Mage Adam

Chapter 260: The Royals' Concern (1)

Chapter 260: The Royals' Concern (1)

The energy paths were set up to form a magnetic smelting magic array. This setup was based on a standard electromagnetic conversion array and a smelting array developed by alchemists. At the center, a spark of energy controlled the core.

When the Flames settled in the middle of the array, Adam directed the first bit of magic into it. Immediately, the energy blocks activated and moved along the pre-defined paths toward the Flames.

The Flames transformed this energy and spread it throughout the main factory. A powerful magnetic field formed, creating a violent electromagnetic storm that almost tore Qi 31 and the nearby Titans apart.

The main factory seemed to exist in its own world. In this space, Titania's normal rules didn't apply, and strange, indescribable phenomena appeared and vanished in quick succession. Once the energy had completed its cycle, everything settled.

Without explanation, Adam invited the Titans with damaged bodies into the magnetic field and let them control the Flames. They would be the test subjects for this trial.

Adam didn't need to build a smelting furnace because the Original Flames were perfect for the task. This approach greatly helped the lower-level Titans. By serving as conduits within the magic array, their bodies would naturally become stronger, and their sparks would gain more power.

A few Titans carefully stepped into the factory. After ensuring there was no danger, they followed Adam's instructions and opened their Flames. Energy surged into their Flames, and their wounds healed almost instantly.

"Amazing!" one exclaimed.

Adam added, "This won't help the Warlords much, but your apprentices can use this opportunity, or you can pass the Flames on here." He then looked at Qi 31. "You can also bring the Flame Sparkles stored in the Flame House here. They'll be better preserved than with simple energy supplies."

The Titans' eyes lit up. This feature was invaluable since many weakened Sparks were stored in every inland city, and the Titans hadn't had a good way to strengthen them. If what Adam said was true, it would significantly boost their population, bringing huge benefits.

Ignoring their excitement, Adam continued, "I need large quantities of neodymium, iron, and boron to create a special alloy."

Qi 31 eagerly nodded. "No problem. We have plenty of those metals."

Adam's first goal was to make neodymium magnets. While the process wasn't overly complicated, their successful creation would have a big impact. This material could replace mithril and be better suited for Adam's war body. Plus, with the right mechanisms in place, the factory using these magnets would save a lot of energy.


When you're doing what you love, time flies by.

A year had passed since the factory was built, and York City had become the most thriving place in all of Titania.

The Royal City was the political heart of Titania, and York City had become the economic engine. 

The factory's magnetized smelting products were the gear that every Titan wanted. Titans took pride in owning a new set after experiencing how advanced alloys and powerful Grafted Gear could boost their combat skills.

Meanwhile, vast resources and Battle Honors poured into the city, turning into power that was then spread outwards.

The city's size had doubled over the past year, but the streets were still packed, and there were even "traffic jams" sometimes.

Gears like basic four-element sets, turbocharged plugins, rigid flexible shields, particle weapons, electromagnetic arms, and high-power force field generators were all in high demand.

If Titan resources weren't limited, Adam's promise to double their combat strength would already have come true.

The new tech produced alloys that improved energy capacity compared to the Titans' own, and also, they could greatly enhance their physical traits. They no longer had to maintain bodies tens of meters tall and could shrink to half their battle size for daily life.

Adam had dissected many live Metal Eaters. After testing different oxidation rays and combining them with the forest elves' stealth skills, he made an advanced alloy that was highly resistant to corrosion. Titans only needed to build this alloy into their bodies to gain strong anti-corrosion properties.

Adam's weapon storage space was seen as his biggest invention.

Inspired by Garfield's spatial tech, Adam kept only the stable space structure and removed all other features.

By adding a special space metal plug to the Vital Generator, Titans got storage spaces of varying sizes. They could store their Grafted Gears and instantly deploy it in battle, letting them quickly load and switch their weapon systems.

Now, every Titan could enter the battlefield with multiple grafted gears, turning them from simple metal beings into adaptable transformers.

In this year, Adam had single-handedly helped the Titans make a big leap forward.

As a result, Adam earned great respect. All over Titania, Adam's influence was unmatched, except among the Royals.

The Titans were grateful to Adam, believing he had no personal gain and was a symbol of selfless devotion.

But that wasn't the whole story.


"Now, it seems like there are no secrets left for Adam when it comes to ordinary Titans," remarked a flame projection with a mix of emotions in Titania's mysterious space.

Forty-seven flame projections had gathered here, forming a circle around the hundreds of items displayed at the center. These objects represented all of Adam's creations from the past year. Above them, a luminous screen floated.

"It's not just 'seems,' it's certain," another Royal replied, gesturing to the screen where Adam was effortlessly disassembling a Commander's body. "I have no idea how he manages this. He doesn't even bother hiding it, yet I still can't understand."

"Svorsi, do you know?" he asked.

Lord Svorsi's projection flickered thoughtfully. "His ability appears to break down our bodies into a form we've never identified before, and then he rebuilds them. He calls this an electron. According to Adam, there are billions of these in each Titan's body, but..."

"But we don't even know what that is," another Royal cut in. "Even the Flames are under his control. In just one year, York City's Flame House is almost out of Sparks."

"He's too dangerous. If everyone from his world is this terrifying and if they wish to harm the Titans... suddenly, the Metal Eaters seem far less threatening."


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