
Chapter 132: Let's Do a Dogeza

Chapter 132: Let's Do a Dogeza

Resurrect City, Third Inn - Next Morning

Hey, Jinrai-san.

I'm sorry.

Well, I don't feel feel like butting in to your family business, so I won't say anything about that in particular, but...

I'm sorry.

What kind of face am I supposed to make when I meet Jinrai-san's wife?

I'm sorry.

Jinrai was doing a dogeza. It was a super dogeza with his forehead rubbing against the ground and his rear sticking out.

Amazing, it was really amazing.

Louise to the side had a very satisfied face. It was a very pleased smile. She was entirely like a beast. She was saying things likeI felt like roaring.


Kazane said, and

Please forgive me!

Jinrai further bowed his head. It was like he was excavating a hole.

He wasn't doing a dogeza because Kazane particularly cared about making him do one. Early in the morning she was stealthily woken up by Jinrai, who had Louise's scent attached to him, and summoned out to the back of the inn, where he started doing a DOGEZA. For abbreviation, DGZ.

When she asked about the circumstances, she was told that Louise approached yesterday while visibly heartbroken and was three times more seductive than usual. He didn't know the reason.

Since Jinrai didn't know the reason behind her distress his heart wouldn't let him leave her alone, and carried along by alcohol and momentum, he mistakenly responded to her advances. It seemed she did her best.

The first thing Kazane had to deal with after waking up was a mature man and woman explaining their Night Practice to her, a young girl, so she was simply tired of it. If she had been made to hear such a story in the old days she would have been flustered and said things likeKyaa, no way. That's enoughwhile her face turned red like an ordinary girl, but now she was simply tired of it. Come to think of it, Kazane never had such an innocent age, so there was no change.

And the reason Kazane was called here was to preempt her from leaking the secret, since she would find out due to herDog's Sense of Smell.It was pretty underhanded.

So you want me to say nothing about this to Yumika and the others.


And your wife?

I will...tell her myself.

He was straining to speak those words, but Kazane didn't have any duty or responsibility to inform her about the cheating, so she repliedIt's not really my business so that should be fine, but

It might be better to avoid training tomorrow or the day after tomorrow.


Louise was curious about those words and asked.

She can useDog's Sense of Smellwith her Wolf God Transformation, right? You should stay away when she's transformed for about three days if you don't want to be exposed.

Jinrai was shocked after those words.

I cannot fight..... with the Wolf God Transformation...

Apparently, Jinrai was considerably shocked that he wouldn't be able to fight with the Wolf God Transformed Yumika. He hadn't been able to fight against it during the tournament, since Yumika had been holding it back because Minaka was with them. On top of that, he was burning with a strange opposing spirit after seeing Genzo's victory against the Wolf God Transformed Yumika. Because of that, it seemed he was looking forward to being able to fight against it tomorrow very much. He was like a child who had an event postponed. By the way, today was the closing ceremony and a participant-only celebration, so they planned to do only light training that morning.


As might be expected, Kazane groanedNnnat Jinrai's response, but Louise just laughedUfufubecause she liked that childlike aspect of Jinrai.

Understood. I will give it up.

After some internal conflict, Jinrai said so.

Well then, Minaka-san also wanted to fight against the Wolf God Transformation, so shall we have her do so?


He was awfully hesitant to answer, but he eventually approved.

And at noon, the closing ceremony of the Grand Tournament was held. The general division champion and runner up didn't attend, but Kazane and Karti did a joint performance and greatly excited the venue. By the way, that performance involved swapping Kazane and Karti's pre-final performances.

Furthermore, Kazane was being held by the macho men and was rubbing her cheeks on their biceps while giggling, so when Naoki saw that he saidI'm going to beat those muscle darumas to deathand had to be held back by his surrounding companions. Tiara was also raising a barbell with tears in her eyes while sayingI have to train. I have to train.It seemed she was stronger than before.

By the way, all the macho men were regular people, so after keeping company with an almost grandmother and a child they were sayingThat was tiringcongenially to each other in the break room.

Resurrect City, Feudal Lord Mansion Courtyard, Night

Well then, everyone. Please enjoy yourselves.

The lord of Resurrect said with a toast, and the surroundings became noisy all at once.


Kazane yelled that while dancing with the Tatsuyoshi-kun series, Karti, Bismarck the Sly Greed, Yuuko-nee, and the Macho men. Naoki burned with competitive spirit against the macho men and also participated, but before he knew it he was taken in by the macho men and was hitting it off with them. They felt more at ease talking with Naoki than a lively older woman or child.

And a man and woman were having a lively conversation in a corner of that excited venue.

Hmph. I certainly suffered an embarrassing defeat at this Grand Tournament. But that should be expected from that Fang Spear Soldier's favored disciple.


No, it was different. It seemed that Yumika was entangled with Axe Devil Gorgol because of their third place match. It seemed he was greatly vexed about it. The conversation was in an endless loop as he was constantly looking back on the fight with Yumika.

But, listen here. You'll see, next year I will win the championship for sure. I'll win against your Silver Hair Transformation.

But it's called the Wolf God Transformation... Yumika thought, but objecting would probably only prolong the conversation, so she stayed silent. Although her silence didn't end the conversation. And as if they were avoiding the wrath of a harmful god, no one approached, and Yumika's energy gauge was continually declining.


Kazane felt like she had danced sufficiently, and she showed up before Yumika's spirit was completely crushed.

Oh, you are the Ogre Killing Princess, aren't you?

That name has really taken hold.

It had been a while since she had done anything like Ogre extermination, but the first popular name that was attached tended to become entrenched. The alias Ogre Killing Princess was already more famous than Kazane's real name. Although it was an alias, having two names was a kind of status symbol for adventurers. Just like Fang Spear Soldier, Witch of Annihilation, Axe Devil, and Numa's Shinigami.

Or rather, that kick yesterday was amazing. That seriously shocked everyone.

Axe Devil Gorgol was talking about KazaneNeo Bazooka. That was the debut of that technique in actual battle, and the participants were uniformly shocked at witnessing the destructive power that destroyed that black monster.

As a matter of fact, a high ranking magician could make a crater of that size with a spell. But it being created by a simple kick could only make her seem like a monster. Since it was a physical attack, defensive correction from magic resistance wouldn't occur. That power would cut through the bloodshed protection technique like it was paper. Thanks to that, Kazane was considered on par with the top contenders of the tournament, so everyone was afraid of her and didn't approach.

Having said that, there are many weak spots, don't you think? Honestly, if you were the opponent it would never hit.

Hmm, I guess.

Axe Devil Gorgol affirmed. As long as he wasn't careless, he could read the trajectory and avoid the attack. Although even if he avoided it, it seemed he would be damaged just from the shock wave. Then Gorgol looked at Kazane and started speaking by sayingBut,

That probably shouldn't be used against human beings. If someone received a direct hit, there wouldn't even be bones remaining.

As far as Gorgol was concerned, that was a technique to target huge monsters such as dragons. It was overkill against human sized opponents.

We're adventurers. Human opponents are outside of our area of expertise in the first place.

Kazane assumed she wouldn't be using it in interpersonal combat from the beginning.

That is also incredible, but I'm still more interested in that armored carriage.

The Mohawk man said while arriving and breaking in from the side.

Numa's Shinigami Zengar? We didn't get to cross blades during this tournament.

The Mohawk man laughed at Gorgol's words.

We'll get another chance at the Numa Grand Tournament.

As he said that, the Mohawk man pulled out a big knife and licked it. The meaning was unclear.

Numa, huh? That's right.

Neither Mohawk nor Gorgol received any major injuries during this tournament, so they were planning to participate in the Numa Grand Tournament.

Will you also be appearing at that tournament?

The Axe Devil directed those words to Kazane and Yumika, but Kazane shook her head.

If we drop by on some other business we'll consider it, but we're busy with work right now.

Gorgol and Mohawk look disappointed when she said that. Mohawk naturally wanted to see the Thunder Chariot again, and Gorgol wanted revenge against Yumika, and he was also curious about Kazane's strength.

But Kazane felt like it was too far away. Numa was considerably distant, and they would have to pass through several countries. They couldn't just go there because they felt like it.

(Ah, but with Hippomaru-kun and the Thunder Chariot, wouldn't we would arrive quite quickly?)

They could travel at 150 kilometers per hour. At the least, they could probably reach Numa faster than anyone else.

After that the celebration proceeded smoothly, and Kazane, the winner of the summoning division tournament, was given the title High Beast Summoner. It was a title given to a summoning master who used a beast-type summoned creature to gain some merit. Although Yumika didn't get a title, she received Sylphyn Boots as a prize, which were boots made from the same material as Kazane's skirt. It was armor made from monster materials that increased her speed and allowed her to use something like Air Jump, although she could only jump in the air once.

Name: Yuihama Kazane

Occupation: Magic Swordswoman

Title: Ogre Killer, Dragon Slayer, High Beast Summoner

Equipment: Staff White Blaze, Two Handed SwordBlack Fang, Adhesion SwordGum, Spell Dagger, Dragonscale Breastplate, Drake Gauntlets, Silver Sheep Clothes, Sylphyn Skirt, Plasma Pants, Dragon Ogre Greaves, Indestructible Cloak, Mysterious Pouch, Crimson Saint Coffin, Heroic Spirit Summoning Ring, Circlet of Wisdom, Aim Bracelet, Magic Accumulator, White Magic Accumulator

Level : 29

Health: 101

Magic Power: 170+420

Strength: 49+10

Agility: 40+4

Endurance: 29

Wisdom : 55

Dexterity : 33

Spell : Fly Torch Fire HealFirestormHealer RayHigh Heal

Skill : Warrior's Memory Night Vision Crushing Blow Dogs Sense of Smell Golem Maker: Lv2 Rush Fire Principle: Third Chapter Healing Principle: Fourth Chapter Air Jump: Lv2 Killing Leg: Lv2 Fear Voice Invisible Tiger Eye Wall Walking Intuition Cheat Death NimbleChargeMaterial ShieldInformation LinkOptical CamouflageDashBloodsucking BladeDragonizationRegenerateSoul Breaking BladeStealthy PlacementThunder Chariot

Kazane: I heard a terrible story very early this morning.

Yumika: What happened?

Kazane: Nnah, nevermind (I can't tell Yumika).


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