Magical Love: Learn To Love In Another World

Chapter 62: Guild Test Part Six

Chapter 62: Guild Test Part Six

Able walked into the viewing booth all smiles. I of course trotted over to him and gave him a hug. I normally wouldn't do this in front of so many people but as his fiancee and the fact that he had just passed the last test, how can I not show him some affection at this time. "Good work." I said with a smile. 

"Now it is your turn. He will be using magic against you where you will not be able to use it. So I suggest taking him out as quickly as possible." Able whispered into my ear. 

But a thought came to mind that kind of worried me. "Able, will you ever feel that I make you look bad? As a man I mean because of how strong I am? Will you not want to marry me if I leave you too far behind?"

"What silly things are you talking about? Rei, I have already said you are my only one. I will only marry you as long as you allow it. I am more afraid of you leaving me than anything. I have watched your power grow so much after just being at my house for a little while. Plus it is normal for females in my family to be the strongest." Able said with a smile. He held my shoulders and placed a kiss on my lips. But his words confused me. 

"What do you mean?" I thought the strongest in the family was Cedric

"Mom is the strongest person in the entire kingdom. Even my father is leagues below her. She just doesn't like the limelight." Able answered my question as he rubbed my head.

But now, I think I understood why Princess Bitch was so scared of Ruth. As someone of royalty, it wouldn't be strange for her to know Ruth's strength and Princess Bitch seemed to be very fearful of those who were stronger than her. "I see. But still, it is hard to believe since Mom is so kind and sweet." 

"Rei, she is only that way towards you. She absolutely loves you more than me. Which is fine. I want my parents to dote on you. Your life up until now has been one without familial love. I want you to have all that and much more at my house." Able's words brought tears to my eyes. I couldn't help but wrap my arms around him again and push my face into his chest. I didn't want the others to see me on the verge of crying. 

"Rei, I do not mean to interrupt your sweet moment with your fiance but it seems the instructor is getting impatient. He has called for you a few times now." Marsil said apologetically. Marsil and I kind of hit it off when she figured out I was not going to look down on her since she was a halfbreed at least I think anyway since she has been very friendly since we talked.

After wiping my eyes, I looked up at Marsil and smiled at her before turning my attention back to Able. "I will finish this quickly so we can take on a request! "

"Go! I will be here waiting." With his words, I walked confidently out of the viewing booth and into the arena. 


"Sir Ronstine, I must say you match her well." Marsil suddenly commented.

"Rei is a great girl. I am very lucky to have met her. We have only met for a short time. But I feel as if I have known her since forever. She has had a tough life until just recently, her family barely even fed her. But look at her. She is dazzling no matter where she goes. I fear one day she may leave me because of how dazzling she is." Able said as he looked at the small figure on the screen.

"I do not think you have to worry. She may not have realized it yet, but I think that girl is already head over heels in love with you." Marsil commented.

"I can tell Rei has no understanding of what love is. Even I am not sure of what love is. I just know that I can not see myself without her in my future. But no matter what happens I will never stop fighting for her affection. No matter who it is that tries to block my way." Able would not give up on Rei. He knew it was selfish but he wanted her to stand by his side.

Marsil sighed. She felt that Able and rei both had very firm solid feelings for each other. This of this she sighed once more before suddenly saying: "I wonder if she would be friends with me..." 

"Are you two not already friends? I think the two of you get along ni..." Able paused his words as he watched the screen in front of him in shock. 


"Rules are simple, you can only use internal energy and physical attacks this includes using a sword. No magic allowed for your side. I can use it but you can't and I am only using it to make sure I can preserve my life!" Ray explained the rules for me. I already knew he was going to use magic but this was still a bit unfair. 

But nevertheless, I still nodded my head and said: 'Alright let's do this." 

"Then, match, begin!" Ray shouted. 

Not wanting to waste any time I used my fastest speed possible and struck out with the hilt of my sword right at Ray's stomach. But the block or dodge I expected to come did not come. There was only a loud bang sound and a muffled cry. When I realized what was going on, Ray was already embedded into a wall. Seeing this, sweat dripped from my forehead as I quickly yelled out: "Someone, get a doctor here! "


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