Love The Psycho

Chapter 231: Giving the 'talk' 2

Chapter 231: Giving the 'talk' 2

Jayden sat across Kash in the hall while Ever stood next to her mother at the stairs watching them.

''Mom, do you think dad is going to do something to Jayden? I was the one who confessed to him first. I swear he didn't have such thoughts'' Ever's hands were trembling.

''Ever, is alright. he won't do anything to Jayden''


''Yes, really, so stop worrying for him. Let's wait for them to be done. You should have expected something like this before you went ahead to take such a drastic step'' Julieta pulled Ever to her room and shut the door.

Facing Jayden with a stern look, the latter didn't back down either as he faced Kash with a determined look on his face.

''How far have you gone with my daughter?''

''I don't intend to go further with Ever, uncle Kash, I know my limits and what I should do and shouldn't do''

''Does that mean my daughter doesn't appeal to you enough? You are a young man; how can you not want to go further with her?''

''We are both young and I care about Ever. We are just dating and won't cross the line''

''You think you can convince me with that sweet talk? Don't think I don't know you. all men are dogs''

''I beg to defer. I respect and care about Ever, thus, I won't do anything to hurt her. My feelings are sincere, uncle Kash''

''Will you ever get tired of my daughter? Remember, I am a doctor; your family doctor at that. if you don't give me a satisfactory answer, I don't mind making you impotent for life''

''I will never get tired of Ever, I promise''

''If you try to lure her into anything with that pretty face of yours, I will kill you. If you cheat on her, I will kill you. Under no circumstance must you be the first one to break up with her. Do you understand?''

''Yes, I do''

''Good!!! I will call them out for dinner'' Kash stood up and went towards the stairs before Jayden released a breath he didn't know he was holding. He removed his handkerchief and wiped the sweat that formed on his forehead.


After the dinner, he asked to take his leave and Ever accompanied him to his car outside.

''I'm sorry. I hope my dad didn't give you a hard time?''

''No, this was going to happen sooner or later. He is doing it for your good''

''He has no idea how good you are to me'' Ever said sheepishly and Jayden tussled her hair.

''Be a good girl. Don't ask your father anything later on, okay?''

''Oh, I won't. You must be tired. Make sure you get enough rest''

''I will. You too, don't stay up too long'' Jayden hugged her before getting into his car. She waved at him as he drove out of the villa.


Present day.

We've spent too much time outside; I will walk you back home'' Jayden said as they sat on the same bleacher they used to sit on back then.

''We've spent quite a lot of time here'' Ever stood up and wiped her sweaty palms against her blue chevron trousers.

''Are you free tomorrow?'' Jayden asked suddenly as they started walking back.


''We still haven't decided on the venue for the camping, right? We can use tomorrow to plan''

''Are you not going to the hotel tomorrow?''

''No, tomorrow is weekend and we are going on the camping next week''


''Then, I will pick you up tomorrow''

''Yes, sure''

The walk back home became a silent one as they walked side by side.


Upon arriving home, Jayden rushed into his room and went into his walk-in closet. He pulled out all his shirts from the closet. He placed them on the bed and checked them one by one. He wanted to look his best tomorrow when he goes out with Ever. Though he didn't say it out, he had his own little plan. He was going to make her fall for him once again. this time around, he was going to make sure nothing comes between them again.

''Should I wear this one? Or this one?'' he looked between the blue shirt and the black shirt. Ever likes blue, she might wear blue tomorrow''

The door opened at once and Jade walked in. She stood by the door with a sly smirk, asking ''Oh my. Looks like someone is getting his game on?''

''I told you to knock before entering my room''

''Sorry. Youshould wear the blue shirt and pair it with a black jean pants and put on this brown trench coat'' Jade picked the clothes for him.

''I thought as much'' Jayden decided on what Jade picked for him.

''Looks like you are not going to give Ever the chance to slip away. That's why you are my brother, very smart and decisive''

''What about you? Any man caught your fancy lately?'' Jayden put aside the clothes he was going to wear and started hanging the rest back to their original spots''

''There is but I'm not sure whether it is him I like or his body. He just got out of a relationship a few days ago, I don't want to be a rebound and I don't think I am rather for love. I just want to admire as many men as I can while I am still young and beautiful''

''You have a lot of baggage. Just don't get hurt playing superwoman with no feelings''

''Don't worry, I won't get hurt. Jay, I was looking at Mom's pictures when she young. I realised that she was very beautiful''

''Your point exactly?''

''I look exactly like her. Oh, I am so beautiful. I love myself too much''


Jade's phone buzzed and she looked at it saying, ''there goes my latest catch. Good luck with your date tomorrow. I hope you win Ever back'' she said and went out answering her phone.

''Hello, Alex. Miss me?'' she asked as she entered her room.

''Jade, can you come over to the laboratory tomorrow? I have something to show you''

''Really? Okay, I will see if I can make time for you tomorrow''

''Are you going to be busy tomorrow?''

''Oh, I finished filing the legal documents for my company. I will be going to receive them from the bureau office for them tomorrow and I have a meeting with a couple who wants me to design their wedding home''

''Oh, then you really have a lot of things to do tomorrow, we should make it another time then'' Alex said nervously over the phone.

''What are you doing by the way? It's late''

''I just moved into my new place and it feels empty''

Jade smiled after hearing that. she sat on her bed and asked, ''do you want me to design your new home for you?''


''I will give you 1% discount'' she said and heard his chuckle over the phone. ''Why are you laughing?''

''You haven't even checked the place and you want to give me a 1% discount?''

''I will call you tomorrow after I finish with my work. Let's check the place together''

''That will be great''

''I have something to do, let's talk tomorrow''

''Oh bye''

''Bye'' Jade hung up and went into her bathroom humming a melody.


''Big sis, are you sleeping?'' Cody opened the door slightly and peeped inside.

''What do you want? I'm a little tired Cody''

''Sis, can I borrow your phone. I need to call my girlfriend and wish her good night''

''Cody, it's 1:00AM. Won't she be sleeping by now? Also, what happened to your phone?''

''I ran out of airtime and dad has refused to give me money. He said I should start earning my own money''

''That's because you misuse the money. You buy a lot of unnecessary things. He is right by telling you to earn your own keep''

''Sis, I've been your biggest supporter, can't you even give me some money?''

''Take my purse and remove the amount you need but I will look for a job for you''

''Sis, I will take care of that myself. By the way, what will happen to you and elder cousin now? The biggest obstacle has been removed. Will you get back together with him?''

''Cody, mind your own business and get out''

''Okay'' he took the purse hurriedly and removed all the money inside.

''Hey, did you just take everything from my purse?''

''Sis, you don't use money for anything anyways. Thanks, love you''

''Hey'' Ever looked at the shut door and sighed. She shook her head and turned back towards the bathroom and paused in her steps. ''Wait, I have a date with Jayden tomorrow. What am I going to wear?'' She opened her closet, ''should I wear a straight dress? No, we are going to search for a camping place, I should wear something more comfortable'' her eyes landed on her blue top and short pants and smiled. ''It's you''


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