
Chapter 132: Tsukuyomi Academy Newspaper

Chapter 132: Tsukuyomi Academy Newspaper

Of course, we can’t just exit the dungeon like this.

Normally we wouldn’t be able to show ourselves with this kind of outfit, even more so when it has become like this.

This is why we have to change before leaving the twilight road.

Bearing various kinds of scar, in order to hide them, we changed our clothes and head to the exit.

When we went outside, the sun was setting. Maybe it is already time for dinner. Nanami was waiting for me outside this time as well, she greeted us with a welcome back and head over to receive us. Since there’s a scent of meat lingering around, perhaps she was having her meal but I pretended not to notice Gabby’s stomach roar. The embarrassed Gabby is really cute.

Now then, it seems like we did not cause that much fuss despite everything that happened so far.

I already told Nanami what would happen and since I relayed that much to Shion-san beforehand, it didn’t seem to become an uproar. Lord Benito was pretty upset though.

Well, it’s only natural to get panic when something like that happened in front of his eyes huh. Even more so when it happened to his precious little sister.

For the time being, we were able to talk about what we would say to Lord Benito when we were changing. Eventually, she will choose her own path. I don’t know what choice Gabby would make, but he would surely support whatever choice she chooses.

With this and that happening, the next day has arrived. After I was done with the usual running and mock battle, I was feeling like taking a day off and take it slow. But unfortunately, I have an appointment today.

“Welcome to the Newspaper club. I have been wanting to meet the rumored Takioto-kun. Hey,hey, Can I call you Takky? Takky★”

Suddenly greeted by the high-tension Chief Editor, Ivy. I let out a sigh.

“Ah, sorry about that. I haven’t introduced myself yet have I. I am the Chief Editor and the President of Newspaper Club, as well as the Idol of Tsukuyomi Academy, Ivy! Takky and the others don’t have to use an honorific with me Ya’know! Mufufu.”

Saying so, she straightens her fluffy rabbit ears while making peace sign pointing at her eyes. She is a rabbit person, Ivy.

She is a rare rabbit person character in Tsukuyomi Academy. There seemed to be some fox and raccoon beast people in the academy beside those who are sub-heroines however, I have never seen any rabbit person other than her.

That might be due to their characteristics as one of the rabbit tribe. Although there are individual differences, rabbit people often have less magic power than fox and raccoon people so they are not very good at magic. However, they are a race that has strong legs and capable of fighting using their speed. They seem to be quite a common sight at Susanoo Martial Arts Academy.

“Nice to meet you, Ivy-sama. I am Kosuke-goshujinsama faithful bishoujo maid Nanami. You may call me Nanamin as well. Nanamin?”

“You don’t have to compete with her you know…..?”

“I see, thank you. Takky, Nanamin?”

“Ah, so it’s already decided.”

Come to think of it, if it was Iori she would call him [Iorin] so I have a feeling like I was the odd one out though……

“Then it might be sudden but how ‘bout we start the interview. You can talk frankly okay! I will fix it up for you later after all.”

“Fix it up to you say………”

“Adding more spice will make it better received you now! Now, let’s start with a self-introduction~”

“It might be the same as what you previously published but I am the Junior assistant of Shikibukai, Takioto Kousuke. I am also a part of the Hanamura family, I guess.”

“Un un, that’s a good feeling. Thank you-! Well, those are old news anyway! Let’s talk about the three committees shall wEE!”

Her tension is really high huh.

“You were appointed as the Junior Assistant of the Shikibukai but how do you feel about that? Ah, this topic might be modified later after I consult with Lord Benito so keep that in mind OK!”

“Is this interview really needed then?”

“It will basically be Takky’s words you know. But I think it would be better for the Shikibukai to review it first so I’m just letting you know about it in advance!”

Certainly, we need the Shikibukai to act as a filter. The readers will also have their own colored glasses to view the subject as well. Well, it’s better to have someone review it rather than letting me blurting something strange out by mistake. Let’s leave it to them.

For the time being, I have to answer these questions like a member of the Shikibukai would.

“Understood, I will leave the content modification in your hand. Well, if I to answer your question with that in mind then [I’m very honored to be accepted into an organization with such a long history as Shikibukai. Well, it’s only natural that I was chosen though.]. How about that?”

“Yup, that’s just like what a member of Shikibukai would say! Uwa, Takky is really amazing. Your answer really helped me with my work. You saved me a lot of trouble when I have to adjust it later!”

Saying so, she turns her eyes toward the materials in her hand.

“Then next……It’s about dungeon capturing! Dadum! You set such an unprecedented record when you soloed the fortieth floor but personally how does Takky feel about that?”

“I think anyone can do it right? If I say that President Monika will surely hold her head though. But I think that’s very Shikibukai-like you see.”

“Aah, right…..the student council and public morals committee will surely do that. Unn, no matter what Takky says it would add oil to the fire isn’t it. Let’s leave that aside, for now, shall we!”

“Then the next question! Dadum! What kind of woman is your type, Kyaa!”

Ivy holds both of her cheeks with her hands and twists around.

When I was about to retort with [Do I have to answer that?] Nanami gives me a glance that said leave it to me.

Somehow, I got a bad feeling about this but let’s try letting her handle this.

“Ivy-sama. Since Goshujin-sama is a shy person, please allow me to answer in his stead. Goshujin-sama loves Silver-hair you see. The length around semi-long to long is right on his preference.”

Talking about such characteristic features, all the eyes went toward Nanami. However, she is being nonchalant about it.

“Giving off a slightly cold impression, Charming eyes, his favorite eye color is purple by the way. Then, wearing a maid outfit that emphasized the thighs, those are the thing called Nanami-type.”

“Isn’t that just you!? Or so that was what I was about to retort but you really came out and say that it is Nanami-type huh. Well, I won’t deny that though.”

Silver-haired maid is the best right. ARe,…………Nanami, isn’t your body comes strangely close to me?

“Such enviable intimacy……..but can I change something here for a bit? Rather, I’ve been having this idea from the beginning.”

Was there any meaning to my permission then?

“What do you have in mind?”

“I want to insert Ludi-chan’s characteristic there and make Ludi-chan your type you see.”

I kinda understand that. Rather, this might help us in the future as well.

“I don’t mind. I will tell Ludi about it myself.”

“Yup yup, I’m glad that you are so understanding~! Then, on to the next question!”

After answering a few more of her questions with the Shikibukai in mind, the interview was over. Then, it’s time for idle chat.

“Ahh, the three committees really hogged all the good people away aren’t they, well, this year’s newbies are so nice so it’s really a big help for me too!”

“The Three Committees are really attractive aren’t they.”

“TOOOOOTALLY. You can get a lot of preferential treatment there! We are quite advantageous ourselves…….but it can’t be compared to the three committees at all, I’m so envious!”

“But, with your ability, you should be able to join the three committees yourself aren’t you, Ivy-san.”

When I said that, Ivy’s eyes glow in suspicion.

“Hee, you see it like that?”

“I do.”

At the very least her power should be able to rival that of the main heroine. Well, that’s thanks to the ninja-skills though.

“Fufu, Thank you! Speaking of the three committees, are you comfortable at the Three committee, Takioto-kun? There’s a lot of information restrictions over there isn’t it? If you find that suffocating you can join me instead you know?”

“I don’t intend to quit the Shikibukai you see.”

“I see. Fuhn, that’s a little disappointing. Then you can stay at the Shikibukai but won’t you consider becoming a journalist?”

“I don’t think so.”

“Is that so.”

Ivy said that and sigh.

“I haven’t found a freshman to join us yet you see. If you meet someone good, be sure to introduce them to me alright!”

For the time being, there’s a person that I can introduce to her but I haven’t talked to that person yet.

When I was worried about what to do, Ivy clapped her hands.

“Ah, right right, Takky, Takky. I just remembered a brilliant child just now. Do you know Takky?”

“What about?”

“About the other interesting boy, Hijiri Iori-kun!”

Obviously. I nod.

“Is that so, the story about him taking down the demon was popular you know. But as expected, you still haven’t heard about yesterday’s matter right?”

Saying that, Sempai looks at my face.

“His party seems to break through the thirtieth floor you know? And you see, they got an official offer.”


I part ways with Ivy at the newspaper club and head outside. Then I called Nanami to a stop in front of the bench in front of the flowerbed.

“Is there something wrong?”

“I have something to talk with you about.”

I pointed at the bench.

“Nanami, I have something that I have to apologize to you.”

While saying so, I remove a towel from my storage bag and wipe the bench for Nanami to sit. With a bitter smile at how close Nanami sat next to me, I was silent.

“…..what do you want to apologize for?”

“Actually, I have been hiding something from you.”

“A vacation trip with Nanami…….if it’s something like that, then it would be great though.”

Judging from her plain tone of voice, she must understand that this is a serious talk.

“That is, well, let’s go with everyone later. It is as you guessed, it is something personally important to me.”

“I’m looking forward to the trip. So, what do you want to talk about?”

“Right. I want to say that it is an event but…..this is not a game huh. Unn, should I put it as capturing then……no, event should be easier to understand. But don’t get the wrong idea, at present, it isn’t dangerous and there won’t be any battle either.

“Understood. It’s still not dangerous at this point isn’t it.”

Nanami stares at me. I’m glad that she was able to understand what I wanted to say.

“Yeah, presently that is. But I don’t know when it will happen. Depending on the cases, I will…..truthfully speaking, I want to end that event already.”

“…I see, can I ask the details?”

“About that, I want you to wait for a little for that. When it happens, I will surely let you know.”

“Why…..are you making such a half-hearted confession?”

“Well, there’s still no danger at the moment but I wonder if everyone will get angry if things keep going like this.”

“So you understand. They will surely be angry. Of course, not just myself, Ludi-sama, Yukine-sama and everyone at the Hanamura house as well.”

I think so too. That’s why I want to make it a little clearer for Nanami now.

“But I have a reason I can’t speak about it you see. And I still don’t have all the pieces necessary in order to capture it yet. If I can gather all of that, I am thinking about talking to everyone about it.”

“The necessary pieces…….?”

“Yeah, actually, I have assembled some of them already, but I want to get the rest as soon as possible.”

“Is that so…..Haa……I understand. Eventually, no, please make S?U?R?E! To tell me everything okay. And, if you come across a dangerous situation, please unreservedly come to me.”

Nanami staring into my eyes.

“Yeah, I understand. I will surely let you know. I want to borrow Nanami’s power after all.”

Sorry but, please wait a bit more. As for that girl’s case, I still don’t know what will happen after all.

Also, thinking about it, Marino-san might have a role to play in that as well. I have to doubt her with no exception. Well, I will have her ask Marino-san directly about that. If it’s Marino-san, I don’t think that her reason is a bad one though.

There are lots of things to think about that event but that’s not the only thing that I have to think about.

“And this is about a different matter but……..beware of the people in the Tsukuyomi Newspaper Club. Especially Ivy-san.”

They will only probe us for information since we just joined the three committees but It is best to be wary of them.

Those girls will start to move in earnest soon after all.


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