Manipulative Harem God

Chapter 49 Ye Feng Regret, The Plot Armor Glitched?

Chapter 49 Ye Feng Regret, The Plot Armor Glitched?

"Ahnn~ Slow down..."

The woman's voice trembled as she gasped for air, trying to keep up with the relentless pace.

"I-I am tired~"

Her words came out in short, labored breaths, and her legs felt like they were going to give out any moment.


A low groan escaped her lips as she struggled to keep moving, her muscles protesting with each step.



"Tch, the lucky bastard," Brick, the male bodyguard guarding outside, clicked his tongue in annoyance.

"She is still the boss," Raven, the female bodyguard, elbowed him, her eyes darting around nervously.

She knew better than to speak ill of the powerful woman they were sworn to protect.

Zhang Wei may have tamed their dragonesse, but it didn't mean they could stop fearing her and challenging her authority.

The woman inside that room was a force to be reckoned with, and they knew it all too well.

The whole bar was now empty except for a few people, including Tang Bo, who had chosen to mind their own business and occasionally glance up at the top of the room.

Earlier, the place had been packed to the brim, with a huge uproar that had filled the air.

At first, they had thought their leader was teaching the newbie a lesson, but then the unmistakable sounds of moaning confirmed what was actually happening, causing an even bigger uproar.

However, the commotion didn't last long.

After an hour, most of the members started to feel irritated and left to find prostitutes to relieve their pent-up frustration.

Now, only a handful of gang members remained in the bar, and the entry for outsiders had been closed for obvious reasons.

The atmosphere was tense, and no one dared to speak out of turn, knowing that their leader was not to be disturbed.

Right then, few steps echoed from the main entrance.



As the sound of footsteps echoed through the halls, Raven's frown deepened with each rising step.

Her senses were on high alert, sensing bad vibes from the new arrival.

The others in the room also turned to look, their curiosity piqued.

Finally, the person came into full view, and everyone's hearts trembled in unison.

It was Ye Feng, moving slowly and steadily towards them. The air seemed to grow heavy with tension as they watched him approach.

After much contemplation, Ye Feng had come to give Rose a chance by agreeing to be in a relationship with her.

His clothes were stained and dirty, as if he had just come from his roadside stall.

The others in the room couldn't help but stare at his disheveled appearance, puzzled by his sudden appearance.

'Why are they all staring at me weirdly? Have I become more handsome?' Ye Feng frowned, feeling self-conscious under their scrutiny.

Despite the strange gazes, he remained undaunted, his proud face and grin unwavering as he began to climb the stairs.

As Ye Feng made his way up the stairs, his ears suddenly perked up at the sound of a strange noise coming from the top. It was a moan, followed by a soft gasp.


He knitted his brows in confusion, turning to look at Raven and Brick for an explanation.

But before they could say anything, the moaning grew louder, filling the entire place with an unmistakable sound.

The closer Ye Feng approached, the more the voice became clear, and he suddenly recognized the owner of the voice.

His feet felt like they had turned to ice, and his face twisted into an expression of disgust and anger.

It was Rose who was making those sounds.

He couldn't believe what he was hearing, and his mind raced with a thousand questions.

Why was she making those noises?

Who was she with?

His heart sank as he realized the truth.

As he heard Rose's moans, Ye Feng felt a pang of jealousy mixed with betrayal.

Although he had never considered Rose to be his girlfriend, he still felt hurt by the thought of her being with another man.

He couldn't help but wonder if his reaction was due to his own hypocrisy or arrogance.

Raven, who was aware of Ye Feng's immense powers, spoke up in an attempt to calm him down. "Ye Feng, please be patient," she said, her voice shaking slightly with nervousness.

Ye Feng turned to look at her, his eyes blazing with anger, Raven shivered by his gaze and turned silent.

Ye Feng knew that Raven was right - he needed to stay calm and rational.

But the thought of Rose being with someone else was too much for him to bear. He took a deep breath and tried to compose himself, his mind racing with a thousand thoughts and emotions.

Ye Feng's fists clenched even tighter, and his eyes burned with fury as he asked, "Is she alone?"

Raven froze, unsure of how to reply. But before she could say anything, Brick spoke up from behind her with a twisted grin on his face, "The Dragon Lady is with her special guest right now. You better come back later."

The words hit Ye Feng like a ton of bricks. He felt a mix of anger, hurt, and betrayal all at once.

Rose was with someone else, and he had been foolish to believe that she was interested in him.

Without another word, Ye Feng turned on his heel and stormed out of the room, his mind racing with a thousand thoughts and emotions.

He knew that he needed to stay calm and rational, but the pain of betrayal was too much to bear.

As Ye Feng stormed out of the room, he could feel the eyes of the other men on him, their smiles mocking and triumphant.

He knew that they had all resented him for rejecting Rose time and time again, and now they were relishing in his pain.

As he stepped outside, his eyes scanned the surroundings and found a towering concrete wall blocking his way. His fists clenched in anger, and he marched towards it with a determined stride.

The wall loomed over him, mocking him with its impenetrable surface. Without a second thought, he balled his fist and struck it with all his might. A deafening *boom* echoed through the empty street, and the wall quivered under the impact.

But his victory was short-lived. As he pulled his hand back, he winced in pain, his knuckles scraped and bleeding. Yet, he refused to let the wall defeat him.

With a heavy heart, he turned his back on it and trudged towards his broken bicycle, the only witness to his futile battle.

He mounted it and rode it back home, his mind consumed with thoughts of revenge, his eyes bloody red whole way back to home.

Today, Ye Feng's plot armor seemed to have failed him. It was as if fate had conspired against him, leaving him vulnerable and exposed.

In the past, he had been able to make any woman wait for him as long as he wanted, and they would still be crazily infatuated with him, ready to do his bidding.

This had led him to develop an inflated sense of self-importance, believing that they didn't have their own minds to think for themselves.

But the harsh truth was that nobody in this world waits for anyone. Life moves on, even in the face of death.

People carry on, eventually forgetting the names of even the greatest of rulers like Emperor Song.

It was a sobering thought, reminding Ye Feng of his own mortality and insignificance in the grand scheme of things.

"If anyone is naive enough to assume that a woman or man would want to wait for them for ages, then it is only their ignorance. The reason why someone may be waiting is not that they love you unconditionally, but it is because they have not found someone better yet" ~ An Enlightened SKuLL

The idea that someone would willingly wait for another person for an extended period is a delusion born out of ignorance.

The truth is that people do not wait for anyone out of love or loyalty, but out of their own self-interest.

It is a harsh reality that people are always looking for something better, and if someone is willing to wait for you, it is only because they have not found something more worthwhile.

The notion that people will wait around for you indefinitely is a foolish one, and it is essential to recognize this truth.

Love is not about waiting for someone to come around, but about mutual respect and understanding.

It is a transactional relationship, where both parties receive something of value.

If you cannot offer something of value to the other person, then there is no reason for them to wait around for you.

In the end, waiting for someone is not a sign of love, but of foolishness.

It is essential to be honest with yourself and others about your intentions and to accept that people are not objects to be possessed or manipulated.

Only then can you build a relationship that is based on mutual respect, trust, and understanding, and not on false assumptions and unrealistic expectations.


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