Love The Psycho

Chapter 204: Least expected enemy 6

Chapter 204: Least expected enemy 6

''Did you sign me up for the contest?''

''No, Miss, I didn't do such a thing''

Emma answered honestly and Benita laughed. She walked over to the main kitchen where the other chefs were present and spoke.

''Everyone here, you were all present when our Miss Perfect here said she wouldn't take part in the contest right?''

''What is this about, Benita?'' Mr. Hugh asked having had enough of Benita's complains.

''Chief, I just received a message which said I was competing against Ever. I want you to ask her for me. Wasn't she the one who said she wasn't interested in competing with anyone? Why did she suddenly sign up for it then? Does she love the chief pastry chef position that much?''

''It wasn't me. I didn't sign up for it, Mr Hugh'' Ever said angrily.

''Don't lie to me or everyone here. If you didn't sign up for it, then how did your name suddenly pop up? Don't tell me someone wants to mess with you by secretly signing you up for this without your knowledge? Even if that is so, how did the person get your personal seal?''

''Benita, calm down and let Ever explain the situation clearly for us. Ever isn't the kind of person who says one thing and does another'' Mr. Hugh said and looked at Ever. He trusted Ever and she wasn't one to do such a low thing.

''Really? Chief, it is because she has your support that she has the guts to act like this. Do you know why I hate you so much, Ever? You pretend to always be the good guy and make everyone else the bad guy. You act innocent and harmless, you always keep things to yourself and act like a victim. The last time, you spoke so boldly in front of the new CEO and acted all perfect. You even twisted my hand because I said you were a liar but was everything I said wrong? Look at you still denying when the facts are so clear. Ever, I always knew you were audacious but now, seriously, you are so obnoxious''

''Enough Benita'' Mr. Hugh said impatiently. Ignatius looked on as he stood at a distance. He was the one who took Ever's seal without her knowledge when he asked her for a pencil in the morning. He had used it to fill the form on her behalf but he could never tell the truth and risked been fired. He was now under the control of the secretary.

''I am obnoxious? Right, I am, what about you? Since the first day I got here, you were the first person to spread rumours about me. Did you think I wasn't aware that you were the one who told everybody I came here through the backdoor? I know everything each and every one of you have said about me, but I just held it in and pretended as if nothing was going on. What right do you have to spread rumours and judge me when you don't even know me well? I didn't say anything because I believed that my skills will prove me in the end but no. It's been two years now since I started working here, apart from Mr. Hugh, which one of you haven't said one or two things about me? Even the F and B staff talk about me, no thanks to what you said. I have always tried to live my life unnoticed by anyone but each time I try to stay out of the limelight, you were the ones who brought me back on it with your ridiculous lies and pretence. If I said I didn't sign up for it, then it means I did not really do it but since you are so threatened by me that much, I will do it. Let's compete fairly and if you win, I will acknowledge you''

''If I win you will leave this place and if I win I will leave this place'' Benita said shocking everyone.

''Hey, Benita what your mouth'' Mr. Hugh said.

''I have had enough of been under her. I am older than her, why should I be under her? Let this contest decide who stays and who leaves'' Benita said decisively.

''Is that what you all want?'' Ann asked walking into the kitchen. She threw a meaningful glance at Benita before looking at Ever.

''Miss Ann, you must give me justice. You were here when Ever said she wasn't going to participate in the contest. But, now, she went behind everyone's back and submitted her participation form. Isn't this too hypocritical?'' Benita said.

''Miss Ever, I was surprised when I received your form'' Ann said looking at Ever.

''You received my form? Who brought it to you?'' Ever asked.

''Your assistant did. She brought it along with the log book this morning. Am I right?'' Ann looked at Emma who was stunned.


''Emma, tell me the truth'' Ever said to Emma.

''Miss Ever, I didn't fill any form on your behalf. I only sent the log book for morning checks. I didn't even know there was a form in it'' Emma said almost on the verge of tears, ''you have to believe me, Miss Ever. I will never do such a thing''

''Emma, is alright. I believe you'' Ever held Emma's hand assuring her.

''Then, how did the form get to my office? Do we have ghost in this kitchen?'' Ann asked rhetorically.

''Since, it has come to this, I will do it. It is just a contest''

''Today, we got a special request from District C Community Nursery school to host their special kids' seminar in our hotel next week. The CEO has decided that the kids will be the judges of the contest. You know the saying 'kids give the most honest answers', right? So, the contest will aim at satisfying the kids and let them decide the winners''

''Miss Ann, kids have the most insatiable taste. Making a perfect dish that will make a kid happy is a difficult thing since their love for food changes just as their moods'' Mr. Hugh said worriedly.

''Mr. Hugh, you have worked in this hotel the longest, right?''

''Yes, Miss Ann''

''Then, this shouldn't be a problem since you have catered for kids and know the unique taste buds they have. You all have prepared one or two dishes for kids before, this shouldn't be hard, right?''

''I accept the challenge but my initial request still stands. The winner gets to stay and the loser gets to leave. Are you up for it, Ever?'' Benita asked and looked at Ever with a smirk.

''Yes, I am up for it'' Ever replied confidently even though her hands were clasped together behind her.

''Then, it's decided. Everyone should go back to their duties. I will inform the CEO of the new challenge'' Ann said and looked at Benita before leaving.


At the CEO's office, Jayden closed the file on his table and looked at Ann asking ''what kind of challenge is that? What gave them the right to decide who gets to stay and who gets to leave?''

''This was decided after Miss Ever submitted a late application to join in the contest''

''Ever did that? That is something she wouldn't usually do'' Jayden said as he frowned. It wasn't Ever's style to say something and do another.

''Perhaps, Miss Ever felt her position threatened and decided at the last minute to fight for it. Usually, people who don't have many talents, tend to be afraid of the little they have been snatched away from them. I think Miss Ever suddenly had a change of heart because besides cooking, she doesn't have any other talents''

''Watch your words, Ann. Ever is very talented in other things. She just isn't one to show off. Even if cooking is the only thing she can do, she does it really well. I don't want you to look down on her just because you think she doesn't have much qualifications. Also, no matter if you two have fallen out, she was once your friend''

''I'm sorry, sir'' Ann said and bit her lower lip hard.

''You can go back to your office. Right, call Ever to come to my office''

''Yes, sir'' Ann looked at Jayden once before turning away. When she reached the door, her eyes flashed coldly.


''The CEO wants to see me?'' Ever asked Emma who relayed the message to her.

''Yes, Miss Ever. The secretary saw me outside and told me to inform you. Do you think he is going to scold you again? I realised the last time, he didn't like the way you spoke to him. Miss Ever, what if he ties you up and use you as a punching bag for going against him?''

Emma said exaggeratedly and Ever chuckled.

''Emma, is okay. He won't do such a thing. We are in a civilised world''

''But, Miss Ever, the way he looked at you the last time was just so scary. I still get goosebumps thinking about it. Are you sure you will be alright? Should I borrow you my pepper spray? If he tries to strangle you, you should spray it on him and run out''

''There won't be the need for that. I will be back soon'' Ever said and laughed as she went out.


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