Love The Psycho

Chapter 232: If you're going to be his mother, I will be his father

Chapter 232: If you're going to be his mother, I will be his father

Ever joined her parents in the dining table the next morning looking bright and lively. Her parents exchanged looks and turned back to her.

''What is going on with your daughter?'' Kash asked with his gaze and Julieta shook her head.

''I don't know, but she just seems different today''

''Mom, dad, that's because she is going out with elder cousin later on' Cody smirked and cocked his brows at his parents.

''Jayden, again? That brat getting back together with her?' Kash frowned looking at Julieta.

''Honey, please. Leave them alone. Let them sort it out themselves'' Julieta blinked her eyes at him.

''Dad'' Ever looked up meeting her father's gaze. ''Dad'' she called again and he came back to his senses.

''Huh? Yes, dear. What is it?''

''Dad, can you lend me some money?'' she asked.


''Ever, do you need money?'' Julieta asked.

''Yes, I need money for something later on but I didn't have time to go and get my credit card loaded after it maxed out. I'm a little short on cash'' she explained.

''Oh, you can take my card. Take any amount you want from it'' Kash removed his black card to her.

''Thanks dad, I will return it today''

''This is unfair. You asked me to earn my own keep after I maxed out my credit card. But you just gave your unlimited card to sis without asking what she is using the money for'' Cody complained.

''That's because your sister is responsible. She has never asked me for money since she started working two years ago''

''Dad, I'm a student''

Ever's phone buzzed and the table turned quiet. She took it out and saw the message from Jayden. Putting her cutlery on the table, she stood up.

''Dad, mom, I'm going out to look for a camping place with Jayden. We decided to go camping next week'' she explained.

''You as in you and Jayden?'' Julieta asked suspiciously.

''No, I mean Jade, Amber, Channing and Jayden. We are going together''

''Oh, I see. Go on then''

''Bye, dad, love you'' she kissed her parents before going out''

''Mom, dad, doesn't sis look the same as the time she was in love with elder cousin?''

''Jayden, I really need to have a word with that boy'' Kash said banging his spoon on the table.

''Kash, no. Leave them alone. They are not even together yet''

Ever got outside and saw Jayden and paused. She looked at his dressing and looked at hers. ''We are wearing the same colours. What if someone mistakes us for a couple? I should go and change''

''We are getting late'' Jayden said and pulled her into the passenger seat.

''Oh'' she looked at him as he got into the driver's seat. He turned to face her and she blushed asking, ''what is it?''

''Your safety belt is not on Ever'' he said and leaned closer to help her.

''No, stay back. I will do it myself'' she hurriedly fondled with the seatbelt for a while before finally fixing it.

''Ready?'' he chuckled and asked.

''Yes, you can go now'' he turned and looked at her before driving out of the villa.

''Did you eat something before coming out?'' he asked as he curved into the main road.

''I ate something''

''I didn't eat. I was in a hurry to come and see you, I didn't wait for breakfast. Now, I'm hungry''

''Should we stop somewhere for you to eat first?'' Ever asked as she checked the stores at the roadsides.

''I'm craving sandwich and expresso. The one you used to make and bring to me at school''

''That I used to buy the expresso at a shop by the school on the way. I only made the sandwich''

''Really? Shall we pass by that place and get some before going? I'm really hungry''


Jayden smiled and changed lanes, now driving towards their old school's direction. Ever looked at him and smiled.

A few minutes later, Jayden pulled over at a shutdown building and they turned and looked at each other.

''It seems they are out of business now'' Ever turned to look at him. ''But, the place doesn't look so good. I wonder if something happened. That woman was a nice person. Looks like we have to look for somewhere else''

''I guess so'' his stomach growled making her chuckled.

''You must really be hungry. How about we stop somewhere and get food before we go?'' Ever suggested.

''That is a good idea'' he said and drove away.

After searching for a while, they found a food truck by the roadside and pulled over.

''I haven't eaten at a place like this in a long time since we graduated high school'' Jayden said excitedly as they got down from the car.

''Me too'' they found an empty table in the open and sat down.

Because it was still in the morning, not a lot of people were there eating so the place was less crowded. The man operating the food truck walked to them with a smile. He seemed to have recognised them as he pointed at Ever asking.

''You, I remember you. You used to order for expresso from my mother all the time. That was six, seven years ago, right?''

''You remember me? Wait, were you the small boy always be the woman's side?'' Ever asked as she looked at the man for traces of the small boy. He had really grown up.

''Yes, I remember you''

''This is such a surprise. I remembered you because you were one of the few regular people coming to our shop that time''

''We came from there actually, but it was shut down. Did something happen?''

''The place caught fire a year ago''

''I'm sorry to hear that. What about your parents? How are they doing?''

''My parents passed away after the fire incident'' he explained.

''Then, what about school. Are you not supposed to be in school? Did you finish high school?''

''I am in high school, but I need to make ends meet, so I sometimes skip school to open the food truck''

''I see'' Ever felt sad for a reason.

''What would you have?''

''Do you still make the milkshake and sandwich?'' Ever asked.

''Yes, I do''

''We will have some to eat''

''Okay, I will be right back'' the boy said and went off to get their order.

''Ever, are you thinking of helping him?'' Jayden asked and she looked at him.

''How did you know that? I didn't even tell you''

''I've known you for so long; you are so consistent and predictable''

''I know it's not in my place neither is it my business but his mother was really nice to me. He is the same age with Cody and Brave and instead of being in school, he is out here working for money''

''I will handle it. We have to go and look for a camping place. I will contact him tomorrow''

''No, I am the one who wants to help him. I have the resources to do that''

''I want to do it together with you''


''Because I want to. If you are going to be his mother then, I might as well be his father''


''Here is your sandwich and milkshake breakfast'' the boy said and placed the food in front of them.

''What is your name?'' Jayden asked.


''Adrian, call me tomorrow'' he said and handed him his business card, 'make sure you call me''

''Yes, I will. Enjoy your meal'' Adrian said and went away.

''You are really acting weird today''

''I'm trying to get into your good books'' he said and started eating.


''Summer house? Jayden, seriously?'' Ever asked pointing at the house Jayden brought them. it was the only house on the roadside which had the mountains behind them.

''Yes, do you have a better option?''

''Let's go to Neo Island. Jade is going to flip when she sees this place''

''I don't care about her feelings. I only care about yours''

''We are not coming here because of me. we are coming here to have fun, what will be the use if some of us don't like it? You know Jade, she would curse us if we bring them to this place''

''Okay, let's go to Neo Island. It's decided''

''Wait. I don't understand something though. We previously agreed to go camping at Neo Island but you suddenly asked me to go camp searching with you. why?''

''Going camp searching was a lie in the first place. What I really wanted was to spend time with you and I knew if I said we were going on a date, you would have refused''

''So, in short, you deceived me?''

''I call that strategic planning'' he said, taking a step closer to her. she moved back and almost tripped and he wrapped his arm around her waist staring into her face.

''Ever, we already spent two years apart. I don't care whether you need time to get used to me again or not. From this moment, you can only belong to me. I am going to come after you with so many more shameless acts until you accept me back into your life again''

Ever's ears turned red as she blushed. She looked at him and started laughing which confused him.


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