Mage Adam

Chapter 261: The Royals' Concern (2)

Chapter 261: The Royals' Concern (2)

A Royal said, "At least he means us no harm for now. He saved me, and the power of ordinary Titans is growing, with the number of newborns also on the rise."

"Besides, we have no choice but to trust him."

The Royals fell silent. The phrase "no choice" struck a nerve. After a pause, someone broke the awkward silence, asking, "Forget it. We'll deal with it as it comes. Svorsi, why did you call us here today?"

"Two things," Lord Svorsi replied excitedly. "First, the conversion fungi upgrade is done. The new energy blocks made with them now have double the energy content and production efficiency."

The Royals were moved. Energy had always been a top concern, and doubling production efficiency meant a more than twofold increase in their fighting power and endurance.

"Are you sure?"

"How did he manage that?"

"Can it make Royal-grade energy blocks?"

"What's the survival rate of the new fungi?"

The questions poured out, and Lord Svorsi didn't know which to answer first. Instead, he shouted, "Listen up!"

Once the room quieted down, he said with satisfaction, "The new fungi are much better than the old ones. Their vitality and reproduction are far stronger. They can't make Royal-grade blocks, but our energy replenishment is now four times faster. That's good enough."

"You all understand what this means, right? Although we're still behind the Royals of the Metal Eaters, we won't be suffocated anymore."

Everyone nodded. This was huge. It meant the Titans could finally get out of their desperate state and start developing stably.

Lord Svorsi then shared another piece of good news they couldn't refuse, "According to Adam's experiments, the fungi can survive in most environments. The land ruined by the Metal Eaters will heal after planting them. Plus, they can live inside us, and if we do that..."

"If we do that, ordinary Titans will have a steady energy supply for long missions!" another Royal said, clearly excited. Improving the fungi was more impactful than new weapons and gear because it solved the Titans' biggest problem. With this, they could adopt a more proactive strategy and even push the fight harder, knowing their foundation was secure.

After sharing this thrilling news for a while, the group remembered to ask Lord Svorsi about the second thing.

"Second, Adam has shared most of the production process with us. A species he summoned will cultivate the fungi, and he..."

"Is he leaving Titania?!"

"No, he's heading to the front lines, right into Metal Eater territory."


Adam didn't want to waste time staying in York City. He had studied everything he could, and all the data was documented. He'd reached the limit of his alloy production skills, and there was no way for him to make any further improvements.

Also, Garfield had sent a message. He'd found something unusual in Metal Eater territory that might relate to the hidden coordinates of the world. But he wasn't certain and didn't dare get close.

The defenses there were stronger than those around the Parental Body near the Ironburg frontline. Garfield could only observe from a spatial fold, not risking any disturbance. This meant he couldn't teleport Adam over.

Adam shared this with Lord Svorsi and asked for support. First, though, he needed to upgrade himself and his summoned creatures.

The magnet production process was well-established, and Adam had a good stock of neodymium, samarium-cobalt, and other permanent magnets in his warehouse. These magnets had much stronger magnetic force than those on Earth, but they had clear flaws---they were too brittle and couldn't handle heat.

These drawbacks prevented Adam from using magnets entirely in his Titan body. Instead, he add some into his mithril body.

When his true form separated from his Titan body, that Titan body became a powerful piece of equipment, a Magic Construct in Adam's hands.

This construct replaced traditional tools like magic wands. It can boost Adam's magic and strength more efficiently while offering impressive defense.

Adam was happy with his creation and felt that Magic Constructs could become popular in the Mage World.

Adam had wanted ordinary life forms in the Mage World to have fighting power since very long ago. Now, that was finally possible.

For mages, it made alchemists' Mechanical Bodies stronger, and elemental, body-refining, and mystic mages could also benefit from a mechanical form.

Adam stood in front of the metal fluid flowing like water. He then engraved runes to embed all the magic he knew.

He added terrifyingly powerful weapon attachments, seemingly unconcerned about cost, and threw them all into his Flames.

His avatar would then refine them, building the construct entirely to Adam's vision.

Next, he needed to modify Sophia.

Sophia's second form, which Meredith had helped create, was already suited for battle. Now, Adam needed to customize a summoner construct for her based on her body shape. This wasn't too hard, as Titania could already produce aquatic metals. With the raw materials sorted out, it was just a matter of engraving magic arrays inside.

Adam did the same thing for Lina. Even though Adam wasn't sure her abilities would have much impact on Titania, he wasn't one to play favorites. So, since it wasn't too difficult, he made a construct for her as well.

Three days later, Adam's magic construct was finished.

The final product looked incredibly sleek, merging both technological and mystical elements. Every component could work on its own but was connected via a rune set. In battle, this set could activate and equip everything in a second, offering unmatched convenience.

On the fourth day, the constructs for Sophia and Lina were ready too. With everything prepared, Adam was now just waiting for a signal from Lord Svorsi.


Lord Svorsi didn't keep Adam waiting. That evening, his projection appeared before Adam; it had been a while since they'd last seen each other. Svorsi's projection said, "We Royals have approved your request and will send a team of Warlords to go with you into Metal Eater territory."

Adam performed a formal mage salute. "Thank you. I promise all the information we gather will be shared with Titans."

Lord Svorsi nodded, "I believe you, but the Royals need one more promise from you."

"Please let me know. I'll do my best to honor it."

"Don't act rashly and alert the enemy. Don't start a war before the Titans are ready."


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