
Chapter 104: Going to the Ghost Town

Chapter 104: Going to the Ghost Town

Kazane's party left Shijiri City after midnight and headed south on the Muruage Highway to go to the abandoned capital.

Although they thought they would meet monsters on the way, perhaps they were afraid of Hippomaru-kun, or maybe the lights from the Indestructible Crystal Lamps were too dazzling; in any case they didn't encounter a single trouble on the road, and they reached the abandoned capital.

The sun was just now beginning to rise in the eastern sky. Kazane and the others reached their destination at the perfect timing.

Abandoned Capital Muruage, Entrance

So then, SkillGolem MakerTatsuyoshi-kun Dragoon!

Kazane took two helmet-like parts from their respective Mysterious Bags and activated them with her staff. The two helmet-like parts came alive with the sound of clanging metal, and they transformed into the shape of an upper body and a lower body.

What's this? A robot?

Naoki raised a surprised voice when the lower half stood up and went over a little before kneeling down, and then the upper half climbed up the lower half and started spinning to set itself in place.

And a clank rang out out to indicate that Tatsuyoshi-kun Dragoon was finished assembling.

Hmm, it's bigger than the previous Tatsuyoshi-kun.

Jinrai said, and Kazane respondedIts height is about 1.5 times taller.

Its power is also higher. Accordingly it consumes more Magic Power than before, but I will supplement with this thing for movement.

Kazane inserted the other Childstone she got from Agato into Tatsuyoshi-kun Dragoon's chest.

I thought the Magic Power of a Childstone was insufficient to use with Tatsuyoshi-kun?

Yumika had heard that from Kazane.

Yes, if it fights with all its power. It depends on the battle, but I can switch to supplying my Magic Power along the way. Besides, I want to see how long it can move after activation with the supply from the Childstone before it starts requiring my own Magic Power.

Behind the talking Kazane, Tatsuyoshi-kun Dragoon grabbed the grips of the dragon horns on Hippomaru-kun's left and right flanks and removed them. And then Tatsuyoshi-kun Dragoon was  equipped with the dragon horn tonfas that were as long as it was tall. It was taller than the previous Tatsuyoshi, but it was somewhat slimmer. It appeared to be an armored warrior covered with black dragon bones in a spiky design.

It can fight?

Those horns should be effective against ghosts, so there is no problem.

Aneki, what is this guy?

Naoki was observing Tatsuyoshi-kun Dragoon nervously.

My new partner. I have another, but I'll be holding her back.

Yuuko-nee would be called during battle if necessary. Instant summoning was the distinctive trait of Childstone summons, so they were easy to use for surprise attacks.

Well then, my preparations are now finished and we can start exploring, but everything is considerably weathered.

Kazane was surveying the surroundings as she spoke.

It has already been 700 years since that old matter.

Mefirus replied.

Because many were stone buildings they kept their shape, but most looked like they would collapse if they were touched.

They've been continuously wandering around since such a long time ago.

When such a place is made it's like an unremovable stain, and the only option is to seal it.

Jinrai spoke while cautiously watching the surroundings. Kazane was also carefully looking around and repliedSo that's how it is.Astral monsters like ghosts mostly didn't have scents, so there was a high possibility that Kazane'sDog's Sense of Smellwouldn't be effective. If the other party was a zombie or the like that was another matter.

So where are we going first? It would be pointless to just wander around, right?

Louise said, and Naoki opened a map before he answered.

Looking at past trends it seems that there is a tendency for ghosts to gather around Mule's Cathedral, the feudal lord's mansion, and the mausoleums in the north and the south.


One of the gods, Aneki. She seems to protect this whole region.

Ah, she also came to Tsuvara last year.


When Kazane and Yumika tilted their heads at the same time Naoki gave them a helping hand.

The fact is there are gods here.


They didn't understand the discussion well.

By the way Naoki, when did the request come into effect?

Naoki examined the request form in response to Jinrai's question.

Um, about a week ago. It seems like other adventurers have come near the entrance, so we might meet them, or they may unexpectedly already be finished, or ..... I'd rather not say it.

The surrounding magical power is relatively stagnant. Perhaps we will encounter them already zombified.

Kazane had a displeased expression after Jinrai's remark.

I wish you wouldn't say unpleasant things. Just when I was thinking we should split into two groups.

Splitting up is a horror film death flag.

Yumika warned Kazane.

I also think that it would be better to drop that idea.

Because Jinrai also said so Kazane repliedThen we won't do that.

Well then, Naoki. I will borrow the map.

While saying that Kazane snatched the map away from Naoki and compared the map's layout with the surroundings.

It seems there are two parties right now. Both seem to be heading towards the Cathedral.

How do you know that?

To Naoki's question Kazane repliedBecause my nose is good.

Shall we go and check out the feudal lord's mansion for a while before going over there?

Everyone voiced their agreement with Kazane's words.

Muruage Abandoned Capital, Commercial District

Weapons shop? There is nothing inside.

Kazane surveyed the inside of the ruined building.

Don't go too far inside. Ghosts may be lurking in the sun's blind spots, like dark places and shadows.


Although Kazane wasn't worried about possession since she had the Circlet of Wisdom. Possession was also a kind of status abnormality.

Besides, it has already been 700 years, so anything like treasure has already been taken.

Louise pointed out, and Kazane agreed withCertainly.

But I think it's worth trying dowsing later.

Tiara said, and Jinrai repliedThat's right.

It's certainly possible that there are hidden rooms. It may be good to try it out after exploring the feudal lord's mansion.

Naoki didn't understand the meaning of the remarks and was tilting his head, but Kazane nodded. Even if there was a concealed room the inside may not be safe. Or more precisely it seemed like the probability of weathering was high.

While discussing this and that Kazane, Jinrai, and Yumika stopped walking at the same time. After them Naoki also noticed the signs and surveyed the surroundings. Louise and Tiara saw them and strengthened their vigilance.

There are steps coming from the feudal lord's mansion.

From the steps it doesn't seem like there's a pincer attack, but we should still be wary about receiving one.


After Jinrai's remark Kazane pulled out Black Fang while nodding.

(Which reminds me, Diablo was wary of this sword, right?)

She remembered Diablo saidit's a bit dangerouswhen they fought in Rock Hold.

(It may be pretty effective against Astral types)

Kazane was thinking that when clattering sounds came to be heard.

I can't smell them, so they're probably not living things.

At the same time Kazane spoke, 10 enemy armored figures with swords came around the corner.

Ghost Knights? They're hard. Be careful.

Jinrai and Yumika readied their spears.

Louise-san, blast them.

Yes, yes.

According to Kazane's instructions Louise shot Thunderstorm, and 4 bodies in the center were hit and staggered. The Ghost Knights that weren't hit noticed there were enemies and ran towards them.

Jinrai-san and Yumika to the left, and me, Tatsuyoshi-kun, and Naoki to the right. Tiara, use Flare Bird and distract the remaining four.


Four people nodded at the same time after Kazane's directions and started to move as instructed. Naoki whistled lightly at that state of affairs.

Naoki, can I leave one to you?

No problem.

Seeing Naoki's nod Kazane chanted SkillDash and started to run.

Tatsuyoshi-kun Dragoon also ran after her, and then Naoki.

Well then.

Kazane reached out with her right hand and released Material Shield. A Ghost Knight bumped into an invisible wall and staggered.


Without stopping Kazane jumped toward the staggering Ghost Knight with a flying kick.

The Ghost Knight loudly collapsed. Kazane saw it, then she Air Jumped and saidSkillKilling Legbefore immediately destroying another one.

Naoki was staring dumbfounded at the situation with the two dead Ghost Knights, but Tatsuyoshi-kun Dragoon paid no attention to its master, and after stabbing the left and right dragon horn tonfas into a Ghost Knight's body it pulled its arms horizontally and tore it apart.

Both of them are outrageous.

While saying that Naoki took out one magic sword and started attacking a Ghost Knight.

Eat this!!

When Naoki slashed the Ghost Knight the sword slipped through the armor and passed through.

Then the Ghost Knight's body broke down and collapsed with a crash.

What is that?

To Kazane's question Naoki only respondedIt's called Ghost Killing Sword Kudou, and it's a phantom sword.Only the hilt was solid, and the rest was a phantom sword. Like Naoki said it was for use against ghosts, although to be exact it was a magic sword for use against any Astral being.

Naoki looked at the others' situations. Jinrai and Yumika had already defeated their share and were now fighting the four remaining bodies together with Flare Bird. In addition Kazane also joined their battle, and shortly after it ended.

Mm, the swords are all dull and the armor is also tattered.

After the end of the battle Kazane went to collect material and grumbled.

If we take them back it seems like we can only sell them as scrap iron.

Yumika also observed the collapsed armor with disappointment.

Well, it seems that's the way it is. Sometimes there are individuals that have great swords. For now we'll just gather these.

Saying so Jinrai took out something like a glass marble from a ruined armor.

What is that?

It's the core of an astral-type monster called a Soul Core. It is a lower grade of material than a Corestone, but if we bring them back we can redeem them for a subjugation reward.

Kazane saidI seewhile she noisily searched through the scattered armor. By the way, her skills did not increase.

Name: Yuihama Kazane

Occupation: Magic Swordswoman

Title: Ogre Killer, Dragon Slayer

Equipment: Staff White Blaze, Two Handed SwordBlack Fang, Dragonscale Breastplate, Drake Gauntlets, Silver Sheep Clothes, Carapace Bull Trousers, Dragon Ogre Greaves, Indestructible Cloak, Mysterious Pouch, Crimson Saint Coffin, Heroic Spirit Summoning Ring, Circlet of Wisdom, Magic Accumulator, White Magic Accumulator

Level : 29

Health: 101

Magic Power: 170+420

Strength: 49+10

Agility: 40

Endurance: 29

Wisdom : 55

Dexterity : 33

Spell : Fly Torch Fire HealFirestormHealer RayHigh Heal

Skill : Warrior's Memory Night Vision Crushing Blow Dogs Sense of Smell Golem Maker: Lv2 Rush Fire Principle: Third Chapter Healing Principle: Fourth Chapter Air Jump: Lv2 Killing Leg: Lv2 Fear Voice Invisible Tiger Eye Wall Walking Intuition Cheat Death NimbleChargeMaterial ShieldInformation LinkOptical CamouflageDashBloodsucking BladeDragonizationRegenerate

Yumika: You didn't gain any skills?

Kazane: Well, their bodies are made out of armor that would be hard to cut with a sword, so maybe they don't need skills.


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