
Chapter 131: The Twilight Road: See Through Dungeon 3

Chapter 131: The Twilight Road: See Through Dungeon 3

Contrary to my expectations, we have been proceeding pretty smoothly so far.

Perhaps it is thanks to Yuika and Gabby.

Yuika can senses the danger and tell us where it is dangerous while Gabby can shoot long-range magic to check it out.

There’s no doubt that I am the most useless one here.

However, we might let our guard down because everything so far was so easy so I have to be mindful not to get distracted.

“Wait, what do you think that is?”

I stopped everyone and point at the box placed further inside the hallway. It is different from the box we found the magical girl outfits as it is a much more luxurious box.

Gabby looks at it with sparkling eyes however Yuika has a bitter expression on her face.

“It’s a treasure chest!”

“It’s a trap……………..!”

“Yeah, that’s definitely a trap…….!”

The sparkle in Gabby’s eyes faded as she looks at us.

“No, wait, Gabby. I understand that you are happy but.”

If I find a treasure chest I would be happy too. However, I want you to remember the thing we found when we first entered this floor.

There was water shooting at our lower half right?

“When we open it, it might shoot water at us.”

“I don’t think something like that is worth worrying about though.”

“Takioto-san, I don’t think that’s it. Let’s be a little more cunning here. The string earlier was a fake, wasn’t it? Maybe this time that treasure chest itself is a fake too?”

“…..That’s true.”

I was too naive. If its goal was for us to focus on that chest then.

“Gabby, I have something to ask of you. Can you use your magic to attack the area around the chest?”

Gabby doesn’t really agree with me but she starts casting her magic. As soon as Gabby’s specialty light magic, Light Bullet hit the side of the chest, water spewed out from the wall.

As I thought the chest itself was a decoy.

“Gabby. I’m glad you are here. Having a reliable person like you behind my back really gives me peace of mind.”

“….is, is that so? This is somehow a complicated feeling for me.”

“No, Takioto-san. It’s too early to be relieved. Please look over there.”

I stare at the place Yuika points at. What’s there is something with a head of a fish…….

“Gyo, Gyoblin?”

Speaking of Gyoblin, it is a monster that combines the body of a goblin with a head of a fish. I encountered and hunt them together with Ludi at the beginner dungeon under Sempai’s watch.

Speaking of a certain national RPG (TLN: Referring to Dragon Quest) They are small flies that even weaker than those soft bluish monsters. Rather, it is difficult to compare the two of them. They can’t possibly do any damage to the current us. Physically that is.

However, such small flies might be the monster with the highest attack power in this place.

Their specialty is their water gun. It can do almost no damage to you but it can certainly get you wet. At most, you only have to avoid slipping on the floor.

However, what about the current situation? Try letting it graze your vital spot, at the very least it would still prove fatal for you.

But these guys are supposed to be weak. It should go down with a single punch from me or Yuika. However, it is not alone. Yes, they are Gyoblins with the [s].

Any mistake could cause a broadcast accident.

“Let’s hide for now.”

Looking at its strange appearance, I exchange look with Yuika and pull Gabby to hide behind a rock.

After a while, I heard the footsteps of the Gyoblins.

“Gyo-Gyo-Gyo, Gyo-Gyo-Gyo–Gyou.”

Is it saying that [this is weird]?

I let out a sigh, seeing that the Gyoblins have turned back.

“What to do?”

“I haven’t heard that there is such a strong enemy in such a place.”

“…..Earlier you easily beat up the [Rotten Hellhound], why are you being afraid of a Gyoblin now?”

Whispered Gabby. I shook my head and say [It’s not like that].

“If you got hit in the wrong place, it might leave an incurable scar you know.”

“You completely lost me.”

“What will we do?”

“Fortunately, they haven’t noticed us yet. It is a straight path so we have to get away from that place. Can we breakthrough?”

“Let’s blitz through them, I will be counting on you Gabby-san!”

“Yeah yeah, I got it…..”

Gabby starts casting her magic while I and Yuika prepare to jump out. Adding magic to the stole, I prepare it to be ready to smack them down at any time.

Yuika doesn’t equip her gauntlet but she should be able to finish off a Gyoblin with her bare hand.

“I’m shooting!”

At the same time the light bullets flew out from the magic circle, Yuika and I jumped out.

The light bullets directly hit one of the Gyoblins and sent it flying. It shouldn’t be able to withstand that. There are four left. I immediately deploy the stole and beat down the confused Gyoblin.

When I hit a nearby Gyoblin, I turn my eyes toward Yuika.

Yuika was also moving out to battle her second Gyoblin as well.

However, she was unaware that the color of her footing was a little strange from others.


The sound of water being shot out echoes together with Yuika’s scream.

It’s good that I acted immediately. Yuika only fell on her butt but she seems to be alright. I know it already but it is white.

“Ah, ahhhhh……..”

Yuika looks at me confused. It was inevitable. The water gradually seeps into my clothes and my shoulder gradually becomes exposed.

“Ta, Takioto-san………! Y, you protected me…….!”

“What, this is but a shallow wound.”

“Please don’t put on the brave front…..are you out of your mind!?”

“Ta, Takioto-san!? What is that?”

“Aah, Gabby, so you saw it….”

My figure with the shoulder and one side of my chest exposed.

She must understand the danger that came with wearing such an outfit as she hurriedly hugged her body.

“It’s fine, Gabby. Calm down. I’m sorry that I didn’t tell you from the start. But believe me, it was not on purpose. I just thought that it would be better if you don’t know.”

Gabby looked at me with a half crying face and stepped back to the wall. Then *Click*.

“ ! Gabby, get down!”

Water gushed out from the gaps in the walls. I spread out by stole to protect Gabby but.

“A, Ahhh, T, Takioto-sama.”

I couldn’t protect myself. Apparently, the trap was aiming at the chest part, the water then dripped down to my vital part.

“I told you right, I will protect you, Gabby.”

“But, Takioto-sama is……”

“Oi oi Gabby. Why are you making such an expression? It’s alright, even if I ended up like this, I managed to protect both you and Yuika right. That’s why please look at me.”

This is my way of life.

“Yuika, if you judge that it’s safe then follow after me. I will leave Gabby to you.”

“Ta, Takioto-san? W, what are you going to do?”

“Open a path for you.”

I say that as I started running. I’m already finished. Traps? I can just step on all of it myself!

Various traps are activated and water keep gushing out from all directions. I continue to single-mindedly head forward. I also crushed any Gyoblins that show up along the way.

Fortunately, the goal was close by. It was immediately after I saw the brilliant light of the transfer magic circle.

I stopped and checking out my figure. My consciousness almost flies away but I manage to hold on to it and turn back.

Then the moment I saw the two beautiful magical girls, I realized.

I was able to protect them.

It filled me with a sense of achievement and a mysterious feeling of being released.

“Look, it’s a transfer magic circle.”

After I gave them a nod, together with Yuika and Gabby, the three of us walk toward it. With happiness plastered on our faces.

Then, when we had almost arrived at the magic circle, Gabby stumbled over something and *Click*.

The moment I heard the sound, I immediately added magic into my stole. This must be the last trial before the magic circle.

*GOGOGOGOGO* resounded the noise that we never heard before in this dungeon from all directions.

Where does it come from? Up, Down, Right, Left, Front, Back…..Back…..something massive from the Back……massive…….no, seriously.


“H, How will we survive this!?”

What is that amount of water? So they prepared the big one as the very last huh. Still, is that a pool-worth? Yeah, nope impossible.

“Rush to the magic circle, eh, a-aH it seems like we are surrounded by some strange cage.”

This is impossible. I disperse the magic power in my stole.

You know, I’ve been doing my best haven’t I? Desperately risking my own body and all.

But, somehow, I’ve always felt that it would end up like this.

You see, it’s Gabby huh. it’s Gabby you know. It’s Gabby after all.

Ah, her tearful panicked figure is so cute. The really freaking out Yuika is also cute.


“Well, that’s impossible for me.”

And then, we were swallowed by the water.


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