Manipulative Harem God

Chapter 50 Smuggling what....?

Chapter 50 Smuggling what....?

As the clock struck 8 in the evening on March 14th, 2023, Zhang Wei finally emerged from the room.

He stretched his body, and Raven and Brick's faces twitched simultaneously, having been forced to stand outside for hours.

Zhang Wei seemed nonchalant, as if nothing out of the ordinary had happened, but Raven couldn't help but feel a twinge of shame, wondering just how long Rose and Zhang Wei had been engaging in their intimate activities.

Zhang Wei had no intentions of directly commanding the gang, but he wanted to make it clear that there was someone above Rose.

He ignored the weird looks he received and strode down the stairs with purpose.

Raven's face twitched as she found Zhang Wei to be quite arrogant.

Her lips parted slightly, indicating that she was about to speak, but then closed as she hesitated.

With a deep breath, she realized that she was still clueless about the true relationship between her boss and Zhang Wei.

Suddenly, the screen flickered with a message - Villain Points +100 - and Zhang Wei's eyes widened for a moment in surprise.

The distribution of points seemed to be getting more and more bizarre with each passing moment.

[Host, the points are a cumulative reward for owning your first gang and causing mental agony to Ye Feng] the system explained.

'Wait, Ye Feng was here?' Zhang Wei's eyebrows furrowed, but soon a cunning smirk replaced his expression.

The outcome was even better than what he had planned.

With the hundred points he had earned, the earlier loss of buying the vitality pill for Rose has already been settled, and his investment has already become secure.

Lost in his thoughts, he suddenly heard raucous laughter and felt a heavy pat on his shoulder. "Tsk, brother, I thought you were here to catch up, but you're already making a deal with our boss? Aren't you moving a little too fast?" It was Tang Bo, grinning from ear to ear.

Zhang Wei couldn't help but shake his head in disapproval at the sudden opportunist. He knew that these types of people were like poison - dangerous and harmful.

However, if used effectively, they could immensely benefit you. It was a fine balance - either you use them or they use you; there was no middle ground.

But then again, wasn't it the same in all relationships to some extent?

"Is that how you talk to your new boss?" Zhang Wei turned to him and grinned, making their positions clear.

Tang Bo's face showed a brief moment of surprise before he quickly regained his composure and laughed again. "So, say new boss! Any orders for the gang?" he announced in a loud voice, making sure his words were heard in every corner of the bar.

Raven and Brick frowned simultaneously, their displeasure evident. They knew that this was equivalent to an open challenge to Rose's authority.

"Wait, when did you become our boss!?" Raven's voice boomed from above, effectively halting the uproar like a bolt of lightning.

Tang Bo, who was the root cause of all this, fell silent, but his eyes sparkled with mischief as he continued to pull the strings of the situation.

Zhang Wei glanced at him with a hint of amusement, his eyes narrowing slightly, before turning his attention back to Raven. "So, am I your underling?" he asked with a sly smirk, his lips curling up mischievously.

Raven's face scrunched up in confusion at the absurdity of the question. "How is that possible!?" she muttered in disbelief.

Zhang Wei nodded thoughtfully, his laughter bubbling up from deep within. "Yes, how is that possible?" he echoed, his tone teasing yet playful.

He didn't bother to defend his status, knowing full well that his recent dalliance with her boss had elevated him above the rest of them.

At this point, he could have easily become a diplomat, using his charm and wit to navigate any situation.

"Just ask your boss once she wakes up, but be sure not to disturb her. She's had a long day," Zhang Wei said with a soft chuckle, his eyes twinkling with amusement as he walked out of the room, dragging a disgruntled Tang Bo behind him.

Tang Bo's face twisted into an ugly scowl, feeling the iron grip of Zhang Wei's hand on his shoulder as he was helplessly dragged out of the commotion like a ragdoll.

As they made their way out of the bar, Tang Bo finally managed to wrench his shoulder free from Zhang Wei's iron grip.

He spun around, rubbing his sore shoulder, and laughed with embarrassment. "Brother Zhang, it appears you have been hitting the gym hard. Your grip is something else now."

Zhang Wei, who didn't have time for small talk, pulled out his phone and showed Tang Bo a photo of a woman. "Get her details, find all of her relatives, and make them disappear," he ordered, his tone serious.

Tang Bo frowned, taking the phone from Zhang Wei's hand and scrutinizing the woman's picture.

After a while, he couldn't help but feel a sense of unease. "Killing so many people would get me in trouble, brother," he said, his voice hesitant. "The law doesn't care if some street punk dies, but a civilian death might cause an uproar."

Zhang Wei took out a cigarette from his pocket and lit it up. He blew out a cloud of smoke and smirked. "Law?" he scoffed. "You don't need to worry about it. Just make sure not to get caught on any CCTV. The rest, I will take care of and suppress the case. Trust me, I have connections."

Tang Bo's eyes widened in surprise. 'Brother Zhang would take care of it alone?' he thought to himself.

His mind raced with questions about what kind of connections Zhang Wei had and what his true motives were.

Could he trust him?

He couldn't help but fathom the dangerous implications of this assignment.

Zhang Wei snatched his phone back without bothering to explain himself to Tang Bo, then he proceeded to send a text to both of his new slaves.

He quickly sent a message to Rose with the list of people she needed to protect. It was the reason he had come here in the first place.

He then texted Leng Yan, instructing her to handle the matter concerning Hao Yue. The photo he had shown Tang Bo was none other than Hao Yue.

Zhang Wei was aware that Hao Yue's relatives could cause trouble if they found out about her sudden disappearance.

He didn't want to take any chances and decided to eliminate them. This way, he could focus his attention on the Song family for the time being.

Tang Bo snapped out of his trance, nodding his head in agreement.

He knew he was taking a huge risk by trusting Zhang Wei's words, but he also saw it as an opportunity to prove his usefulness.

"Brother, if there's nothing else, may I go?" Tang Bo asked, eager to leave. He was a quick learner and adaptable to the situation.

Zhang Wei raised his eyebrows, surprised by Tang Bo's eagerness to leave. "Why are you in such a hurry?" he asked, curious about the sudden change in his behavior.

At first, Tang Bo was hesitant to speak, but under Zhang Wei's stern gaze, he had no choice but to spill the beans.

As he spoke, Zhang Wei found himself becoming increasingly surprised.

Tang Bo was not only involved in forbidden activities in the gang, but he had also established a separate division of his own.

Many members of the White Tigers gang, who were dissatisfied with the gang's functioning, had joined his division.

Zhang Wei wasn't surprised to hear this. If Rose didn't allow an underworld gang to function like an underworld gang, it was bound to happen sooner or later.

What surprised Zhang Wei the most were the activities that Tang Bo and his people were carrying out.

When Tang Bo explained the purpose of his early leave, even Zhang Wei couldn't help but speak out in shock, "You're smuggling what...?"


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