, time for a party conference.

It was the day after the closing ceremony, and it had been a rest day for everybody to do their own business.

Kazane had shut herself in her room today and played with the settings of Golem Maker and her spell dagger. Tiara was blissfully clinging to Kazane, so Naoki saidUnfair,but Kazane saidThen switch your body with one of the macho men yesterday. Or rather, also switch the contents with one of the macho men-san.In other words, 100% macho man in both mind and body. Without any Naoki components. That made Naoki start bearing a grudge against the macho men he had hit it off with yesterday, and he left the room without any specific destination while sayingDammit.As a matter of fact, there was no shortage of people who recognized his face around there, so he spent his time meeting with them.

Therefore, Kazane freely worked with Creator Mode until evening. When Tiara left in the middle for her summoning training, she turned back and saw that Kazane's posture was truly unchanged and saidHer concentration ability is amazing as alwayswith an astonished expression. That evening Yumika returned after finishing her daily training, and after some time Kazane noticed her, stopped working, and summoned the party members. Since Kazane didn't remember how many party meetings she had convened, she omitted which number it was.

Well then, there were many complications, but the Grand Tournament is over. We'll prepare for the journey tomorrow and leave the city the day after tomorrow.

By the way, Kazane's purse was sufficiently full because she had also received prize money for winning the championship, so she was planning to spend extravagantly again tomorrow. Yumika thought to herself (save it!).

It takes a week to reach Hyvern's capital Deer South with an ordinary carriage from here. Well, we could probably do it in two days.

Once she said that, Jinrai looked at Kazane with sparkling eyes. He was an old man charmed by speed. Kazane looked at the map with a frown.

They were pretty angry about the Thunder Chariot, so we can only run at full power if we travel a troublesome route with no people, right? The best option for that should be narrow mountain roads, so here!

Kazane pointed her finger at the map. It was a river near a volcano.


After seeing that, Yumika had a "you don't mean..." expression.

Let's try digging.

Everyone except Naoki had "as expected?" expressions after Kazane's words.

I got a small response from dowsing, so I think we should try looking around there.

Well, as long as I can take a bath I'm fine with it.

Yumika said that, and Louise had a hesitant expression.

If you find another one, the rights are likely to become troublesome again.

This time's different. It's fine as long as we can dig one.

Louise repliedOk.Since she wanted to enter a hot spring.

Naoki had been watching the situation without understanding what was going on, so he askedWhat are you talking about?

Hot spring.

Everyone replied simultaneously. Naoki thought (What do they mean?) and became even more confused.

Then the conversation became about the area near the volcano. It seemed that relatively low level flying dragons and earth dragons appeared in that area. Earth dragons were neither moles nor earthworms. They were wingless dragons that walked on four legs.

There is a city nearby where dragon hunting adventurers gather. It is said that it is a good place for somebody aiming to get rich quick.

Like how the Black Rock Dragon materials sold quickly at high prices, right?

Jinrai nodded after Kazane's words.

Well, there's nothing compared to that class of dragon. If we display my spears or your equipment, they'll probably fall over in shock.

Their equipment was some of the best dragon material equipment on the market. They were fine goods that were unattainable goals even for adventurers commonly referred to as dragon hunters. And Kazane thought going there sounded interesting, considering the many unsold dragon materials remaining in her Mysterious Warehouse.

Well then, shall we also go there? It's this place called Dongol City, right?

Jinrai repliedThat's rightto Kazane's words.

Louise raised her hand and told Kazane another place she wanted to go. Louise had a villa near Lake Shirodieh, so she wanted to stop by there. That made Naoki raise a surprised voice.

Doesn't that place have summer retreats for royalty? Aneki, by any chance, is Louise-san terribly rich?

Everyone gaped at Naoki after he spoke. Naoki thought (Did I say something bad?) after that reaction, and it showed on his face. Then Yumika across from him saidAh, that's rightand whispered something to Kazane while cupping her ear.


Kazane nodded with an understanding expression.

Wha, what is it?

Naoki asked doubtfully after seeing Kazane and Yumika'sThat's rightgazes. Then Kazane pointed to Tiara.

Princess of the Tsuvara Kingdom.

She said, then ignoring Naoki's confused expression she pointed to Mefirus in Louise's arms and said

Former king of the Tsuvara Kingdom.

What are you saying, Aneki?

Naoki didn't know if he should laugh at his sister's joke.

That's right, since we were talking with Organ at his tavern we didn't reveal any information about Tsuvara's situation.

Mefirus replied. Louise, Tiara, and Jinrai also caught on to the situation after those words. They hadn't talked about it at all since they left Organ's tavern, so Naoki hadn't learned Tiara's identity.

Ah, I have to add that I'm the former king's mistress as well.

Naoki was at least able to easily digest Louise's words, but he kept switching his gaze between Tiara and Mefirus. Jinrai threw in some words after Naoki looked at him to make doubly sure.

Everything is true. Even though it may be unbelievable.

Are you serious?

Everyone nodded after Naoki's question. Naoki vacantly saidIs that so?and left the room to calm down.

Umm, did we hurt his feelings somehow?

No, I think he's just confused.

Tiara was anxiously looking at the door after Naoki left. Yumika guessed that Tiara was worried about Naoki. By the way, Kazane had anIs that younger brother too pampered? LOLattitude without a shred of sympathy. Her younger brother's cute idiot behavior around Kazane meant she had no hesitation thinking cruel things about him. It was a pitiable feeling for Naoki, but since it was the result of his own bad behavior in the first place, it could only be said that he was getting his just deserts.

If you're worried about him, why not go talk to him?

Kazane was indifferent, so Yumika talked to Tiara.


Tiara said hesitatingly, and Mefirus gently spoke.

Tiara. You should go.


He's a friend, so it would be best to properly talk with him.

After Mefirus' words, Tiara saidSince he's a...friendand also went out.

Nn, is that fine as royalty?

After Tiara went out, Yumika was curious about Mefirus' attitude and cried out. Mefirus answered Yumika's question simply.

My royal family endorses free love.

Louise laughed at those words.

But Mefirus is a bit too free, right?

You're saying that? You?

Yumika laughed at the two people's interaction. Kazane saidBut I have to worry about such things.Rather than indifference, she had to properly follow up as an older sister.

After that, the two people returned on good terms, and Kazane thought it was suspicious and askedCan you look in your sister's eyes and say you didn't do anything you're guilty about?Naoki just stared at Kazane's face thinking (cute), and Kazane eventually looked away while thinking (gross). It was Naoki's victory.

Name: Yuihama Kazane

Occupation: Magic Swordswoman

Title: Ogre Killer, Dragon Slayer, High Beast Summoner

Equipment: Staff White Blaze, Two Handed SwordBlack Fang, Adhesion SwordGum, Spell Dagger, Dragonscale Breastplate, Drake Gauntlets, Silver Sheep Clothes, Sylphyn Skirt, Plasma Pants, Dragon Ogre Greaves, Indestructible Cloak, Mysterious Pouch, Crimson Saint Coffin, Heroic Spirit Summoning Ring, Circlet of Wisdom, Aim Bracelet, Magic Accumulator, White Magic Accumulator

Level : 29

Health: 101

Magic Power: 170+420

Strength: 49+10

Agility: 40+4

Endurance: 29

Wisdom : 55

Dexterity : 33

Spell : Fly Torch Fire HealFirestormHealer RayHigh Heal

Skill : Warrior's Memory Night Vision Crushing Blow Dogs Sense of Smell Golem Maker: Lv3 Rush Fire Principle: Third Chapter Healing Principle: Fourth Chapter Air Jump: Lv2 Killing Leg: Lv2 Fear Voice Invisible Tiger Eye Wall Walking Intuition Cheat Death NimbleChargeMaterial ShieldInformation LinkOptical CamouflageDashBloodsucking BladeDragonizationRegenerateSoul Breaking BladeStealthy PlacementThunder Chariot

Yumika: You really are harsh when it comes to Naoki.

Kazane: I would absolutely report him if he wasn't family!


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