
Chapter 103: Talking About the First Time

Chapter 103: Talking About the First Time

Kazane abruptly becoming enthusiastic suddenly transformed the reunion celebration into a Quest strategy session.

The abandoned capital of Muruage was destroyed in the war between the Iota Kingdom and the Tsuvara Kingdom. On Hippomaru-kun it will take about half a day to get there.

Jinrai confirmed the contents of the request form.

They holed up in response to the Tsuvaran army's fierce attack. I heard that they were confined for several months without being able to leave when one of the nobles used a ghost technique to transform all the inhabitants into ghosts and incite them to attack.

It's a terrible story.

Indeed, but the problem came after that. Tsuvara's army was certainly able to eliminate the ghosts, but that land is an accumulation point on the Naga Line. The ghosts resonate with it, so it is a troublesome situation where the ghosts are later revived no matter how many times they are defeated.

If I remember correctly, a very long time ago a famous Priest showed up and sealed them. A ceremony to appease their souls has been done annually, but according to the request it seems it isn't working this time. Well, there are sometimes cases where the seal degrades and eventually comes undone.

It was a story showing that maintenance was important no matter the era.

Hmm. Well, now I know the origins, but I wonder if my kicks will be effective against ghosts?

It is difficult to affect Astral types with physical attacks, but your armor has dragon claws. Armaments made from dragon materials should be able to cause damage. That also includes my dragon fang spears.

Jinrai answered with a bold smile. He looked happy about finally being able to wield his new spears. After him Yumika also repliedI am ok.

My spear is made of silver, which I've heard can also damage them; in fact, it's particularly good at it.

My summoning techniques are also similar to the Astral family, so there is no problem.

The same was true for Tiara.

I will also be fine since magic can cause damage, but this time I will support and protect. The possibility of the opponents using magical abilities and spells is high, and it will be troublesome if our souls are touched.

Kazane nodded after listening to Louise's reply.

Roger. Then everyone has means to oppose them. Naoki, are you fine?

Ah, no problem. I'm a Magic Swordsman who uses magic swords. I also have magic swords that can be used against ghosts.

Kazane made a bitter face after that remark. She said gugugugu.and looked at Naoki like she wanted to say something.

What's wrong, Kazane?

Ah, it seems she has started to feel like her self-selected occupational title is increasingly inaccurate.

Yumika answered Tiara's question.

A bogus Magic Swordswoman encountered the real thing and was groaning. Kazane was being cornered. By the way, Kazane's beloved swordBlack Fangabsorbed magic, so using magic with it was not possible in the first place. Because it would absorb it.

Na, Naoki. Please.

Kazane made up her mind and looked at Naoki. Naoki was startled by that serious expression.

Wha, wha, what is it?

Please give me a sword. The strongest one.

And she did a dogeza to her younger brother. All the same, she was his older sister. Moreover, she requested the strongest.

Wait a second. Aneki, what are you doing so suddenly.

It's embarrassing, but please. Since I will give also give you money. I, I will also show you my armpits. Hey Naoki, you like to stare at your Onee-chan's armpits, right?

The surrounding gazes at absolute zero pierced Naoki at those words. Organ also saidYou like to look at strange things, my good friend.Naoki was flustered by those gazes, but,

(No, that's wrong. Looking at armpits isn't ah, no)

He couldn't say the words after that. He couldn't fix the misunderstanding. Retreating was hell, and advancing was also hell.

What? What is the fee? What do you want your Onee-chan to do?

(What do I want...?)

However, when those words arrived all thoughts about the misunderstanding were blown from his mind. Cou, could I get a kiss or something? ...... the thought popped into Naoki's head.

Ah, I will kill you if you're thinking something unpardonable.

Yumika gave a warning from behind Kazane.

No, I know. It's all right.

Naoki felt serious bloodlust from that gaze and shook his head in a panic.

Kazane, don't suddenly lower your head. It's disgraceful.

Jinrai forced Kazane to stand.


If you want a magic sword you should obtain it yourself.

You mean snatch it by brute force?

It was a bandit's way of thinking. Moreover, she was clearly enthusiastic.

Well, that's also fine if it's a fair fight.

This old man was too extreme. Naoki was shook his head violently.

But there's another way to obtain a magic sword. You can find them in the arms market in Wombard City.


Jinrai nodded.

It's true. Because of the Dragon Boat various items from across the continent spread to that place. There are many rare things like that in the market, and with your current funds you should be able to buy a magic sword.

Although it was doubtful that Kazane currently needed a magic sword. Black Fang was an excellent support sword that could restore both stamina and Magic Power when used in combination with the Bloodsucking Blade Skill.

Mm, is that so? Then I will be patient until we get to Wombard.

After Kazane spoke Organ saidWait a minute.

Yeah? Organ-san, what is it?

If you want a magic sword there's a possibility of obtaining one during this quest. I also brought this one because I thought it suited this guy's magic sword mania.

No, it's not mania. I use all of them.

Eh? Do you have a lot of them?

Naoki nervously nodded because of Kazane's envious look.

I currently have 9.

Give me!!

Kazane said and clung to Naoki.

(Dangerous. This is dangerous)

Naoki was fading fast from the sensation of Kazane's (nonexistent) chest pressed against him, but sayingyes yes, that's enoughTiara separated Kazane from Naoki, then started hugging Kazane while glaring at Naoki.

Nunu, what's this. You are?

Naoki's blissful time was stolen, and he looked at Tiara.

I am Kazane's close friend Tiara. Fellow siblings clinging to each other too much isn't good.

Tiara said while hugging Kazane with her tayuntayun cushions attached. Tiara's situation was similar to Yumika, and with a subtle expression Naoki nodded. It was a scene that occurred frequently in the original world.

Hm. Youuse9 magic swords? I wonder how they're used.

Jinrai didn't care about that exchange and was curious about that.

Muu. So Organ-san, what were you saying about obtaining a magic sword?

Do you finally feel like listening? Well, there's a rumor about a Dullahan Lord appearing in the abandoned capital, and it seems he possesses an ice magic sword.

Dullahan Lord? I don't think there was one from the start, so I wonder if it promoted from an evil spirit. But if that's the case there might not only be ghosts.

An evil spirit could have promoted even though they were above ground, the same way it could inside a dungeon. Unlike a dungeon there wasn't the concept of difficulty layers above ground.

The degree of difficulty is reasonably high for certain. You don't have to force yourselves; does that mean you aren't accepting?

After Organ's remark Kazane shook her head.

We'll do it if we can do it. It has been a while since we've done a Free Quest.

Kazane said while stretching.

Wouldn't it be better to start in the morning?

Jinrai nodded after Kazane's words.

Being surrounded in an open space at night would be quite bad even for high ranked adventurers.

They're weak to sunlight, right?

If the ghost is a small fry it will simply disappear when hit by the light, and even big shots seem to be in pain from it.

Kazane nodded while saying I see.

Well then, shall we take a nap and arrange our departure so we can arrive in the morning?

Hey wait, are you going to travel at night?

Organ said, but Kazane said that it was no problem and quickly fell asleep after receiving permission from Organ.

How, she's asleep already.

Organ was surprised to see Kazane sleeping so quickly after being wrapped in the cloak. By the way, Tiara was also sleeping beside her. Yumika and the others knew that it was due to the comfort of the Indestructible Cloak, but they kept silent. The number was limited, so even if he wanted one they couldn't give him one. For the sake of their own good sleep they wanted the matter of the futons to be kept unknown as much as possible.

Well, our Leader-dono is at the age for sleeping and growing up.

Jinrai rarely said jokes, so Yumika gave a little chuckle.

Well, Aneki hasn't changed at all.

It has been about three months since we came here. Although just now she might have been in higher spirits than usual. Well, isn't it because meeting family members is relaxing?

We've also been going all over the place fighting until we came here.

Louise agreed with Yumika's words.

But it's thanks to everyone here that this blessing could happen

Naoki said, and he stood up and faced Jinrai and the rest.

Thank you for helping my older sister until now.

After Naoki said that Jinrai and the rest smiled and nodded.

Well. I would say she helped me more.

I was saved by her.

In a party it's give and take.

She's a reliable girl, your older sister.

Each remark made Naoki smile more brightly. Then Louise raised her voice and saidthat reminds me.

A little while ago Kazane said you were going out?

Yumika and Naoki simultaneously reacted withuu.Louise-san loved that kind of thing.

Even if she said we were going out it was for a really short period of time. Was it even five dates?

Naoki nodded after she spoke.

She often came to play at our house, we knew each other well, so it just kind of happened.

It seemed it wasn't a dramatic encounter. Well, normally it would be like that.

Well, if it was a quick relationship then can't you speak easily about the breakup?

No, that is ......

Naoki winced, and an ominous shadow came over Yumika's face.

That guy put Kazane's panties in his desk.

She announced.

Oh, is that so.

Louise looked at Naoki with disappointed eyes.

No, it's, but it's different.

I was also astonished when I found them.

Yumika's voice was strangely eerie. Naoki was doing his best to avert his eyes.

But I did not know who they belonged to at first, and I thought that since he was a boy .... that's what I was thinking.

HoHo. And then?

Louise urged her to continue. Organ also nodded and saidyeah, yeah, what then.

When I was looking at them inside the desk, Naoki came over with a terribly menacing attitude and pushed me down onto his bed.

Louise and Organ raised anooovoice, after which Naoki saidNo, I did it without thinking since I didn't want her to confiscate them.

I thought that I might have been too prudish with Yuji and didn't want to be hated, so even though I was scared I closed my eyes and thought I would endure it.

By the way, she talked about Yuji-kun before when they were talking at the hot springs; they broke up when he suddenly rubbed Yumika's tits. He also only got to touch one.

I resigned myself and thought, isn't it fine if it happens here...

The curious gazes of Louise, Organ, and Mefirus encouraged her to continue. Meanwhile, Jinrai was turning his face away. He was a shy old boy.

But as time went on nothing was happening, so I thought it was strange and opened my eyes.

With a stern glare Yumika pointed at Naoki.

That guy was doing a dogeza! He kept repeatingPlease. Please don't say anything to Aneki!!

Ah, that would disillusion a century's love.

Louise looked dumbfounded, and Organ burst into laughter after that.

Eh, that time, you thought we were going to do it?

Yumika instantly punched the muttering Naoki. It was the punishment of fists. The meaning of that fist wasIt's fine if you die.

Gin Sword Tavern - Late at Night

Immediately after the conversation finished all members of the party took a nap, then after midnight they woke up to prepare for their journey. Once they were ready to set off the party went outside the tavern.

Aneki, this is scary.

As soon as he left the tavern Naoki with bruised eyes muttered that short comment. He was referring to Hippomaru-kun.

It's cool, isn't it?

Kazane said. Hippomaru-kun was one size larger than an ordinary horse, and it had a thick figure from the body armor covering its entire body. Furthermore, on the left and right were strange metal objects like half spheres and huge dragon horns, and the forehead had horns jutting out that looked like they had high killing ability. Moreover, its whole body was dyed jet black, and now the eyes were shining. The lights were from putting Indestructible Crystal Lamps from Coral Temple in its head. The lights were usually hidden by putting a dummy eye cover over them, but Kazane had removed the cover because it was night. Hippomaru-kun's majestic appearance could not be matched by an ordinary monster. It would certainly be a mid-boss class.

By the way, High Hippo-kun's Indestructible Crystal Lamps were merely hanging from its neck by strings.

Well, it certainly might be scary.

If it passed by in the middle of the night it might be mistaken for a Shinigami's horse.

Yumika said after Louise. Anyway, it was curiously impressive. This horse.

Well then, we should go.

Said Kazane while she boarded Hippomaru-kun, and behind her was Tiara, followed by Yumika.

Naoki blatantly made awhat about me?expression, but Kazane ignored it. She wasn't going to accommodate her stupid little brother.

Ara ara, I wonder if you're dissatisfied about being behind me.

No, there is no such thing. Ok.

Naoki shook his head after Louise's question. It may be misunderstood because his beloved older sister was like that, but Naoki liked them older, particularly women with an older sister nature. The Yuuko-nee type was his strike zone.

This horse is amazing. It's like a moving work of art. White and smooth ... is it Keiron rock?

Kazane repliedthat's rightto Organ's question.

I know you have lights and good transportation, but it's the middle of the night. Will you be okay?

It was a period of time when many demons were active.

I've verified that we'll be fine for night travel with the lights. Well, the light level is irrelevant for a Golem.

As a matter of fact, Kazane had always traveled during the day, so this was the first time at night. Just in case she confirmed their safety and got permission from Jinrai and Louise, who had abundant night traveling experience. All that was left was to try it out.

Will it really be OK?

Organ didn't know their circumstances and was worried about Kazane and the others until the end. He was quite a worrywart.

Name: Yuihama Kazane

Occupation: Magic Swordswoman

Title: Ogre Killer, Dragon Slayer

Equipment: Staff White Blaze, Two Handed SwordBlack Fang, Dragonscale Breastplate, Drake Gauntlets, Silver Sheep Clothes, Carapace Bull Trousers, Dragon Ogre Greaves, Indestructible Cloak, Mysterious Pouch, Crimson Saint Coffin, Heroic Spirit Summoning Ring, Circlet of Wisdom, Magic Accumulator, White Magic Accumulator

Level : 29

Health: 101

Magic Power: 170+420

Strength: 49+10

Agility: 40

Endurance: 29

Wisdom : 55

Dexterity : 33

Spell : Fly Torch Fire HealFirestormHealer RayHigh Heal

Skill : Warrior's Memory Night Vision Crushing Blow Dogs Sense of Smell Golem Maker: Lv2 Rush Fire Principle: Third Chapter Healing Principle: Fourth Chapter Air Jump: Lv2 Killing Leg: Lv2 Fear Voice Invisible Tiger Eye Wall Walking Intuition Cheat Death NimbleChargeMaterial ShieldInformation LinkOptical CamouflageDashBloodsucking BladeDragonizationRegenerate

Kazane: Well, what were you people talking about while I was sleeping?

Yumika: Well, various things.

Kazane: In any case I'm guessing you were telling a story about Naoki having my panties.

Yumika: You, heard about that?

Kazane: ? I don't know what you're talking about, no. It happens when you have a younger brother. They were returned so I didn't worry about it. It's not like they would get dirty or something like that, right?

Yumika: No no, normally they wouldn't ...... probably.


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