Magical Love: Learn To Love In Another World

Chapter 63: Guild Test Part Seven

Chapter 63: Guild Test Part Seven

I truly felt bad. I used my internal energy thinking that since Ray was using magic he would be hard to hit. But the instant the match started he didn't even move and when I hit him with my sword he went flying. I think I even heard a cracking sound as well. But how was I supposed to know he was not going to dodge? By the time I hit it was already too late to pull back. 

"Rei!" I heard Able call out my name from behind me. I turned and looked at him and my eyes began to well up with tears. Able rushed over and pulled me into his embrace. His smell, his warmth, calmed me down. I am one of those people who do not mind beating up assholes but I do not like hurting people that are good. Ray was far from being someone who could be considered an asshole. "It will be fine the doctors will look at him." Able's voice was full of concern as he spoke.

Able gently rubbed my back which relaxed my nerves. I turned my head and watched as the doctors did their job. After a while, one of the doctors came walking over to me and smiled. "He will be fine. These things do happen. At most he will need a bit of healing magic and a few days rest." 

I let out a sigh of relief. Luckily, I did not hurt him too badly. "Thank you for letting me know. And I apologize for my actions." I said giving a bow. 

"No, no. Raise your head. As I said, this is not the first time this has happened. If I recall correctly, when I first started here the instructor who was doing the test at that time was also badly wounded by a young girl. I think her name was Ruth... She should be married into the Ronstine residents." The doctor said with a chuckle.

"Wait..." I looked at Able with a questioning look, who seemed to be blushing. 

"I seem to remember my dad telling me that story a while ago." Able answered while rubbing his nose.

"Oh! So you're the son of that little girl. No wonder you did so well. Lad, just remember to never make your mother mad. I remember the instructor at that time said something about being flat chested and the next thing we knew, the instructor was being beaten into a wall without any ability to resist. We even had to get three B rank adventures to stop her." The doctor warned.

"Trust me, I know this well. From a young age, my father has always told me to listen to whatever my mother tells me. I only faced her wrath once and from then on I never crossed her again." Able replied.

This was all news to me which I found very interesting. To think that Ruth was very powerful even when she was young. This made me feel a little better about myself. Plus it seemed no matter how powerful I got, Able will still stay by my side. 

"Alright then, you and the rest can go wait in the guild lobby. There will be someone out soon to tell you if you passed and have become adventurers or not." The Doctor dismissed everyone sending us out into the lobby. 

Able, Marsil, and I sat together at a table as we waited. "Rei, remind me not to get into a fight with you." Marsil said jokingly.

"Marsil that was not funny! I really didn't mean to hurt him like that..." I pouted my lip as I said this.

"Okay, okay, I'm sorry. But you really did amaze me. You are truly strong." Marsil said with a smile.

"The three of us should have passed so why don't we do a request together when we get our guild cards." Able suddenly said. But his idea was a good one. I mean Able and I can do both backline and frontline attacks, whereas, Marsil was mainly backline. Having two people on the front line while one person who fired arrows from the backline, would make for a good combination. Almost like the role playing games, I used to play.

"Let's take Sam with us as well I mean, I know he passed and he will probably want to take a request right way as well." I wanted to help him out as much as I could without stepping on his pride. If he teamed up with us at least he would be able to earn a few quick copper to feed his family. 

"I will go ask him, you two girls go ahead and chat." Able said as he got up and walked towards Sam.

"You are really kind." Marsil suddenly said.

"Am I? I just don't want the little guy to get hurt on his first request." I mean maybe I was being kind but as fellow adventurers, we should help each other out, right?

"Not just with Sam but with me as well. I mean I am a halfbreed and you did not even give me any disgusted looks when you found out, instead, you actually smiled at me. My first impression was here is a girl I could get along with." Marsil explained.

"Well, what does race have to do with who a person is? I go by how one conducts themselves and treats others. Although you said something at the start during your introduction, you did not seem to be looking down on others. Not only that but you even took the intuitive to come over and talk with me. There is a saying Do unto others as you would have them do unto you. To be honest I do not have many friends and becoming friends with you today has really brightened my day." I found Marsil fun to talk to and we got along well. This might change in the future but for now, she seems she would be a good friend. At least not as perverted as Alissa is.


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