Love The Psycho

Chapter 203: Least expected enemy 5

Chapter 203: Least expected enemy 5

''Yes, Miss'' Emma pick the bread basket and placed the bread neatly inside, covered it and went away towards the restaurant.

Ever turned back to the over and opened it, she removed the last batch of baked bread and closed the over before turning the switch off. Leaning against the table, she removed her phone from her side pocket and started playing a game on it.

Ann walked into the kitchen and saw Ever at the other side and walked over. She stood at the door watching her whose concentration was on the phone.

Ann watched Ever with an unreadable expression as her right hand culled into a ball. In terms of beauty, she wasn't lacking. She even had a slenderer body than her, yet no matter what she did, she could never get Jayden's attention while this woman always had it without having to work for it.

As if sensing the presence of someone, Ever turned and saw Ann. They looked at each other with the latter walking up to Ever.

''I saw that you were so engrossed with your phone, so I didn't want to disturb you'' Ann said as she looked at Ever.

''Is there something you need me for?'' Ever asked politely.

''Not really, Jayden worked throughout the night and hasn't had his breakfast yet. There is no one here at the moment, so I was wondering if you could spare me a piece of bread for him to eat. He doesn't eat food prepared by people he doesn't know''

''The bread has sultanas in it, Jayden is allergic to sultanas. One of the kitchen staff has arrived, you can request for a breakfast set from him. I am only in charge of pastries''

''I see, but, I think that if you prepare him the breakfast he will be glad to eat it. that could also make things less awkward between the two of you. Since we are going to be seeing each other more often, don't you think you should let go of any personal feelings and be professional?'' Ann said with a half-smile.

''If he knows I am the one who prepared the breakfast, he will never eat it, because he knows I am capable of putting worms inside it for him to eat. Whether things are awkward between him and I or not, I think that is our own business. Miss, there are two people I hate the most in this world; people who pretend and people who tell me to clean my own blood after killing me. which one are you?'' Ever said with folded arms.

''What?'' Ann's face turned ashen and the smile on her face disappeared.

''Whatever that is going on between Jayden and I is our own business, so don't butt in as if you have the right. If you are his secretary, stick to your duties. In this area, I am the boss and your authority doesn't come here'' Ever said and looked up seeing Jayden. She calmed herself down and walked towards him adding ''tell your little secretary to keep to her own business. The kitchen is not a place for just anyone''

''Is it for you then?'' Jayden asked and looked at Ever, ''yesterday, you refused to take part in the contest. Doesn't it go to mean that you are not as capable as you claim to be? My secretary represents me and her words are to be taken as my words. But, you are right about something though, I will never eat anything that you make with your hands. Because I will always be allergic to them''

''That's good. I hope you remember your words every well, because I, Everest don't make pastries for ungrateful people'' Ever said and walked away.

Ann walked over to Jayden and said worriedly, ''Jayden, I was only trying to make things work out between the two of you. I didn't know she will take my words in a different way. Now, she is angry with you''

''Is alright Ann. Next time, you don't have to do this kind of unnecessary thing again. Whatever is going on with her and I, we will sort it out ourselves. No need to go the extra mile''

Ann's face twisted even though she tried to maintain a calm look. Jayden turned and looked at Ever who was now talking with the chief chef and smirked.

''Isn't she just cute when she is mad?'' Jayden asked as he looked at Ever.


Military base.

Amber's quarters.

Jade laid in Amber's bed scanning through the photos she took of the newly recruits when they were exercising. Amber walked out of her walk in closer, dressed in a blue flowery dress and sat by Jade.

''Pervert'' Amber muttered.

''Amber, look at those muscles. Oh my gosh, I wished I could stay here forever just basking in the open balcony every day watching these goodies. Tell me, how come you are not ever attracted to not even one of them?'' Jade asked as if it was unbelievable that Amber didn't like any of the soldiers.

''Let's go and pick up Ever on the way'' Amber told Jade.

''Right, I promised to get sweet Everest a gift today'' Jade screamed and sat on the bed, ''let's go. I saw a skirt at aunt Liyah's store yesterday. Is going to fit Ever perfectly and drive my brother crazy''

''Are you still having hopes of them getting back together again?'' Amber asked.

''Yes, and I am going to make sure they do. I love Ever and she is perfect for my brother''

''Does Jayden still care about Ever?''

''Off course, he does. He even begged our dad to let him take over Saint hotel because Ever works there''

''So, my thoughts were right after all. Jade, has Ever told you why she suddenly broke up with Jayden? She hasn't spoken about it since that day she called me to say she broke up with him''

''I don't also know. Ever never told me anything.


Ever stared at the matcha cake in front of her and Emma walked in. Upon seeing the cake which looked delicious, she scurried over.

''Miss Ever, who ordered for this Matcha cake?''

''A couple, they had their ruby anniversary yesterday and their daughter wants to surprise them. They will be in the hotel in about 30 minutes from now. Put this in the desert fridge, let it cool down a bit''

''Yes, Miss Ever'' Emma took the cake over to the desert fridge and kept it there. she returned and saw Ever checking her phone. ''Are you expecting someone's call?''

''Not really'' she stuffed the phone back into her pocket and turned to Emma ''where is the list for desert requests this afternoon?''

''I memorised them already, here we go, table 003 requested for hot chocolate lasagne, table 0012 requested for lemon cream cheese bar, oreo fudge for table 0098 and lastly peanut butter balls for table 00045'' Emma mentioned the deserts without looking at the sheet and Ever became impressed with her.

''Good one there, Emma'' Ever gave her a thumps up.

''She has worked here for so long, if she can't even remember something so trivial like this, then, she isn't worthy to be here. Or maybe that's why you are still an assistant even though you and Ever started at the same time'' Benita said walking into the bakery. She snatched the paper from Ever adding ''I will handle tables 0098 and 0012''

''You'' Emma was about to pounce on her when Ever held her hand and shook her head, a sigh to not be bothered by whatever Benita said.

''Are we good, Ever? You can handle table 00045 and 003, right?'' Benita asked meaningfully. Hot chocolate lasagne and peanut butter balls where very hard to make since one had to watch the temperature of the ingredients to be used.

''Sure, do whatever you want'' Ever said and turned to go the store room. Benita's phone buzzed and she removed it and looked at the chain message from the hotel and her face twisted as she looked at Ever and let out a sarcastic chuckle. Ever ignored her and went into the storeroom and she followed suit.

''Why don't you ever stick to your words? As someone who reveres food, shouldn't you at least be honest when dealing with food?''

''What do you mean by that?''

''You said you weren't going to take part in the contest. You bragged about how you weren't interested in such things in front of everyone, but you turned back and signed up for it?''

''What are you talking about? Why would I say I wouldn't do it and then go and sigh up for it?'' Ever asked impatiently.

''What is this?'' Benita showed the message to Ever and she frowned upon seeing its contents. She took out her own phone and saw the same message.

''There must be a mistake somewhere. I didn't sign up for this. Emma, come over here'' Ever called out and went outside.

''Yes, Miss Ever'' Emma who was at the main kitchen ran over hurriedly.

''Did you sign me up for the contest?''


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