Love The Psycho

Chapter 199: Least expected enemy 1

Chapter 199: Least expected enemy 1

It was still the early hours of the morning and Ever was having breakfast with her family before she left for work. Her phone which was in her bag went off, buzzing and she removed it.

''Who is calling you so early in the morning?'' Julieta asked.

''Is the chief chef, I will answer it. It must be important'' Ever said and answered the call 'hello, Mr. Hugh, what? When did this happen? Alright, I will be there immediately'' Ever hung up and her parents and brother looked at her.

"'Something happened at the work place, I have to take a rain check on breakfast'' Ever said, standing up to take her bag.

''What happened?'' Kash asked worriedly.

''He didn't give me the details. He just said that something is wrong with the cheeseburger cake I made for our hotel guest and he has been sent to the hospital. Dad, mom, I have to go''

''Oh, take care and call us if anything happens'' Julieta shouted across the hall as Ever changed into her sneakers.


Ever sighed helplessly as she looked at the traffic ahead of her. she kept honing at the car in front of her but because the road was crowded, she was met with a dead end.

''What to do? I'm really running late. I can't believe I ran into this situation today of all days that I decided to take a car to work'' Ever cussed through gritted teeth. She always took the subway or the bus that passed by her house straight to the hotel but because of the emergency she decided to go with her car.

Looking at the long crowd of cars, a thought came to her mind. She looked behind her and saw a parking space just closer to where she was. With a carefully calculated turn, she curved into the empty passengers' way and drive to the parking space. After locking the car, she hanged her bag and started walking fast. She was glad she wore sneakers today.

In one of the cars, a young man looked out from the window just at the same time that Ever passed by and recognised her.

''Everest France?'' he muttered and smiled. What a surprise to see her again. He was her classmate back at high school and has been looking for a way to get in touch with her to no avail. He suddenly got down from the car ignoring the screams of his driver at the front seat.


Saint Hotel.

Kitchen/ bakery.

Jayden, Ann and the kitchen staff looked at the cake that was placed on the table. It reeked of the smell of burnt peanuts crust.

''Who sent the cake to the guest last night?'' Jayden asked.

''Sir, I was the one who sent it but, I swear it wasn't like this when I sent it. Miss Ever was aware of the guest allergy to peanuts so she didn't add it. this is cheeseburger cake, I still don't know how peanut got into it'' Emma said, almost on the verge of tears.

''You and Ever were the only ones left in the kitchen when everyone left and you are the one who delivered the cake to the guest. So, it is either you or Ever did it'' Benita who stood at the side spoke.

:'Boss, Miss Ever has worked with us for the past two years. She will never do such a thing especially to an important guest'' the chief chef spoke in favour of Ever.

''Where is Miss France?'' Jayden asked impatiently.

''I called her. She is on her way now'' the chief chef replied.

''How is the guest doing at the hospital?'' Jayden turned and asked Ann.

''I just received a call from the hospital. The guest has regained consciousness and is resting at the moment'' Ann answered.

''Prepare some gifts to be sent to him. We will go and meet the guest later today after Miss France gives us an explanation'' Jayden said and walked away.

The chief chef walked to a corner and removed his phone to call Ever again.

"Miss Ever, where are you?'' the chief chef asked anxiously after the call connected.


''Chief, can you send me the ward number of the guest and the hospital? I will go there from here. I don't think I will be able to reach the hotel early because of the traffic today'' Ever said as she stood at the roadside.

''Yes, thank you'' Ever hung up and a message popped up on the phone. It was the details of the guest. Ever turned and saw a man by her side.

''Everest France, right?'' the young man asked and clapped his hands ''I knew you were the one at first glance''

''Who are you?'' Ever asked and stepped back. She eyed the man top to bottom.

''You don't remember me? I am Peter. Peter Brown. I was in your class and sat two desks behind you'' the man named Peter said and Ever seemed to have recognised him.

''Oh, yes, Peter Brown. I remember you'' Ever said indifferently.

''Are you in a hurry to go somewhere?'' 

''Yes, I have to go to the hospital but the traffic is mad today'' Ever said helplessly.

''Do you need my help?'' Peter asked as he looked at a motorbike parked at a distance.

''Your help? How are you going to help me?'' Ever asked and looked at him.

''Excuse me, come with me'' Peter said and held her hand, going towards the motorbike. They reached and he removed a few bills and his card and gave to the rider of the bike.

''What are you doing?'' Ever asked him.

''You can look for me at this place, I will return your bike to you and also compensate you'' Peter said to the rider who was bewildered and turned to Ever ''get on, I will take you to the hospital''

''Huh? But this, I'm wearing a skirt'' Ever said and looked at her black pencil skirt.

''Excuse me, can I?'' Peter said and bent down. he touched the skirt and tore it up to her thigh before he removed his blazer and wrapped it around Ever's waist.


''I will buy you a new skirt, let's go'' Peter said and got on the bike. Ever sighed and hesitated for a while before climbing on the bike.

''I need to get some fruits and flowers before'' Ever said to him.

''Alright, hold on tight, Everest France'' Peter said and started the bike.

Meanwhile, his driver got out of the car and called for him as he took off with the bike.


Kash Family Hospital.

Peter leaned against the motorbike waiting for Ever who had run into the hospital. He saw a black Ferrari pull over and a man and a woman got down from the car. he recognised the man.

"'Jayden Saint? Wasn't he out of the country? What is he doing here?''


Inside one of the private wards, Ever placed the flowers and fruits on the table and bowed before the guest apologising.

''I'm sorry. I'm really sorry about what happened''

''I remember my secretary told you I was allergic to peanuts. The chocolate biscuits you made were so sweet. You have always prepared my snacks and deserts for me every time I come to the hotel for a business meeting. How did this sort of thing happen this time around?'' the middle aged man asked as he looked at Ever's dishevelled look.

''I have no excuses to make, sir. I'm really sorry'' Ever kept apologising.

''Did you come here without even caring about your looks?'' the man asked and Ever looked at herself.

''There was an accident on the way and because I was in a hurry to see you, I had to use all means possible'' Ever explained. Because of the wind, her well combed hair was messy and her hands were cold.

''Is alright, you are still a woman no matter what. you should care about your image. I didn't die. I also know that you are not the sort of person to intentionally poison my food. You should go and take care of yourself in the washroom first. As for your apology, I accept it'' the man said to Ever.

''Thank you, thank you so much'' Ever said gratefully.

''Go on'' the man encouraged her and she nodded before entering the washroom in the ward. It wasn't long before the door opened and Jayden walked in with Ann.

''Mr. Denis, I am Jayden Saint, the manager of Saint hotel''

''Mr. Saint, I am doing well. You didn't have to come'' Mr. Denis said politely.

''We brought you some fruits, Mr. Denis'' Ann said.

''Someone already brought me my favourite fruits but is not bad to add this. Take them'' he said to his secretary who was standing by his side all that time.

''Someone already came here from the hotel?'' Jayden asked surprised.

''Yes, Miss Ever came here. She is a really good woman. She called me first to find out how I was doing and came here again''


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